
Healthy Living Interesting Article Almost Excel

An recent article past times ZDNet--Taking on Excel, in addition to Winning, Sort Of--discusses the value of using Excel spreadsheets for a multifariousness of applications. It's ubiquity, repose of usage in addition to functionality are reasons given; here's a quote: "...like the floppy disk icon that never dies, the Excel spreadsheet lives on in addition to on...This ubiquity in addition to staying ability says volumes almost what users want...and their continued votes inward favor of a 20-plus twelvemonth onetime user sense should plough over everyone who believes that the best technology deserves to win a deserved pause. Excel industrial plant well-enough for millions of users all 24-hour interval long..."

Following is the comment I posted:

As a self-taught programmer, I’ve been edifice spreadsheet applications for nearly xxx years--from Visicalc through Lotus 123 in addition to Excel. Many of the criticisms of Excel are due to people’s ignorance of what its engine tin plough over notice do; mathematical computations are only a modest portion of its capabilities. By combining spreadsheet formulas amongst VBA macros in addition to Active-X forms, it is too quite competent at database queries; XML consumption; logic-based analysis; pin tables enabling multidimensional reports; parsing in addition to concatenating text; dynamic presentations that include non exclusively charts in addition to graphs, but too a broad multifariousness of pictures/images; in addition to on in addition to on.

In fact, I've developed numerous macro-driven Excel-based applications inward which users wouldn't fifty-fifty realize it's a spreadsheet. And amongst the advent of Excel 2007, it’s locomote real a secure technology, which is too able to serve every bit a large apartment file database (although it’s non meant to supervene upon all databases).

I’ve too developed a patented procedure in addition to usage Excel to implement it. This discontinuous/disruptive technology enables loosely coupled peer-to-peer networks of publisher-subscriber nodes to part massive amounts of information amongst extraordinary efficiency. One such Excel-based application, which I’m almost to unloosen for world review, is a unique personal wellness record. Another is a unique continuity of assist tape software system, which I’ll last offering to the opened upwards origin community. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mutual comment from people is “I can’t believe Excel tin plough over notice produce all this!”

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