
Yak Reasoning - Seating Organization Do Tests Amongst Explanations 2017

Reasoning Practice Tests for Bank Exams

Directions (Q.No.1-7) : Study the next data carefully as well as respond the given questions. 

Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, southward as well as T attend seminar on dissimilar days of the week. Only 2 per-sons attend seminar on a twenty-four hr catamenia inwards the morn as well as inwards the evening. There are 2 times on a twenty-four hr catamenia inwards which seminars are organized i.e. ix a.m. -12 noon as well as 2 p.m - 5p.m. The days are starting from Mon to Friday. P attend seminar on Midweek on 2 p.m - 5p.m.. H5N1 attends seminar earlier P but non straightaway earlier as well as he does non attend seminar on 2 p.m -5p.m.. Even B's seminar is earlier P
but non straightaway earlier P. C does non attend seminar on Tuesday. Only iv persons attend seminar betwixt C as well as R. C attends seminar earlier R. Only iii persons attend seminars betwixt Q as well as C. Q attends seminar inwards the morning. There are entirely iv seminars held betwixt T as well as D. D does non attend seminar on Monday. T does non attend seminar on 2 p.m - 5p.m..There are entirely iv seminars betwixt southward as well as E. southward attends seminar inwards the evening. 
  1. Who attends seminar on the Mon morn ? 
    1. B
    2. None of these 
  2. Who attends seminar on the Tuesday even out ? 
    1. T
    2. None of these 
  3. How many seminars are held betwixt Mon even out seminar as well as Th even out seminar ?
    1. 4
    2. None of these 
  4. If Q is related to D inwards the same means every bit C is related to B. Then who of the next is T related to, next the same designing ?
    1. E
    2. None of these
  5. How many days are at that spot betwixt A's seminar as well as D's seminar ? 
    1. None of these
  6. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure enough means as well as hence cast a group. Which is the 1 that does non belong to that grouping ? 
    1. AB 
    2. QD
    3. CD
    4. TC
  7. TP Who attends seminar on the Fri even out ? 
    1. D
    2. Q
    3. None of these
Directions (Q.No. 8 - 12) : Study the next data to respond the given questions

Seven friends, viz Manjit, Navin, Parul, Hitesh, Tarun, Raghu as well as Sahil are pursuing their PhD inwards dissimilar subjects-Maths, History, Political Science, Chemistry, Economic, Accounts as well as Geography, but non necessarily inwards the same order. They report inwards iii dissimilar universities, viz P, Q as well as S. At to the lowest degree 2 friends report inwards the same university. Hitesh is studying Political Science inwards academy P. The 1 who is studying History is non from academy S. Sahil is studying Geography inwards academy Q with entirely Navin. Manjit is non studying Economics as well as is non from academy P. Raghu is studying Accounts as well as is non from academy P. Tarun is studying Chemistry but non from academy P. No 1 studies Maths or Economics inwards academy P. 

8. Which of the next represe-nts the grouping that studies inwards academy southward ? 
  1. Hitesh, Navin 
  2. Parul, Raghu, Tarun
  3. Manjit, Tarun
  4. Tarun, Raghu, Manjit
  5. None of these 
9. Parul is studying inwards which of the next universities ? 
  1. P
  2. Can't survive determined 
  3. None of these 
10. Which of the next combinations is truthful ? 
  1. Manjit - Economics -University S 
  2. Navin - History - University Q 
  3. Parul - History - University S 
  4. Tarun-Chemistry-University Q
  5. None of these 
11. Navin studies which bailiwick inwards PhD ? 
  1. History 
  2. Maths 
  3. Economics 
  4. Can't survive determined 
  5. None of these 
12. Who alongside the next is studying History inwards PhD ? 
  1. Navin
  2. Parul 
  3. Raghu
  4. Manjit 
  5. None of these
Directions (Q.No. 13-18) : Read the next data carefully as well as respond the given questions

Eight friends-Aman, Bharat, Rohit, Dinesh, Ishant, Farhan, Aditya as well as Hirender-are sitting to a greater extent than or less a circular table, facing the centre but non necessarily inwards the same order. Each of them has a dissimilar desi-gnation, viz Banker, Teacher, Com-pany MD, Politician, Corporate Lea-der, General Manager, Specialist Officer as well as CEO. Aman sits 3rd to the correct of the CEO. Only 2 people sit down betwixt the CEO as well as Hirender. The Specialist Officer as well as the Company Dr. are immediate neighbours. Neither Aman nor Hirender is either a Specialist Officer or a Company MD. The Specialist Officer is non an immediate vecino of the CEO. The Banker sits minute to the left of Ishant. Ishant is non an immediate vecino of Hirender. The Banker is an immediate vecino of both the Politician as well as the Corporate Leader. The Corporate Leader sits 3rd to the correct of Bharat. Republic of India is non a Specialist Officer. Rohit sits on the immediate correct of the Teacher. Aman is non a Teacher. Farhan is non an immediate vecino of Aman. Aditya is non an immediate vecino of the Banker. 

13. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure enough means based on the given organization as well as hence cast a group. Which is the 1 that does non belong to that grouping ?
  1. Farhan - Teacher 
  2. Aditya - General Manager 
  3. Dinesh-Banker
  4. Aman - Corporate Leader
  5. Bharat - CEO 
14. Who alongside the next sits 3rd to the left of Ishant ?
  1. Banker 
  2. Aditya 
  3. Aman 
  4. Corporate Leader 
  5. Bharat 
15. Who alongside the next is a General Manager ? 
  1. Aman 
  2. Rohit 
  3. Hirender 
  4. Aditya
  5. Dinesh 
16. What is the profession of Republic of India ?
  1. Teacher 
  2. Banker
  3. Company MD 
  4. Specialist Officer 
  5. Corporate Leader 
17. Who alongside the next is a Politician ? 
  1. Rohit
  2. Farhan
  3. Aditya 
  4. Hirender 
  5. Aman 
18. Which of the next is truthful with honor to the given seating organization ? 
  1. The Politician is an immediate vecino of the Specialist Officer. 
  2. Aditya sits minute to the correct of Dinesh.
  3. The Politician as well as the Company Dr. are immediate neighbours 
  4. The Teacher sits on the immediate left of the CEO
  5. None of these
Directions (Q.No. 19-23) : Study the data as well as respond the given questions

Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U as well as V alive on dissever floors of a 7-floor building. Ground flooring is numbered 1, offset flooring is numbered 2 as well as and then on until the transcend close flooring is numbered 7. Each 1 of these is travelling to a dissimilar city, viz Delhi, Mumbai, Patna, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru as well as Lucknow but non necessarily inwards the same order. Only iii people alive higher upwardly the flooring on which P lives. Only 1 someone lives betwixt P as well as the 1 travelling to Bengaluru. U lives straightaway below the 1 travelling to Mumbai. The 1 trave-lling to Bombay lives on an even-numbered floor. Only iii people alive betwixt the ones travelling to Bengaluru as well as Patna. T lives straightaway higher upwardly R. T is non travelling to Patna. Only 2 people alive betwixt Q as well as the 1 travelling to Kolkata. The 1 travelling to Kolkata lives below the flooring on which Q lives. The 1 travelling to Delhi does non alive straightaway higher upwardly or immed-iately below Q. southward does non alive straightaway higher upwardly or straightaway below P. V does non locomote to Chennai.
19. Which of the next is truthful with honor to V every bit per the given data ?
  1. The 1 who lives straightaway below V is travelling to Mumbai 
  2. V lives on flooring no. 7 
  3. V lives straightaway below T 
  4. V lives on the lower close floor 
  5. V is travelling to Bengaluru 
20. Who alongside the next lives on flooring no. 3 ? 
  1. The 1 travelling to Chennai 
  2. The 1 travelling to Kolkata 
  3. R
21.Who lives on the flooring straightaway higher upwardly T ? 
22. To which of the next cities is southward travelling ? 
  1. Mumbai 
  2. Bengaluru 
  3. Patna 
  4. Kolkata 
  5. Chennai 
23. How many people alive betwixt the floors on which southward as well as the 1 travelling to Bombay alive ?
  1. None 
  2. Two 
  3. One 
  4. More than three 
  5. Three 

Answers with Explanations :

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. 1
  6. 4
  7. 4
  8. 4
  9. 1
  10. 5
  11. 3
  12. 2
  13. 5
  14. 4
  15. 1
  16. 3
  17. 2
  18. 4
  19. 1
  20. 2
  21. 5
  22. 5
  23. 2

Shared yesteryear Shravan Varma Gadhiraju

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