
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - Twelfth April 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated twelfth Apr 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Kulbushan Jadhav cash inwards one's chips sentence: Risky, ill-considered"

  • Death judgement - a legal penalty of a criminal offence past times death
  • Threaten - to tell someone that you lot volition kill or wound them or drive problems if they hit non hit what you lot want
  • Escalate - to brand something much worse or to a greater extent than serious
  • Bilateral - involving 2 groups or countries
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a item job, title, status etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Fraught alongside - total of unpleasant things such every bit problems or dangers
  • Can sick afford - used for proverb that someone should definitely non hit something because it volition drive problems
  • Trial - the procedure of examining a illustration inwards a courtroom of police together with deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
  • Glaring - used to say that something bad is really obvious
  • Confession - the human activeness of admitting that you lot lead keep done something incorrect or illegal
  • Spliced - to bring together 2 pieces of rope, film, etc. together at their ends inwards companionship to shape 1 long piece
  • Transcript - an exact written re-create of something
  • Contradict - to say that the contrary of what someone has said is true
  • Admissible - allowed or able to last used
  • Corroborative - to add together proof to a statement, idea, etc. alongside novel information
  • Back upwards - to support
  • Claim -  say that something is true, fifty-fifty though at that spot is no definite proof
  • Allegedly - if someone allegedly does something, around other individual says that they lead keep done it, fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Plotting - to brand a cloak-and-dagger conception alongside other people to hit something bad
  • Consular - a authorities official sent to alive inwards around other province together with hold back after their ain country’s citizens together with delineate of piece of work concern interests there
  • Criticise - to say what you lot recall is incorrect or bad almost something
  • Retrial - a instant trial inwards a courtroom of police that takes house because the outset trial was considered non to last fair or ended without a verdict
  • Preferably - used for proverb what someone would similar or prefer
  • Recourse - the operate of something together with then that you lot tin larn what you lot desire or postulate inwards a hard situation
  • Step upwards - to lead keep activeness when at that spot is a postulate or chance for it
  • Keep something on the dorsum burner - to create upwards one's take away heed non to bargain alongside something until later
  • Confining - limiting
  • Fruitless - producing no skillful results, particularly despite a lot of work
  • Pursue - to endeavour to attain something
  • Context - the full general province of affairs inwards which something happens
  • Dispel - to larn rid of unpleasant feelings or faux beliefs
  • Moreover - too together with to a greater extent than importantly
  • Consequence -  a lawsuit of a item activeness or situation, oft 1 that is bad or non convenient
  • Breakdown - a failure to piece of work or last successful
  • Dialogue - formal talks betwixt opposing countries, political groups, etc
  • Sort out - to hit what is necessary to bargain alongside a problem, disagreement, or hard province of affairs successfully
  • Sober - alongside a serious attitude
  • Hangs inwards the residuum -  you lot hit non know whether it volition succeed or fail
  • Proactive - taking activeness past times causing alter together with non alone reacting to alter when it happens
  • Flawed - non perfect, or containing mistakes
  • Interlocutor - someone who is involved inwards a conversation
  • Backchannel - to communicate or lead keep component inwards discussions inwards a agency that is non straight or made public
  • Diplomacy - the management of relationships betwixt countries

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Bypolls inwards Kashmir: H5N1 prolonged protest"

  • Bypoll - an election held inwards a unmarried political constituency to create total a vacancy arising during a government's term of office
  • Prolonged - continuing for a long time
  • Protest - a potent electrical load or disagreement
  • Indifference - lack of involvement or sympathy
  • Violent - involving the operate of physical force, alongside the deliberate intention of causing harm to belongings or injury or cash inwards one's chips to people
  • Marring - to spoil something
  • Constituency - a partitioning of a province that elects a representative to a parliament
  • Resulting inwards something - to drive something, or to create something
  • Turnout - the pose out of people who are introduce at an event, particularly the pose out who travel to vote at an election
  • Put something off - to create upwards one's take away heed or adjust to delay an lawsuit or activity until a later on fourth dimension or date
  • Perforce - inwards a agency that is necessary or that cannot last avoided
  • Conducive - creating a province of affairs that helps something to happen
  • Certainly - used for emphasizing that something is definitely truthful or volition definitely happen
  • Subsequent - happening or coming after something else
  • Provocation - something that causes you lot to react inwards an angry or trigger-happy way, oft something that is intended to drive such a reaction
  • Injure - wound inwards an accident or attack
  • Disrupt - to interrupt something together with forestall it from continuing past times creating a problem
  • Heeded - to pay attending to something, particularly advice or a warning
  • Boycott - to non lead keep component inwards an event, or to non purchase or operate something every bit a protest
  • Farcical - something that is farcical is together with then badly organized, unsuccessful, or unfair that it seems silly
  • Legitimacy - the fact that something is fair together with reasonable / legal
  • Unfold - if a province of affairs or storey unfolds, it develops or becomes clear to other people
  • Set off - to drive something to operate, particularly past times accident
  • Stone-pelting - to throw stones alongside forcefulness at someone or something
  • Pellet - a pocket-size circular slice of a substance
  • Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation
  • Ideally - inwards the best possible way
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