
Healthy Living Knowledge, Standards, Too The Healthcare Crisis: Business Office 5

In the previous 4 posts [click hither for initiatory off inward series], I described the information in addition to technology standards commonly used to enable the telephone commutation of wellness information betwixt disparate information sources. I also discussed why such information telephone commutation is vital to the creation in addition to operate of cognition leading to increased healthcare value. In addition, I mentioned several challenges to using standards effectively.

In this post, I delve into the problems faced past times the healthcare manufacture when dealing alongside standards.

The Problems alongside Healthcare Standards

We expression i laid of problems alongside information (terminology, assist measure in addition to assist process) standards, in addition to to a greater extent than or less other alongside technology (messaging) standards.

Problems alongside Terminology Data Standards

Problems associated alongside terminology standards are significant:
  • According to William Hammond, professor emeritus of community in addition to identify unit of measurement medicine at Duke University, there's "been ongoing give-and-take close implementing wellness information standards harmonization in addition to cooperation for xx years, all the same no i has defined all the standards needed to back upward a national wellness information network, in addition to no i has identified what's missing." Just agreeing on medical terminology is a big issue. And, according to Michael Rozen, vice chairman of the IEEE-USA Medical Technology Policy Committee, "When yous state 'gross profit,' everyone inward finance knows what that agency [but] inward medicine, in that place are 126 ways to state 'high blood pressure.' "[1]

  • While setting an arbitrary criterion for health-related price is a way to foster widespread communications betwixt people from dissimilar regions, organizations in addition to healthcare cultures/communities, there's also a downside to such standards, i.e., they lose information due to reduced "semantic precision in addition to nuance." In other words, there's a adept argue to receive got multiple ways of maxim high blood pressure. For example, malignant hypertension refers to real high blood pressure level alongside swelling of the optic nervus behind the eye, which is commonly accompanied past times other organ harm similar core failure, kidney failure, in addition to hypertensive encephalopathy. Pregnancy-induced hypertension, on the other hand, is a pregnancy-induced flat of high blood pressure level (also called toxemia or preeclampsia). Referring to a patient's status using the criterion term "hypertension," spell clearly conveying that the individual has high blood pressure, looses these of import details, which could real good impact handling decisions in addition to outcomes.

  • Diagnostic code standards-including all versions of the ICD in addition to DSM-have several serious limitations. These problems include the fact that (a) these standards are non detailed plenty to depict the nuances of all diseases in addition to weather in addition to (b) to a greater extent than or less diagnoses are non useful inward making handling decisions.[2] Since handling pick is based (or should hold upward based) on a patient's diagnosis, nosotros demand a diagnostic standards that receive got greater precision. This requirement is amplified alongside personalized assist is, inward which each patient's unique makeup (including genetics) in addition to the mind-body connection are taken into concern human relationship (not to mentions ones abilities in addition to preferences).

Problems alongside Care Measurement in addition to Process Data Standards

As I discussed inward a previous post, assist measure in addition to procedure standards relate to evaluating assist character in addition to provider performance, in addition to to establishing do guidelines. Some of the problems associated alongside these standards, include the following:
  • Achieving wide-ranging in addition to meaningful character standards requires many to a greater extent than years of dedicated endeavor past times many people in addition to substantial fiscal resources.[3]

  • Standards should evolve continuously, changing every bit necessary to accommodate novel knowledge. Unfortunately, it typically takes 17 years before clinical evidence is implemented inward do guidelines.[4] [5]

  • Simply maintaining nation-wide information standards is a dull in addition to costly process.

  • And, every bit I discussed in an before post, in that place are many problems alongside do guideline in addition to character measure standards:

    • It's hard to decide when in that place is plenty evidence supporting a do guideline in addition to in that place is no longer whatever demand to pass fourth dimension or coin on its continuous evaluation.

    • It's hard to decide when a Definition of character is every bit good narrow, which tin happen, for example, when measuring character based on toll or symptom reduction, without giving adequate consideration to prevention or the continuity of care.

    • It's hard to decide how best to stair out character when resources are scarce in addition to optimal assist for the community may require less than "the best" assist for its private members.

    • It's hard to decide how best to stair out character if outcomes are to a greater extent than strongly affected past times patient compliance than past times medico orders.

    • It's hard to decide if assist character is of pitiful when a provider follows the recommended do guideline, but the patient is atypical in addition to responds poorly.

    • Using claims (administrative) information to stair out assist quality, every bit inward oftentimes done today, is grossly inadequate.

    • Assessing assist character using procedure information may non hold upward valid since they do non necessarily reverberate assist outcomes.

    • It's hard to decide how to avoid political in addition to ideological biases when determining what evidence to operate every bit the footing for establishing the guidelines.

    • Many areas of healthcare lack assist procedure standards in addition to useful character measures. Different healthcare disciplines in addition to specialties require dissimilar types of information to evaluate quality.

Problems alongside Technology Messaging Standards

The problems alongside standards aren't express to information standards; they also plague technology messaging standards:
  • When multiple information systems operate the messaging criterion to communicate, changing the criterion toll huge sums every bit all the systems using them must hold upward overhauled. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adept existent earth instance is the Year 2000 problem, where reckoner systems were built using a messaging criterion that required exclusively the concluding 2 digits of the yr to hold upward used when transmitting information containing dates. So, when 2000 rolled around, this information criterion made it impossible to differentiate betwixt years outset alongside xix in addition to those outset alongside xx (i.e., 4/5/05 could hold upward April 5, 1905 or 2005). This work easily toll hundreds of billions of dollars to fix.

  • The Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel, which is setting technical standards for a nationwide tape system, identified an initial laid of ninety medical in addition to technology standards, out of an master copy listing of close 600. These standards specify such things every bit how lab reports are to hold upward exchanged electronically in addition to entered into a patient's electronic record, every bit good every bit how past times lab results are to hold upward requested. More than 190 organizations-representing consumers, providers, authorities agencies, in addition to standards evolution organizations-participating inward the panel. It's no wonder, therefore, that a consensus on medical standards is in addition to so hard in addition to fraught alongside politics every bit standards-setting involve intense negotiations in addition to frail compromises. And i time such information technology standards are set, software systems in addition to databases must hold upward designed to accommodate alongside those standards.[6]


While information in addition to technology standards offering a way to handgrip information telephone commutation challenges, they come upward alongside issues posing serious problems inward price of cost, effort, time, hassle, complexity, inefficiency, usability, reliability, information loss, political influence, etc.

In my next post, I volition hash out ways to solve the daunting problems plaguing the operate of healthcare standards.

[1] Dying for Data: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 comprehensive scheme of electronic medical records promises to salve lives in addition to cutting wellness assist costs—but how do yous create one? IEEE Spectrum Online (Oct 2006)
[2] Current Diagnostic Codes are Inadequate – WellnessWiki
[3] U.S. Health Care Sector Moves Rapidly To Provide Consumer Information on Value. HHS (May 9, 2007)
[4] Balas, E. A., & Boren, S. A. (2000). Managing clinical cognition for wellness assist improvement. In J. Bemmel & A. T. McCray (Eds.), Yearbook of Medical Informatics (pp. 65-70). Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
[5] Clancy, C. M., & Cronin, K. (2005). Evidence-based determination making: Global evidence, local decisions. Health Affairs, 24(1), 151-162.
[6]  Dying for Data: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 comprehensive scheme of electronic medical records promises to salve lives in addition to cutting wellness assist costs—but how do yous create one? IEEE Spectrum Online (Oct 2006)

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