
Healthy Living Patient-Centered Life-Cycle (Pclc) Value Chain--Process Reform: Universal Wellness Coverage As Well As Personal Responsibility

Having affordable insurance too comprehensive coverage is a cornerstone of the PCLC Value Chain. Nevertheless, i of the issues generating the greatest combat concerns universal wellness coverage (i.e., healthcare for all), along alongside the related number of "personal responsibility." The declaration tends to middle on whether the immature too the salubrious should assist pay for tending that older too sick persons need, how much they should pay, too the bird of responsibleness people receive got for staying salubrious too paying for their tending when they larn sick. In an earlier serial of posts, I made the illustration that all Americans are worthy of wellness insurance, too that personal responsibleness is a complex number nosotros must address, but for which in that location are no quick fixes.

Well, I late corresponded alongside ii individuals who receive got ideas nearly this topic, which I introduce below.

Person 1 wrote:
Just an idea, but since or then hither are then determined that Health Care for Everyone should live equal (but non as paid for) too that everyone is as "deserving" of "good" wellness tending as the side past times side person, too that EVERYONE should pay for this based (somehow) on his or her income (those alongside to a greater extent than income should pay to a greater extent than than those alongside less income but EVERYONE should larn the same care) I would propose that these folks displace to Canada or Denmark, or Switzerland, or whatsoever i of several other countries the side past times side fourth dimension they demand pump surgery.

While we, inward this country, do non receive got the PERFECT wellness tending system, nosotros silent receive got the best. Yes, or then of us receive got amend tending than others because nosotros PAY to a greater extent than for it than others. But, allow me run across now... or then of us too receive got amend housing than others because nosotros pay for it, or then of us receive got amend cars because nosotros pay for it, or then of us receive got amend educations because nosotros paid for it, too etc, too etc, too etc.....

I volition live the get-go to acknowledge that in that location are differences inward the bird of tending provided inward this country. But, I do non know of ANY somebody that has been refused handling at the emergency room because of lack of insurance or lack of money. No, they do non larn private rooms inward the infirmary nor do they ordinarily larn the services of the most highly qualified too educated doctors too nurses. But they DO larn amend tending than 95% of the remainder of the basis too that is pretty darn good.

I, similar millions of others inward this country, receive got worked real very hard for what I receive got too I receive got gone through periods inward my life when I did non receive got much of anything at all. But, I never went without basic wellness tending too I am inward pretty skillful shape for my age. I did, however, travel real hard to improve upon my circumstances too succeeded real well. Not as much as many many other people, but everything is relative. I receive got a overnice home, a overnice retirement, too good educated too good behaved children too grandchildren. We receive got our differences, of course, but nosotros receive got a travel ethic that I promise most other Americans have. We genuinely believe nosotros totally deserve what nosotros receive got because nosotros receive got EARNED it. Do I experience sympathy for those that do non receive got a private room inward the infirmary or a identify unit of measurement Dr. that they tin hand the axe run across on real curt detect but nearly whatsoever fourth dimension too all of the other things that nosotros pay for? Sure I do. But NOT plenty sympathy to desire to run across the wellness tending organisation inward this ground (warts too all) made "universal" too forced to autumn downwards to the systems of much of the remainder of the world.

I intend nosotros (ALL of us that are willing to travel for a living) receive got it pretty doggone good. And for those that are non willing to travel for it, I experience sad for you lot but non sad plenty to hand upward what I receive got then you lot tin hand the axe receive got what you lot want. Not hardly pilgrim!
I Replied

A logical declaration …but I alone wishing it were then simple. Let's start past times examining the premises upon which your illustration is built.

You wrote: America has the best healthcare inward the world.

Here's a quote from a recent article inward a leading healthcare magazine titled, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International Update on the Comparative Performance of American Health Care," which refutes your premise:

"Despite having the most costly wellness organisation inward the world, the the States consistently underperforms on most dimensions of performance, relative to other countries. This report…includes information from surveys of patients, as good as information from principal tending physicians nearly their medical practices too views of their countries' wellness systems. Compared alongside v other nations-Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom-the US wellness tending organisation ranks terminal or next-to-last on v dimensions of a high functioning wellness system: quality, access, efficiency, equity, too salubrious lives. The US is the alone ground inward the study without universal wellness insurance coverage, partly accounting for its piteous functioning on access, equity, too wellness outcomes. The inclusion of physician survey information too shows the US lagging inward adoption of information technology too role of nurses to improve tending coordination for the chronically ill." change maladaptive beliefs too emotions, too assisted inward other ways, as good as receive got the resources (money, transportation, access to specialists, etc.) to carry out their tending plans effectively.
  • We receive got to prepare amend ways to educate, motivate too enable people to accept amend tending of themselves, despite the weaknesses of human nature (this is something my fellowship is focusing on). Unfortunately, this is made to a greater extent than hard past times our culture, which makes or then people wealthy past times promoting piteous eating habits (e.g., corn fructose excesses, hormones inward animals, pesticides, etc., as good as making salubrious organic foods real expensive), laziness (couch potatoes), excessive drinking of alcohol, tobacco use, etc.
  • We receive got to alter the means nosotros pay providers, from pay for book to pay for delivery of high-value care.
  • We receive got to invest inward amend wellness information technology systems for providers too consumers.
  • So, until that happens, healthcare is NOT similar buying anything else, too thence marketplace forces lone aren't the answer.

    Providing catastrophic wellness tending insurance to all based on mightiness to pay is a reasonable affair to do too wouldn't live overly expensive, but it fails to address the problems inward a higher identify too thence volition non tedious downwards spiraling healthcare costs or piteous quality. The commercial insurance companies offering a selection of do goodness packages alongside calendar twelvemonth deductibles betwixt $500 too $10,000, along alongside cost-sharing inward which the covered private pays anywhere from 20% to 50% of the toll of a service, as good as a lifetime maximum (of $1-3 i thou m dollars). Under catastrophic wellness insurance plans, you lot tend to pay out-of-pocket for doctor's visits too prescription drugs, but major infirmary too medical expenses inward a higher identify a certainly deductible are covered. Most catastrophic wellness insurance plans embrace infirmary stays, surgery, intensive care, diagnostic, X-ray too lab tests, but non other services, similar doctor's visits, preventive care, dental, vision, motherhood care, prescription drugs, too mental wellness visits. And if you lot receive got certainly pre-existing conditions, you lot oft won't live eligible for a catastrophic wellness innovation (or receive got a long waiting period). Examples of such atmospheric condition are AIDS, diabetes, emphysema, pump disease, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, too many to a greater extent than (see my side past times side postal service inward this series, I'll hash out how the Whole-Person Integrated Care solution.

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