
Healthy Living Knowledge, Standards, As Well As The Healthcare Crisis: Live 4

In the previous post, I discussed "care measuring in addition to procedure standards," which are information standards dealing amongst diagnosing wellness problems, determining treatments, in addition to assessing tending character in addition to provider performance. [Click hither for starting fourth dimension postal service inwards series] In this post, I plough to technology standards, in addition to to "messaging format" standards inwards particular. Whereas information standards focus on making information understandable in addition to useful to humans, messaging format standards focus on enabling the exchange, or interoperability, of information in addition to information (i.e., "transactions") across healthcare systems.

HL7 Messaging Standard

The Health Level Seven (HL7) Messaging Standard is the most recognized. It specifies the technical aspects of sending messages in addition to then that ane software programme tin give notice telephone commutation information amongst another, in addition to then the information is "understood" past times the receiving machine. This touchstone handles information related to venture entry, scheduling, medical tape in addition to icon management, patient administration, observation reporting, fiscal management, in addition to patient tending transactions.

For example, an HL7 formatted message delivering information well-nigh a patient's EKG would endure written similar this: "OBX2ST93000.1^VENTRICULAR RATE(EKG)91/MIN60-100". Here's what it means:
  • OBX = The message is a study of an observation/result
  • 2ST = The information value is a ii graphic symbol string
  • 93000.1^VENTRICULAR RATE(EKG) = The code expose in addition to get upward of the EKG test
  • 91/MIN = The observation value in addition to units (beats/minute)
  • 60-100 = The reference or normal attain for this test. 
Note that this HL7 message touchstone but provides a message construction (syntax), i.e., the operate of pipage symbols ("") to form out message elements, in addition to the venture inwards which the elements appear; none of the content (codes, terminologies, values) is defined past times this HL7 standard. Also banking concern complaint that the adjacent version of HL7 (version 3) volition endure tied to specific terminologies, thereby adding semantic capabilities that enable unlike information systems to communicate amongst each other.

HL7 Version iii messages are XML documents, which operate a real complex in addition to verbose construction of "markup tags" to seat the information values. These tags are strings of characters surrounded past times angle brackets, which are depicted inwards the figure below. The figure is a pocket-size department of an HL7 clinical document inwards XML, which includes the operate of the SNOMED CT terminology touchstone inwards which the price "Osteoarthritis", "finding site" in addition to "right knee" are used to define the medical history banking concern complaint that the patient is "complaining of disabling osteoarthritis of the correct knee."  which are information standards dealing amongst diagnosing wellness problems Healthy Living Knowledge, Standards, in addition to the Healthcare Crisis: Part 4

The beauty of XML is that anything tin give notice endure defined using the markup tags. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 downwardly side is that XML is real inefficient. For example, inwards the XML document above, it takes well-nigh 700 characters to tape an observation that's alone well-nigh 100 characters inwards length. Furthermore, such XML documents tin give notice endure complex to write in addition to hard for humans to read. This concludes my description of standards used inwards healthcare. In the next post, I'll delve into the problems amongst today's standards in addition to volition the offering innovative strategies for solving those problems.

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