
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 15Th April 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 15th Apr 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Assembly bypolls: Blunt pointers"

  • Bypoll - an election held inward a unmarried political constituency to create total a vacancy arising during a government's term of office
  • Blunt - proverb what y'all recall without trying to locomote polite or considering other people's feelings
  • Pointer - something that shows y'all an existing situation
  • Popular - used nigh something that many people desire or similar to have
  • Firm - strong
  • Trend-setter - someone or something that starts a novel fashion / trend
  • Constituency - i of the official areas of a dry ground that elects someone to stand upward for it inward a parliament or legislature
  • Inevitably - sure enough to hap in addition to unable to locomote avoided or prevented
  • Interpret - to sympathize an action, province of affairs etc inward a detail way
  • Sitting pretty - inward a skilful situation
  • Sweeping - a sweeping win or victory is an slowly or consummate win
  • Victory - an occasion when y'all win a game, competition, election, war, etc. or the fact that y'all receive got won
  • Larger-than-life - if someone is larger than life, that individual attracts a lot of attending because they are to a greater extent than exciting or interesting than most people
  • Pit someone / something against someone / something - to brand someone compete or struggle against someone or something else
  • Campaign - a planned grouping of particularly political, business, or state of war machine activities that are intended to laissez passer on a detail aim
  • Shocker - something that is probable to offend, particularly something novel or late announced
  • Clout - ability in addition to influence over other people or events
  • Losing out - to non receive got an payoff that other people have
  • Gratifying - pleasing in addition to satisfying
  • Ahead - having to a greater extent than points, votes, etc. than someone else inward a competition, election, etc
  • Consecutive - next i after some other inward monastic enjoin in addition to amongst nix else inward between
  • At the overstep of the heap - inward the highest seat inward a monastic enjoin or organization
  • Draw comfort - if y'all push clitoris comfort from something skilful inward a bad situation, it makes y'all experience less distressing or worried
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a detail job, title, condition etc inward the past, but non now
  • Breathing infinite - a menstruation of residue inward monastic enjoin to increment push clitoris or give y'all to a greater extent than fourth dimension to recall nigh what to do next
  • Retaining - to maintain or maintain to receive got something
  • Written off - to create upward one's require heed that a detail individual or affair volition non locomote useful, important, or successful
  • Indeed - used to add together some extra data that develops or supports something y'all receive got merely said

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : " Tensions inward Korean peninsula: Cool minds"

  • Peninsula - a long slice of dry ground that is generally surrounded past times water, but is joined at i halt to a larger surface area of land
  • Escalate - to conk to a greater extent than serious
  • Extreme - rattling large inward amount or score / great
  • Wind downwards - to end, or to complete something gradually
  • Confrontation - a struggle or argument
  • Heightened - increased
  • Rhetoric - phonation communication or writing intended to locomote effective in addition to influence people
  • Naval - belonging to a country's navy, or relating to state of war machine ships
  • Merely - just; only
  • Cautionary - alarm someone that they should locomote careful
  • Armada - a large grouping of state of war ships
  • Ominously - making y'all recall that something bad volition happen
  • Threaten - to tell someone that y'all volition kill or wound them or displace problems if they do non do what y'all want
  • Retaliation - the deed of doing something harmful or unpleasant to someone because they receive got done something harmful or unpleasant to you
  • So-called - used to present that y'all recall a give-and-take that is used to depict someone or something is non suitable or non correct
  • Altitude - pinnacle inward a higher house bounding main level
  • Entangling - to involve someone inward a hard or complicated province of affairs that is hard to escape from
  • Emphasised - to present that something is rattling of import or worth giving attending to
  • Apprehensive - feeling worried nigh something that y'all are going to do or that is going to happen
  • Inevitably - used for proverb that something is sure enough to happen
  • Snooping - to expression approximately a house secretly, inward monastic enjoin to discovery things or notice out data nigh someone or something
  • Boycott - to reject to purchase a production or receive got constituent inward an activity every bit a means of expressing rigid disapproval
  • Unilateral - done or decided past times i country, group, or person, oftentimes without considering what other countries etc recall or want
  • Echo - to limited the ideas or feelings that someone else has expressed
  • Leverage - ability to influence people in addition to teach the results y'all want
  • Conflict - an active disagreement betwixt people amongst opposing opinions or principles
  • Consternation - a feeling of worry, shock, or confusion
  • Legitimacy - the fact that something is fair in addition to reasonable
  • Populist - representing or relating to the ideas in addition to opinions of ordinary people
  • Isolationism - the political regulation or do of showing involvement exclusively inward your ain dry ground in addition to non beingness involved inward international activities
  • Conventional - traditional in addition to ordinary
  • For lawsuit - for example
  • Eschew - to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up
  • Rhetoric - phonation communication or writing intended to locomote effective in addition to influence people
  • Manipulator - a individual who controls people to their ain advantage, oftentimes unfairly or dishonestly
  • Emerging - starting to exist
  • Nuanced - a rattling slight deviation inward appearance, meaning, sound, etc
  • Volatile - probable to alter all of a abrupt in addition to unexpectedly or all of a abrupt conk trigger-happy or angry
  • Spectacular - particularly great
  • Roll-back - an occasion when the influence of detail laws, rules, etc. is reduced
  • Sustained - continuing for a long time
  • Weigh inward - to locomote officially weighed earlier competing inward a sport, particularly boxing or Equus caballus racing
  • Aggressively - behaving inward an angry in addition to trigger-happy means
  • Staring downwards - a confrontation betwixt 2 parties inward which neither side is prepared to dorsum down
  • Adversaries - enemies
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