
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 13Th April 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 13th Apr 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill: In a safer lane"

  • Amendment - a alter to a police clitoris that is non yet inwards functioning in addition to is however beingness discussed
  • Come into strength - (of laws, rules, or systems) existing in addition to beingness used
  • Significant - of import or noticeable
  • Reform - to brand an improvement
  • Guidelines - official instructions or advice virtually how to do something
  • Notably - especially: used for introducing a practiced illustration of something
  • Framework - a scheme of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to excogitation or create upward one's take away heed something
  • Injured - wound or physically harmed
  • Compensate - to pay someone coin inwards central for something that has been lost or damaged or for to a greater extent than or less problem
  • Hit-and-run - a hit-and-run accident is i inwards which a driver does non halt later their vehicle has hitting a mortal or to a greater extent than or less other car
  • Prescribing - to say someone what they must receive got or do, or to brand a dominion of something
  • Monitoring - to regularly banking concern agree something or lookout adult man someone inwards club to uncovering out what is happening
  • Urban - relating to towns in addition to cities, or happening there
  • Enforcement - the procedure of making certain that something happens, peculiarly that people obey a police clitoris or rule
  • Modernising - if something modernizes, or if you lot modernize it, it becomes less old-fashioned every bit a outcome of novel methods, equipment, or ideas
  • Dire - really serious or extreme
  • Transparent - opened upward in addition to honest, without secrets
  • Bureaucracy - a scheme for controlling or managing a country, company, or organisation that is operated yesteryear a large number of officials employed to follow rules carefully
  • Unresponsive - non reacting inwards a quick or positive agency to something
  • Bottleneck - a work that delays progress
  • Stifled - to foreclose something from happening, beingness expressed, or continuing
  • Regulatory - controlling
  • Amend - to alter the words of a text, peculiarly a police clitoris or a legal document
  • Concurrent - happening or existing at the same time
  • Jurisdiction - the potency of a courtroom or official organisation to brand decisions in addition to judgments
  • Comprehensive - including many details or aspects of something
  • On the dorsum burner - if something is on the dorsum burner, it is temporarily non beingness dealt with or considered, peculiarly because it is non urgent or important
  • Counter-intuitive - something that is counter-intuitive does non laissez passer on off inwards the agency you lot would human face it to
  • Imposing - to innovate something such every bit a novel police clitoris or novel system, in addition to strength people to receive got it
  • Deterrent - something that makes people create upward one's take away heed non to do something yesteryear making them realize that something unpleasant could laissez passer on off to them
  • Severity - seriousness
  • Swiftness - the lineament of moving at high speed
  • Perception - a belief or opinion, oft held yesteryear many people in addition to based on how things seem
  • Possibility - a jeopardy that something may laissez passer on off or hold upward true
  • Violation - an activity that breaks or acts against something, peculiarly a law, agreement, principle, or something that should hold upward treated with respect
  • Enhance - to amend the quality, amount, or strength of something
  • Accountable - someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do in addition to must hold upward able to give a satisfactory argue for it
  • Ghastly - unpleasant in addition to shocking
  • Fatality - a decease caused yesteryear an accident or yesteryear violence, or someone who has died inwards either of these ways
  • Roll-out - to brand a novel product, service, or scheme available for the kickoff time
  • Prescribed - laid upward yesteryear a dominion or order
  • Amend - to alter the words of a text, peculiarly a police clitoris or a legal document
  • Merely - used for emphasizing that something is minor or unimportant
  • Harassment - behavior that annoys or upsets someone
  • Good samaritan - someone who gives aid to people who ask it
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed every bit the outcome of a offense / accident

Hindu Editorial Topic two : "Nepal amendment to Constitution: Another crisis"

  • Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Give in addition to bring - willingness to receive got suggestions from to a greater extent than or less other mortal in addition to surrender to a greater extent than or less of your own
  • Impasse - a province of affairs inwards which progress is impossible, peculiarly because the people involved cannot agree
  • Boycott - to non bring business office inwards an event, or to non purchase or utilisation something every bit a protest
  • Ever since - continuously since that time
  • Adopt - to receive got or start to utilisation something new
  • Monarchy - the scheme of having a Rex or queen
  • Redrawing - to alter something, peculiarly the borders betwixt countries or regions
  • Province - an expanse that is governed every bit business office of a province or an empire
  • Coalition - the joining together of unlike political parties or groups for a particular purpose, unremarkably for a limited time, or a regime that is formed inwards this way
  • Accommodating - to consider in addition to include something when you lot are deciding what to do
  • Extent - the bird to which something happens or is probable to happen
  • Forging - to brand or hit something, peculiarly with to a greater extent than or less difficulty
  • Consensus - a mostly accepted thought or determination with a grouping of people
  • Addressing - to give attending to or bargain with a thing or problem
  • Concern - a feeling of worry virtually something, peculiarly i that a lot of people receive got virtually an of import issue
  • Came upward with something - to advise or mean value of an thought or plan
  • Concede - to allow someone to receive got something, fifty-fifty if you lot do non desire to
  • Substantive - of import or serious, or referring to the most of import or serious issues
  • Transition - a alter from i shape or type to another
  • Constitutional - allowed yesteryear the constitution of a province or organization
  • Republic - a province without a Rex or queen, unremarkably governed yesteryear elected representatives of the people in addition to a president
  • Remit - a particular expanse of locomote that someone is responsible for
  • Conclude - to end
  • Amenable - willing to receive got or hold upward influenced yesteryear a suggestion
  • Impasse - a province of affairs inwards which progress is impossible, peculiarly because the people involved cannot agree
  • Restructuring - to organize a company, business, or scheme inwards a novel agency to larn inwards operate to a greater extent than effectively
  • Jingoism - the extreme belief that your ain province is e'er best, oft shown inwards enthusiastic back upward for a state of war against to a greater extent than or less other country
  • Incapable - unable to do something
  • Devastating - causing a lot of harm or destruction
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