
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 13Th June 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 13th June 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The rot inward farming: on farmers agitation together with sustainable pricing for their produce"
  • Rot - decay (to larn damaged past times a gradual natural process)
  • Agitation - a feeling of existence worried or upset
  • Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long fourth dimension at the same level
  • Domino lawsuit - a province of affairs inward which 1 lawsuit causes a whole serial of other events to move on 1 afterwards the other
  • Write-off - a menstruum of fourth dimension when you lot neglect to plough over anything
  • Marginal - really small
  • Agitating - to sweat to campaign social or political changes past times disceptation or protesting, or through other political activity
  • Waiver - an official declaration or document that says a right, claim, or constabulary tin move officially ignored or given up
  • Protracted - continuing for a long time, peculiarly longer than is normal or necessary
  • Protest - a rigid electrical load or disagreement
  • Blanket - roofing all cases or instances; total together with inclusive.
  • Unveiled - to denote something officially that was previously a secret
  • Defaulter - someone who does non pay involvement or other money that they owe
  • Intervention - a province of affairs inward which someone becomes involved inward a detail issue, work etc inward companionship to influence what happens
  • Categorically - inward a really clear together with definite way
  • Largesse - generous acts of giving presents or money to a large number of people
  • Inflationary - relating to or probable to campaign an growth inward prices
  • Slippage - a province of affairs inward which something is delayed or non achieved when it should be
  • Short-sighted - dealing alongside things that are happening right away but failing to consider what volition move on inward the future
  • Angst - a rigid feeling of worry almost what you lot should do, how you lot should behave, or what volition move on inward the future
  • Keep upwards alongside something - to maintain to move informed almost something
  • Address - to consider / bargain alongside a problem
  • Holistically - completely (instead of treating inward parts)
  • Deflation - the full general reduction of prices together with the degree of economical activity inward an economy
  • Fire sale - an occasion when goods are sold at depression prices because a store or manufactory has been damaged past times fire
  • Demonetisation - to officially halt using detail notes or coins, or a detail currency
  • Moderating - becoming less
  • Tepid - non really excited or enthusiastic
  • Distress - a feeling that you lot convey when you lot are really unhappy, worried, or upset
  • Aggravate - to brand a bad province of affairs worse
  • Cattle - cows together with bulls kept past times farmers for their milk or meat
  • Viability - might to operate successfully
  • Livestock - animals such every bit cows, sheep, together with pigs that are kept on farms
  • Awash - containing a lot or besides much of something
  • Household - the people who alive inward a menage or apartment when they are considered every bit a unmarried unit
  • Successive - coming or happening 1 afterwards to a greater extent than or less other inward a series
  • Consultation - word betwixt people or groups earlier they brand a decision
  • Prudent - careful together with avoiding risks
  • Flip-flop - alter inward a conception completely
  • For instance - for example
  • Farm-to-fork - used to refer to the diverse processes inward the nutrient chain from farm production to consumption
  • Reputation - the thought that people convey almost how practiced or how bad someone or something is
  • Unprecedented - never having happened or existed before
  • Reiteration - the activeness of repeating something, typically for emphasis or clarity.
  • Concede - to halt trying to win a war, competition, or declaration because you lot realize that you lot cannot win it
  • Creaky - no longer working good or inward practiced condition
  • Aura - a character that seems to surroundings or come upwards from a person, place, or situation
  • Significant - really important
  • Thrashing - an slow victory inward a game or competition
  • Vividly - really clearly
  • Tactical - a tactical activeness is 1 that you lot do every bit business office of a conception for achieving what you lot want
  • Nous - news combined alongside the might to move practical
  • Fortnight - a menstruum of 2 weeks
  • Glimpse - an experience that gives you lot an thought of what something is like
  • Devastating - causing a lot of harm or damage
  • Triumph - a cracking victory or success
  • Maiden - existence the root of its type
  • Unseeded - an unseeded lawn tennis instrumentalist is non expected to win a contest together with has non been given a seat on the official listing of best players
  • Panache - an impressive means of doing something that shows cracking science together with confidence
  • Nerveless - someone who is nerveless does non larn afraid or upset inward hard situations
  • Poise - a controlled together with relaxed means of behaving, fifty-fifty inward hard situations
  • Dividend - profit
  • Persisting - to maintain to exist
  • Admittedly - used for proverb that you lot acknowledge something is true, peculiarly when this makes your principal thought weaker
  • Shorn - to take a business office of something past times cutting or breaking it,
  • Regardless - without existence affected or influenced past times someone or something
  • Notch - a petty higher inward character than someone or something
  • Testament - proof

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