
Healthy Living The Whole-Person Integrated-Care (Wpic) Wellness Solution: Business Office 5

In my final post [click here for the starting fourth dimension of the series], I discussed the personalities, coping strategies, in addition to health-related needs of the 3rd type of individual, the "Inactives." I instantly conclude this serial past times examining the 4th in addition to most resistant group: the "Ignorers/Deniers."

Simply put, Ignorers/Deniers only don't focus on their health. This is for a diverseness of reasons, which I'll live on discussing. These people "close their eyes in addition to ears" to data most salubrious living. They spend upward to admit or convey they own got wellness problems or guide chances factors; or they spend upward to practise anything most it. These maladaptive behaviors are a effect of a mindset they adopt, which includes thoughts such as:
  • "I practise non convey there's a work amongst my health" – despite convincing evidence to the contrary.
  • "I fine the way I am … It doesn't affair what others say" – fifty-fifty though their wellness is deteriorating, relationships are crumbling, in addition to overall lineament of life is suffering.
  • "I'm dissimilar … I'm particular … I'm non similar those other people … Nothing's going to laissez passer on off to me!" – a imitation sense of safety in addition to invincibility.
  • "I don't trust doctors" – an mental attitude based on gross overgeneralization.
  • "Getting aid is a sign of weakness ... H5N1 potent someone handles one's ain problems" – an irrational belief driven past times pride in addition to based on distorted mensurate of self-worth.
Ignorers/Deniers, therefore, differ from the other personality types inwards of import ways; for example:
  • The iii other types of individuals cry back most their wellness and, when confronted amongst a wellness problem, many interrogation whether they are able to brand expert decisions in addition to aid improve things, which may brand them experience anxious due to self-doubt. Nevertheless, they are willing to larn in addition to deed wisely despite their anxiety in addition to doubt. Many Ignorers/Deniers, on the other hand, are in addition to then terrified past times notion they may own got (or get) a seriously affliction that they avoid thinking most their physical in addition to emotional health—preferring, instead, to pretend everything is all right. As a result, Ignorers/Deniers may spend upward to convey the reality of their situation, fifty-fifty when confronted amongst the threat that they volition in all probability buy the farm from their wellness problems; to them, the thought of existence or existence sick is besides peachy to consider. Although this self-deception may piece of work along their fearfulness inwards banking concern fit for a while, their inaction in addition to ignorance makes them real vulnerable to worsening wellness in addition to personal problems.
  • If Ignorers/Deniers did cry back most their health, many would experience hopeless in addition to helpless, believing they are incapable of dealing amongst serious affliction or personal problems. And those who portray an air of invincibility are likely roofing upward peachy self-doubt in addition to fear; or they may live on delusional.
  • While other types of individuals may own got valid concerns most finding a competent healthcare practitioner, roughly Ignorers/Deniers are in addition to then distrustful of the healthcare profession that they won't fifty-fifty consider seeing a doctor, fifty-fifty if they are inwards hurting or distress, oft until it's besides late.
  • While wellness problems may motion other types of people to acquire sad, or fifty-fifty depressed, for a time, they are able to acquire themselves motivated in addition to start to convey constructive activeness because they wish to alive in addition to live on happy. Ignorers/Deniers, on the other hand, may live on in addition to then lonely in addition to depressed that they believe they own got goose egg for which to live. For them, the prospect of living longer inwards chronic emotional hurting isn't motivating. And when confronted amongst the noesis that their wellness risks tin kill them, many Ignorers/Deniers deny the facts because the thought of dying is also besides emotionally painful for them to acknowledge; the threat of death, therefore, isn't a motivator. In fact, the odds are peachy that such a someone volition neglect to brand substantial lifestyle changes, fifty-fifty if facing likely death. This prevents them from having the drive in addition to focus needed for constructive action.
  • While other individuals are willing to acquire aid when they ask it, Ignorers/Deniers may own got been in addition to then influenced past times their cultures that they believe seeking assistance for personal problems is a sign of weakness.
  • Unlike the other personality types, Ignorers/Deniers may own got physical addictions or powerful psychological compulsions that preclude them from focusing on salubrious living until they attain "rock bottom," which, unfortunately, may live on besides late.
What this way is that Ignorers/Deniers rely on roughly of the same "avoidance" coping strategies every bit the Wannabes in addition to Inactives; that is, they may:
  • Try to experience improve past times doing enjoyable or interesting things, rather than gaining noesis in addition to developing a conception of action
  • Act every bit if goose egg has happened or trying non to cry back most their problems
  • Resign themselves that goose egg tin live on done to improve the situation, fifty-fifty though they lack adequate agreement in addition to neglect to exert adequate effort.
As I discussed inwards my previous posts, these coping strategies are maladaptive inwards the long-term since the inertia (inaction) they promote allows their wellness risks to emerge every bit serious problems in addition to their existing wellness problems to worsen.

Because these thoughts, feelings in addition to reactions are in addition to then deeply ingrained inwards their personalities, getting through to Ignorers/Deniers is real difficult. However, all is non lost! Consider the following:
  • There are compelling discoveries inwards the fields of cognitive science, linguistics in addition to neuroscience most how "reframing" serious health-related issues tin aid motivate resistant people to change. For example, instead of trying to intermission through the denial of Ignorers/Deniers through threats they volition die, it may live on much to a greater extent than useful to reframe the number inwards a way that focuses them on a vision of "joyful living" rather than a "fear of dying," since joy is a to a greater extent than powerful motivator than fearfulness [reference]. This sort of reframing changes the mental structures that form one's thought of the world; it typically requires months of psychological counseling to the intermission through the thoughts in addition to feelings that block Ignorers/Deniers' awareness in addition to motivation to change.
  • When cultural influences create a "machismo" attitude, inwards which Ignorers/Deniers perceive getting aid every bit a sign of personal weakness or failing, cognitive-behavioral counseling tin fighting that belief. In addition, innovative self-help software, that guides the someone toward healthier conduct in addition to thinking, tin live on useful. One focus would live on on reframing the province of affairs from (a) getting aid reveals weakness to (b) receiving aid when it's needed in addition to using it to improve one's life is a sign of wisdom in addition to personal strength, whereas the refusing aid is childish in addition to self-destructive.
  • Dealing amongst a person's lack of trust may require intervention of a wellness omnibus who takes the fourth dimension to institute a close, positive human relationship amongst the Ignorer/Denier, in addition to who has the noesis in addition to experience to gain the person's confidence.
  • As for Ignorers/Deniers amongst addictions or compulsions, lengthy counseling (and possible medications) may live on needed earlier they admit their problems in addition to own got the volition to facial expression them.
When it comes to wellness programs, the Ignorers/Deniers are the to the lowest degree likely to participate, in addition to then engaging them is critical, such every bit offering meaningful incentives to convey a self-assessment in addition to talk amongst a wellness coach. The initial destination of such wellness counseling should focus on agreement in addition to helping reframe their beliefs in addition to perceptions. This volition enable them to live on to a greater extent than opened upward to gaining awareness most their wellness situation. Innovative technologies that aid focus in addition to entice people to intermission through their negative mindsets in addition to resistance would live on helpful. Once Ignorers/Deniers halt deceiving themselves, own got a stronger wish to alive in addition to savour life, gain trust, are to a greater extent than aware in addition to opened upward to receiving help, in addition to are no longer controlled past times their addictions/compulsions, they tin live on treated every bit Inactives or Wannabes every bit appropriate.

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