
Healthy Living Patient-Centered Life-Cycle Value Chain: The Good Assist Link

In my previous post, I discussed the instant link inwards the Patient-Centered Life-Cycle (PCLC) Value Chain, which is sick-care. In this post, I speak over the tertiary link, which involves well-care, likewise every bit the integration of emergency-care, sick-care too well-care.

Well-Care (Prevention & Self-Management)

The tertiary link inwards the PCLC Value Chain involves well-care, which includes prevention & self-management. Three well-care delivery models are the:
  • Preventative Maintenance model, which focuses on (a) delivery of primary prevention -- such every bit physical activity, nutrition, stress relief, vaccinations, etc. -- that assist people avoid wellness problems, likewise every bit promoting peek performance, too (b) secondary prevention for at-risk persons to foreclose recurrences of wellness problems, such every bit avoiding recurrent coronary artery illness events inwards a mortal amongst a history the illness.
  • Recovery/Rehabilitation model, which focuses on adherence (compliance) to doctors’ orders to foster recovery, rehabilitation, too complication avoidance for patients having chronic or catastrophic wellness problems.
  • Compassionate Home Care model, which focuses on making people well-nigh destination of life every bit comfortable every bit possible inwards a supportive environs where they select dignity too position unit of measurement support.
Well-care is delivered past times wellness coaches/practitioners, such every bit especially trained physician assistants, nurse practitioners, abode wellness aids, personal trainers, too others:
  • Recovery/Rehabilitation too Preventative Maintenance well-care may endure delivered face-to-face, over the internet, too via shout out upward sessions. They include processes for: (a) ongoing opportunity too wellness status assessments; (b) ongoing generation of personal wellness plans identifying whatever opportunity factors people may have, likewise every bit primary too secondary prevention plans of activeness (i.e., wellness directives); (c) wellness didactics presenting concrete, understandable activeness steps too psychological counseling for dealing amongst physical problems too psychological stressors; (d) compliance motivation involving motivating too reminding people to produce the things that volition assist them amend their ain health; (e) accessing wellness coaches for wellness data too advice; (f) result studies used inwards continuous character improvement feedback loops; (g) tending coordination for patients amongst catastrophic wellness problems, too then multidisciplinary teams tin give notice piece of occupation together effectively; (h) advertisement of environmental too workplace safety; too (i) encouraging lifestyle too attitudinal changes for peek performance.
  • Delivering Compassionate Home Care well-care includes processes for helping private obtain abode tending nursing too homemaking assistance; arranging for shipping to too from Dr. appointments; too addressing the psychological, social too spiritual well-being of patients too families.

Integrating Emergency-Care, Sick-Care & Well-Care inwards the PCLC Value Chain

Instead of viewing emergency-care, sick-care too well-care every bit assort too distinct, the PCLC Value Chain solution integrating all three. This procedure involves a novel variety of coordination too collaboration between:
  • First responders focused on prophylactic passage to too from disaster sites, victim rescue too triage, too trauma centre reply
  • Medical too related sick-care practitioners focused on the diagnosis too handling of wellness problems
  • Well-care practitioners focused on prevention, recovery, too self-maintenance.
This integrated tending strategy promises to select the greatest value to patient/consumers over their life times past times helping assure adequate resources are available too the correct tending is delivered cost-effectively inwards all possible situations. It provides a sensible agency to proceed people healthier longer, recover from illness too dysfunction to a greater extent than quickly, avoid complications of chronic disease, too enable showtime responders to rescue victims effectively inwards emergencies. This shifts our electrical current healthcare arrangement from beingness overly focused on episodic acuate tending to comprehend prevention too chronic status management, likewise responding inwards emerging environments.

In subsequent posts [starting here], I speak over what’s needed to implement this integrated tending strategy successfully, including:
  • Specific clinical too fiscal processes of our electrical current healthcare arrangement that must endure transformed
  • Specific infrastructural needs, inwards damage of wellness data technology use.

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