
Healthy Living The Whole-Person Integrated-Care (Wpic) Wellness Solution: Business Office 3

In my concluding post, I explained why "Activists"--the showtime of iv types of people whose wellness is affected past times primal psychological characteristics-- tend to last healthiest, in addition to why they are the ones most probable to bring payoff of wellness programs. I discussed how they own got the sort of personality traits that enable them to deal amongst health-related issues through positive activeness in addition to rational acceptance. In this post, I hash out a minute grouping of individuals amongst dissimilar personality in addition to coping strategies: the "Wannabes."

Wannabes verbalize nearly improving their wellness & wellbeing, in addition to are willing to larn nearly good for you lot living, but they never appear to human activeness on it, or produce so half-heartedly. This is because they tend to own got thoughts such as:
  • "I may last able to produce what's required to improve my health, but I'd rather non bargain amongst it right now."
  • "I'm non sure as shooting what to do."
  • "I'm only non ready."
As a result, Wannabes tend to last aware--or are willing to last aware--of their physical in addition to mental wellness problems & risks, but they lack the self-confidence in addition to motivation they ask when it comes to doing something nearly it. Their self-doubt in addition to lack of drive may come upward from the belief that they may non brand right decisions nearly preventing or treating their problems. This uncertainty, inwards turn, may elbow grease them to avoid making decisions in addition to changing their attitudes & behaviors for fright of failure; i.e., they don't desire to last ashamed or embarrassed if they try, but fail. Or if they believe there's no acceptable way to solve their wellness problems or foreclose their wellness risks from becoming problems, they volition probable bring no action.

Wannabes, inwards other words, tend to deal amongst their doubts in addition to fears through avoidance. What they do, for example, is:
  • Try to experience amend past times doing enjoyable or interesting things, rather than focus on the problem
  • Act equally if cypher has happened or essay non to recall nearly their problems
  • Express negative emotions past times yelling or crying, taking it out on others, or avoiding sure as shooting people, rather than doing something constructive
  • Hope a miracle volition somehow brand things amend or that one's wishes or prayers would last answered, rather than gaining noesis in addition to developing a programme of action
  • Resign themselves that cypher tin last done to improve the situation, fifty-fifty though they lack adequate agreement in addition to neglect to exert adequate effort.
While approximately of these coping strategies may alleviate their emotional distress temporarily, they are maladaptive inwards the long-term since they foster procrastination, which allows their wellness risks to acquire serious problems, in addition to allows their existing wellness problems to worsen. Nevertheless, at that spot are several positive in addition to negative aspects of the Wannabe personality.

On the positive side, since Wannabes recall in addition to verbalize nearly improving their wellness & wellbeing, they volition probable desire to participate (to approximately degree) inwards wellness advertisement programs that:
  • Evaluate their wellness status, specially if they own got concerns nearly their physical wellness and/or emotional state.
  • Help them attain noesis nearly their problems or lead chances factors, including agreement the pros & cons of dissimilar handling in addition to prevention options.
On the negative side, Wannabes are probable to procrastinate when it comes to:
  • Using their noesis to brand decisions nearly dealing amongst (treating) acuate physical or mental wellness problems
  • Acting on wellness plans designed to self-manage chronic weather condition in addition to avoid complications
  • Making positive lifestyle changes to avoid lead chances factors from becoming wellness problems.
If they own got coin problems—which foreclose them from carrying out their wellness programme of aid (e.g., buying to a greater extent than good for you lot foods, a gym membership, prescribed medications, diagnostic tests, etc.)—they may purpose it equally an excuse for non making a theater conclusion or adhering to the wellness aid plan.

If they own got identify unit of measurement in addition to other demands that swallow their fourth dimension in addition to hence brand lifestyle modify difficult, they volition probable purpose it equally an excuse for non-action, equally well. And if they own got physical handicaps or cognitive impairments, they volition probable purpose these limitations equally excuses for inaction.

All this way they volition ask wellness counseling focused on modifying their self-defeating cognitive in addition to emotional blocks (including self-doubt, fright in addition to shame), likewise equally changing their avoidance-based coping strategies. The destination is to aid them acquire to a greater extent than similar the Activists. Only so volition they last willing to bring responsible activeness that improves their wellness in addition to wellbeing.
In my adjacent post, I'll examine the 3rd personality type: the "Inactives."

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