
Healthy Living The Whole-Person Integrated-Care (Wpic) Wellness Solution: Business Office 1

In the side yesteryear side few posts, I'm going to re-focus on the Patient-Centered Life-Cycle Value Chain serial [click hither for the get-go postal service inward the series]. Specifically, I'll hash out how to convey high value to the healthcare consumer through a novel type of wellness programme we're developing, which offers a whole-person integrated-care solution. I welcome your questions together with comments.

What is Whole-Person Integrated Care?

As the advert implies, whole-person integrated-care has 2 related parts: Whole-Person care and Integrated care.

Whole-Person Perspective

Whole-person perspective focuses on improving a person's wellness together with wellbeing yesteryear addressing one's physical wellness (body), mental/psychological wellness (mind), together with the mind-body connecter ("holistic" health). In other words, it views an private equally a whole entity, whose trunk together with heed are interconnected.

at this link], I seek the grapheme qualities of these iv groups, i.e., the cognitions, emotions, behaviors, knowledge & understanding, together with coping strategies that promote or impede one's willingness together with mightiness to adhere to salubrious living strategies.


[1] Research shows that a pregnant per centum of all master copy attention billing is for stress-induced or behaviorally-related disorders, alongside a minimum of close twenty percent of patients inward a primary-care exercise endure specifically from anxiety or depression. And if ane assumes undiagnosed complaints are related to underlying anxiety disorders or depression, the proportion of patients seeking handling for psychological reasons jumps to xl to fifty percent. Depression alone, which is the 4th most disabling disease worldwide, has been estimated to toll the the U.S. $83 billion inward 2000. Of this amount, $57 billion is attributed to such things equally depression-related absenteeism, reduced productivity at work, together with the value of lifetime profits lost due to suicide-related deaths, leaving $26 billion inward straight out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare handling costs.

Goleman, D. (December 14, 1994). Push is on for Family Doctors to Spot Psychiatric Problems. New York Times. Available http://go.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews&storyID=11380752&src=rss/healthNews

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