
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 18Th April 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 18th Apr 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "HIV/AIDS Bill: Legally enabling"
  • Enabling - making something possible or easier
  • Solid - strong
  • Empowerment - potency or ability given to someone to create something
  • Anti-retroviral - antiretroviral drugs are used to process sure as shooting types of virus, peculiarly HIV (=the virus that causes AIDS)
  • Opportunistic - an opportunistic affliction or infection is ane that attacks people who are already sick as well as who receive got a really weak immune system
  • There's no denying - it is true
  • Understandably - equally is reasonable or expected
  • Enjoin - to strongly suggest or monastic enjoin someone to create something
  • Flaw - a fault, mistake, or weakness, peculiarly ane that happens patch something is beingness planned or made
  • Contracted - to croak infected amongst a disease
  • Discrimination - treating a soul or item grouping of people differently, peculiarly inward a worse way from the way inward which you lot process other people
  • Ombudsman - someone whose labor is to bargain amongst complaints that people brand nearly an organisation or item type of business
  • Violation -  an activity that is inward opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
  • Mandate - to give official permission for something to happen
  • Scrutinise - to examine something really carefully inward monastic enjoin to discovery information
  • On the spend upward - decreasing
  • Confined to somewhere - to be alone inward a item area
  • Sustainable evolution - the evolution of a pose down or percentage that does non exercise to a greater extent than natural resources than tin endure replaced as well as and then does non price the environment
  • Epidemic - a province of affairs inward which a affliction spreads really rapidly as well as infects many people
  • Scaling upward - to increase
  • Intervention - a province of affairs inward which someone becomes involved inward a item issue, work etc inward monastic enjoin to influence what happens
  • Draw upward - to laid upward as well as write something such equally a document or plan
  • Evidently - easily seen or understood
  • Compliance - to deed according to an order, laid of rules, or request
  • Exert - to exercise something such equally authority, power, influence, etc. inward monastic enjoin to brand something happen
  • Obligation - something that you lot must do
  • Frivolous - lacking whatever existent exercise or importance
  • Generic drug - a generic drug or other production does non receive got a trademark as well as is sold without a company’s cry on it
  • Crucial - extremely of import or necessary
  • On a line of piece of work solid pose down -  the basic weather inward which something operates or develops
  • Folly - a way of thinking or behaving that is stupid as well as careless, as well as probable to receive got bad results
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Turkey referendum: Mr. Erdogan rising"
  • Referendum - an occasion when everyone inward a pose down tin vote to brand a determination nearly ane item subject
  • Democracy - a scheme of authorities inward which people vote inward elections to select the people who volition regulation them
  • Presidential commonwealth - a pose down that is ruled yesteryear a president or other leader that people vote for, rather than yesteryear a Rex or queen
  • Constitutional - relating to the constitution of a pose down or organization
  • Reform - a modify that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a scheme function to a greater extent than effectively
  • Gave the nod - agreed
  • Sweeping - affecting many things or people; large
  • Campaign - a planned grouping of peculiarly political, business, or military machine activities that are intended to plow over a item aim
  • Irregularity - the character of non beingness regular inward shape or form, or an event of this
  • Incumbent - officially having the named position
  • Bridge the rift - to bring down the differences that dissever 2 things or groups
  • Remarkable - odd inward a way that surprises or impresses you
  • Tryst - a hugger-mugger meeting
  • Nevertheless - despite what has but been said or referred to
  • Elsewhere - at, in, from, or to but about other house or other places; anywhere or somewhere else
  • Unprecedented - never having happened or existed inward the past
  • Accrue - to increment inward number or total over a catamenia of time
  • Likely - in all likelihood going to happen, or in all likelihood true
  • Outcome - result
  • Abolition - the official goal to a law, system, exercise etc
  • Affiliation - connectedness amongst an organization, peculiarly a political or religious one
  • Presage - to endure a sign that something is going to happen, peculiarly something bad
  • Overwhelming - much larger, stronger, to a greater extent than of import etc than anything else inward a situation
  • Purge -  to withdraw people all of a abrupt or violently from an organization, grouping etc
  • Accuse - to state that someone has done something incorrect or committed a crime
  • Preacher - someone whose labor is to give religious speeches or to Pb religious ceremonies inward but about Christian churches
  • Aftermath - the effects as well as results of something bad or important
  • Coup - an occasion when a grouping of people takes command of a country, commonly yesteryear agency of military machine force
  • Exaggerate - to brand something appear larger, to a greater extent than important, better, or worse than it actually is
  • Not to cry - used for adding a comment that emphasizes the principal thought of what you lot receive got already said
  • Diplomatic - relating to the profession or science of preserving or creating friendly relationships betwixt countries
  • Spats - curt arguments
  • Harsh - unkind / unfair
  • Myriad - a really large number of something
  • Stemming from something - to endure caused yesteryear something
  • Civil state of war - a state of war fought betwixt dissimilar groups of people inside the same country
  • Enhance - to improve something, or to motion into to a greater extent than attractive or to a greater extent than valuable
  • Reconciling - to discovery a way inward which 2 situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other tin grip as well as be together
  • Pluralist - a soul who believes that the existence of dissimilar types of people, beliefs, as well as opinions inside a gild is a expert thing
  • Liberalism - a belief inward liberal (believing inward social or political modify if most people desire it) ideas as well as principles, peculiarly inward political as well as social matters
  • Populist - representing or relating to the ideas as well as opinions of ordinary people
  • Nationalism - the belief that your field is amend than other nations
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