
Healthy Living Analysis Of The Candidates’ Healthcare Proposals

After analyzing the details of each Presidential candidate’s healthcare proposal, it appears that a mortal is probable to select a proposal based on one’s:
  • Current wellness insurance plan
  • Level of wealth
  • Priority for assuring proficient healthcare for all.
Combining these iii factors results inwards 18 groups of voters--each alongside especial wants as well as needs--who would prefer dissimilar candidates' proposals based on these factors.

Here is a link to the Analysis of the Candidates’ healthcare Proposals spider web site. It presents a systematic detailed comparative analysis of each candidate's healthcare proposal based on the wants as well as needs of the 18 voter groups. The analysis resulted inwards the next conclusions:
  • The candidates most concerned alongside improving the character as well as controlling the costs (i.e., increasing the value) of healthcare are: Clinton, Edwards, Kucinich, Obama, Richardson as well as McCain.
  • Voters who wish proficient attention for all are willing to create what it takes—including paying increased taxes, etc.—to back upwards a publically-funded UHS. Candidates who wish a Federal Employees Health Benefits Program UHS (FEHBP-UHS) as well as wish to continue individual insurance every bit an alternative are: Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Obama as well as Richardson. Only Kucinich proposes a government-run Single Payer UHS (SP-UHS). Choosing betwixt these 2 options is discussed on the spider web site.

    • If an FEHBP-UHS is desired, thence Clinton as well as Edwards are the best choices because they every bit good to a greater extent than focused on increasing attention value, alongside Obama as well as Richardson coming inwards second.
    • If an SP-UHS is desired, thence Kucinich is the solely choice. Note that his excogitation (HR 676) is every bit good the most detailed (has the greatest specificity), which agency it may endure the most credible.
  • On the other hand, any Republican is a suitable alternative for voters who (a) are non concerned near the attention others have (they aren’t interested inwards proficient attention for all) as well as (b) are confident they volition ever possess got splendid insurance, or tin afford to pay for the attention they request out-of-pocket if they lack adequate insurance. Choosing betwixt Republican candidates would probable endure based on their strategies for:

    • Minimizing taxes as well as reducing personal health-related expenses
    • Increasing healthcare value (cost-effectiveness), inwards which representative McCain is in all likelihood the best alternative since he proposes the most strategies of all Republicans for improving character as well as controlling costs (as good every bit existence the solely Republican addressing the wellness request of veterans through the VA).
    Note, however, that at that spot are pregnant gaps inwards every candidate’s proposal. It would endure useful to know how what it would require to (a) evaluate all the character improvement as well as terms command strategies described inwards this document as well as to (b) implement the effective ones efficiently.
    All these as well as other related issues are examined on the spider web site, including issues concerning healthcare character improvement, terms control, financing novel publicly funded universal healthcare systems, subsidies, mandates, taxation changes, as well as more.

    I welcome your comments.

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