
Healthy Living Patient-Centered Life-Cycle Value Chain: The Ill Attention Link

In my previous post, I discussed the start link inwards the Patient-Centered Life-Cycle (PCLC) Value Chain, which is emergency tending through emergency management. In this post, I hash out the instant link, which involves sick-care, besides known every bit the “clinical encounter” betwixt a patient too i or to a greater extent than healthcare providers.

Sick-care consists of the next vi categories of physical too psychological problems (including diseases, illnesses, dysfunctions, too traumas):

  1. Acute wellness problems characterized past times abrupt onset too brusk duration, which progresses chop-chop too require urgent care. An astute myocardial infarction (heart attack) too serious accident victim are examples.
  2. Subacute wellness employment distinguished past times precipitous onset, only it has longer duration or changes less chop-chop than astute problems. Examples include post-operative care, complex injure management, too rehabilitation for stroke.
  3. Chronic wellness employment of indefinite duration, which may persists amongst virtually no alter over time, or which may atomic number 82 to complications. Diabetes, depression, congestive take in failure, hepatitis too asthma are examples. Note that i time stabilized, enabling patients to adhere to plans of tending for avoid complications too premature popular off is component of well-care.
  4. Physiological wellness problems consist of illnesses too dysfunctions inwards whatever component of the body.
  5. Psychological wellness problems consist of emotional, mental, or behavioral disturbances too disorders.
  6. Mind-Body (Biopsychosocial) wellness problems are related to the interaction betwixt physiological too psychological factors.
Sick-care has 5 sick-care delivery models for delivering tests too procedures (treatments):

  1. Inpatient Care model focuses on treating patients inwards hospitals, nursing homes, too other inpatient facilities.
  2. Outpatient Care model focuses on treating patients inwards the offices of main tending physicians too specialists, clinics, too other outpatient facilities.
  3. Medical/Bodily Care model focuses on delivery of (a) emergency medical tending (e.g., accident victims, infections, poisoning, etc.) too (b) non-emergency medical too non-medical bodily tending (e.g., elective surgery, chiropractic, dental, vision, etc.).
  4. Psychological Care model focuses on delivery of medical/psychiatric too non-medical/psychological tending for mental, emotional, cognitive, too behavioral problems.
  5. Biopsychosocial/Integrative Care model focuses on delivery of integrative (mind-body) tending for problems having physiological and psychological causes or consequences.

Sick-care delivery processes focus on diagnosing too treating wellness problems inwards inpatient too outpatient sick-care settings:

  1. Inpatient tending processes for physical too psychological wellness problems including (a) emergency room/trauma take in care; (b) obstetrics; (c) tests too examinations; (d) elective surgery; too (e) psychiatric tending for severely disturbed patients.
  2. Outpatient tending processes physical too psychological wellness problems including (a) tests too treatments for physical too psychological problems during main tending during business office visits to main tending physicians too specialists, every bit good every bit to ambulatory clinics too other such facilities, too (b) coordinating tending for patients requiring multidisciplinary teams tin hand the axe piece of work together effectively.

A kernel employment amongst sick-care today is that nosotros rarely know what constitutes cost-effective (high-value) sick-care that is tailored to a patient's item needs too characteristics. That is, nosotros lack patient-specific evidence-based guidelines almost how to care for each patient then they larn good chop-chop too amongst to the lowest degree opportunity too complications. This is because our Earth hasn't focused on supporting the kinds of interrogation too data systems necessary for generating too using the cognition (best practices) providers too patients require for improving handling outcomes/results too controlling costs.

On acme of that, high-value sick-care is less profitable than wasteful, inefficient, redundant, excessively costly too error-prone care. This is because our crazy payment organisation rewards high book too costly procedures through higher profits, spell it discourages the efficient delivery of cost-effective tending through lower profits.

In the PCLC Value Chain, therefore, sick-care focuses on:

  • Using too evolving evidence-based exercise guidelines defining how to deliver cost-effective care
  • Assessing too improving clinical outcomes continuously
  • Empowering healthcare consumers to brand knowledgeable decisions almost their ain tending past times beingness active participants inwards shared decision-making
  • Treating the “whole person,” both physically too psychologically
  • Tailoring tending to each person’s specific needs too preferences
  • Coordinating tending too facilitating cooperative communications across all providers treating a patient for improve continuity of care
  • Fostering collaboration betwixt practitioners too researchers
  • Maximizing security too efficiency
  • Utilizing advanced data systems for supporting diagnostic too handling decisions
  • Assuring greater fiscal gains to providers dedicated to delivering high-value care.
In my adjacent post, I examine the tertiary link inwards the PCLC Value Chain: Well-Care.

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