
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 19Th May 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 19th May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Upheld at The Hague: Islamic Republic of Pakistan must human activeness responsibly"

  • Upheld - confirm or back upward (something which has been questioned)
  • Responsibly - amongst practiced judgment in addition to the mightiness to human activeness correctly
  • Consular - relating to the authorities official sent to alive inwards around other province in addition to aspect after their ain country’s citizens in addition to occupation organisation interests there
  • Preliminary - coming earlier a to a greater extent than of import activeness or event
  • Carrying out - to produce or consummate something, peculiarly that you lot take away keep said you lot would produce or that you lot take away keep been told to do
  • Execution - the legal penalty of killing someone
  • Perception -  a belief or opinion, oft held past times many people in addition to based on how things seem
  • Outline - to hand the master copy facts virtually something
  • Provisional - for the acquaint fourth dimension but probable to change
  • Enjoin - to legally forcefulness someone to produce something or halt doing something
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, condition etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Naval - belonging to a country's navy, or relating to armed services ships
  • Death judgement - a legal penalty of a criminal offence past times death
  • Adjudication - to brand an official determination virtually a job or disagreement
  • Binding - (especially of an agreement) that cannot locomote legally avoided or stopped
  • Obligation - something that you lot must produce for legal or moral reasons
  • Urgency - the demand to bargain amongst something quickly
  • Jurisdiction - the authorisation of a courtroom or official scheme to brand decisions in addition to judgments
  • Bilateral - involving 2 groups or countries
  • Preclude - to forestall something or locomote inwards impossible, or forestall someone from doing something
  • Humanitarian - kindness
  • Irreparable - impossible to repair or brand right again
  • Prejudice - an unfair in addition to unreasonable sentiment or feeling, peculiarly when formed without plenty idea or knowledge
  • violate - to pause or human activeness against something, peculiarly a law, agreement, principle, or something that should locomote treated amongst respect
  • Convention - a formal understanding betwixt province leaders, politicians, in addition to states on a affair that involves them all
  • Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something incorrect or illegal
  • Prima facie - at start sight (= based on what seems to locomote the truth when start seen or heard)
  • Purview - the confine of someone's responsibility, interest, or activity
  • Protocol - the scheme of rules in addition to acceptable deportment used at official ceremonies in addition to occasions
  • Dispute - an declaration or disagreement, peculiarly an official 1
  • Interpretation - an explanation or sentiment of what something means
  • Espionage - the discovering of secrets, peculiarly political or armed services information of around other province or the industrial information of a business
  • Consequence - a upshot of a particular activeness or situation, oft 1 that is bad or non convenient
  • Clemency - kindness when giving a punishment
  • Undermine - to brand someone less confident, less powerful, or less probable to succeed, or to brand something weaker, oft gradually
  • Credibility - the fact that someone tin locomote believed or trusted
  • Leverage - mightiness to influence people in addition to teach the results you lot want
  • Diplomatic - acting inwards a way that does non drive offence
  • Abide past times something - to follow a rule, decision, or instruction

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Where the jobs are : on the unemployment rate"

  • Attuned - peculiarly able to empathise or bargain with
  • Underperformance - to operate inwards a less successful way than other things of the same type
  • Sector - 1 of the areas into which the economical activity of a province is divided
  • Labour-intensive - Industries in addition to methods that are labour-intensive demand a lot of workers
  • Downplay - to brand something appear less of import or less bad than it actually is
  • Gloomy - unhappy in addition to without hope
  • Concern - a feeling of worry virtually something, peculiarly 1 that a lot of people take away keep virtually an of import issue
  • Underemployment - non having plenty work, or non having a undertaking inwards which you lot tin role your skills
  • Nevertheless - despite what has only been said or referred to
  • Task forcefulness - a grouping of people who are brought together to produce a particular job, or a large armed services grouping who take away keep a armed services aim to achieve
  • Obtain - to teach something
  • Reliable information - reliable information tin locomote trusted to locomote accurate
  • Aid - assist or support
  • Policymaking - the activity of deciding on novel policies, peculiarly past times a authorities or political party
  • Obviously - inwards a way that is tardily to empathise or see
  • Vital - necessary for the success or continued beingness of something; extremely important
  • Transition - a alter from 1 shape or type to another, or the procedure past times which this happens
  • Extensive - roofing a large area; having a neat range
  • Stagnation - to remain the same in addition to non grow or develop
  • Exhausted - extremely tired in addition to without plenty unloosen energy to produce anything else
  • On the other manus - inwards a way that is unlike from the start thing you lot mentioned
  • Substantial -  large inwards size, value, or importance
  • Crucial - extremely of import or necessary
  • Indeed - actually or certainly, oft used to emphasize something
  • Ironically - inwards a way that is unlike or contrary from the upshot you lot would expect
  • Reform - to brand an improvement, peculiarly past times changing a person's deportment or the construction of something
  • Boost - to ameliorate or increase something
  • Mobility - the mightiness to motility freely or locomote easily moved
  • Bring downward something - to cut back the degree of something
  • Barriers - something that separates 1 thing from another
  • Infrastructure - the laid upward of systems inside a house or scheme that touching on how good it operates, for illustration the telephone in addition to carry systems inwards a country
  • Investment - the human activeness of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to brand a net turn a profit or teach an advantage
  • Formulate - to prepare all the details of a conception for doing something

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