
Healthy Living Universal Healthcare, Gratis Markets, Taxation, Smart Economical Growth, Government, Together With Insurance Problems

This postal service is a continuation of my in conclusion post, inwards which I debate with someone the issues of universal healthcare, worthiness, gratis markets, taxation, smart economical growth, problems with healthcare insurance today, together with more. As always, I welcome your feedback.

In this circular of the debate, he began yesteryear referencing the next contention I made inwards a previous post: “The best form of Capitalism fosters 'smart economical growth' through the right combination of pocket-sized companionship entrepreneurial (technological) excogitation together with big- delineate solid marketplace capabilities, without restrictions on gratis trade, brings almost a higher touchstone of living for precisely almost everyone inwards that country.”

He hence said: This is essentially what I have got been espousing, with the province keeping the corporations from manipulating a gratis market, together with leaving the remainder alone. Incentives for productive entrepreneurship beingness profit, together with the disincentive for unproductive entrepreneurship beingness hunger, no farther incentive is required.

Next, he pointed to a reference I made inwards my previous postal service to French Republic Lappe’s book, “Democracy’s Edge,” together with he said ...

I would flatly disagree with Ms. Lappe, arguing that gratis markets are NOT the production of democratic gov’t, but that only a democratic gov’t volition ALLOW gratis markets. The apparent battle betwixt the gratis marketplace together with the gov’t issuing from the gov’t failing to proceed the welfare of the people their priority yesteryear interfering with the gratis market, together with allowing the venture to interfere.

‘If our regime begins to pass coin wisely together with without corruption; if it implements policies to command waste, inefficiency, fraud, greed etc’ volition locomote a scream for nosotros disagree on, every bit I have got no confidence this or whatever other gov’t is capable of doing so. None has hence far. Gov’t is inherently evil, every bit it attracts those who wish ability over others, even hence altruistc, or not, their motive.

Those who detect themselves inwards a misfortunate economical situation, through no error of their own, should locomote taken assist of through charity. That’s the occupation with entitlements, the recipient is “entitled” to the benefit, automatically deserving, piece with charity, if the recipient is of no inclination to improve their lot, is ungrateful, or is deemed unworthy for around other antisocial reason, the charity may stop. The payoff to the donor of charity is that it promotes an individual’s humanity, together with their feel of community. Something the IRS does not. We are a charitable people, together with the gov’t has taken payoff of it. We scream for a drastic REDUCTION inwards taxes. The gov’t has stolen our humanity together with used it to purchase votes.

I am convinced that most of the blame for our electrical flow wellness assist occupation lies with manufacture providers. Their inefficiency, incompetency, together with exaggerated persuasion of the value of their service, has seat their pricing good inwards a higher house what the marketplace volition bear. Add to this funds spent on interrogation (much of them yesteryear the gov’t) to prepare methods/ equipment/etc. that nosotros every bit a people can’t afford. In a gratis market, prices automatically grade at what the marketplace volition bear. The wellness assist manufacture has exceeded that level. There volition locomote a correction, 1 agency or another. If the gov’t gets involved, they volition dictate fees together with services, together with nosotros volition teach $1 of service for $2 inwards taxes, that volition cost $3 to deliver. In other words, much similar what nosotros have got now, only instead of non beingness able to afford wellness insurance, nosotros volition locomote taxed for it, whether nosotros tin flaming afford it or not.

And hence I replied ...

Where nosotros handle on the following:

1. The benefits of smart economical growth
2. The province keeping the corporations from manipulating the market
3. Our Gov’t having an inherently negative side because it attracts those who wish ability over others with less than altruistic motives.
4. The scream for for a drastic reduction inwards taxes (and I’d add: on the optic cast especially)
5. The Alexander Tyler quote
6. Stopping those who tin flaming afford to pay at to the lowest degree a portion of their healthcare, but who manipulate the arrangement to have gratis assist through taxpayer handouts.

Where nosotros disagree:

1. Since nosotros handle that regime is needed to proceed corporations from manipulating the market, together with since nosotros handle that our gov’t fails to do (and genuinely encourages corporate manipulation), hence nosotros don’t have got a gratis market; instead, nosotros have got a corporate controlled marketplace that has emerged due, inwards part, to lack of skillful gov’t policies together with the existence of bad ones.

2. I do non blame whatever group—not the healthcare providers, patient, insurers, employers, large pharma, labs, medical device makers, nor researchers—for the electrical flow healthcare crisis. Yes, nosotros do handle that at that spot is enough of greed, incompetence, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, ignorance, inertia, corruption, etc., but these human shortcomings are manifested yesteryear virtue of our badly broken healthcare system. But I run across it every bit a system’s occupation that genuinely rewards misfortunate performance (e.g., create it together with create it over again when it breaks), despicable processes (e.g., insurance practices exposed inwards the moving painting SICKO), also every bit excessive pricing together with other ways to “play the system.” I ground that nosotros scream for gov’t controls to create the arrangement because no 1 else volition do it, but I don’t trust our electrical flow gov’t to do it either!

My promise is that nosotros volition prepare a healthcare strategy that volition modify this yesteryear making gov’t responsible to the people. I don’t run across the scream for for taxation increase to attain this, but I don’t have got the numbers to back upward this claim.

He responded ...

Our starting fourth dimension disagreement isn’t one. We seem to handle that our electrical flow criminal electorate, acting exterior the boundaries of the Constitution, together with failing to deed within those boundaries, has created the occupation yesteryear interfering inwards the functioning of a gratis market.

Our minute disagreement remains, every bit I run across no possibility of 1 of the agencies largely responsible for the problem, successfully solving it. I suspect that shortly (2-4 years) nosotros volition have got around cast of UHC [Universal Health Care]. I uncertainty it volition locomote fiscally audio (Medicare, social security), or volition furnish assist of whatever character (Veteran’s Administration).

I have got no confidence inwards a human being who “believes” the Cuban gov’t, or ours for that matter. Mr. Moore does non believe whatever of what he “exposes”. He has only constitute a lucrative marketplace for his fictitiously manipulated “research” with those of liberal/socialist persuasion.

The only agency nosotros tin flaming SUCCESSFULLY solve the occupation is to detect a agency to forcefulness the gov’t to deed responsibly, together with within the boundary of the Constitution, yesteryear “promoting the full general welfare” non financing it. H5N1 tall society indeed

To that, I responded ...

OK, you lot don't trust Michael Moore. So hither are problems with the electrical flow healthcare economical models, every bit related to insurance, which create a chaotic arrangement together with encourage destructive practices (with references from this page of our Wellness Wiki):
  • Cost-shifting — Charging higher prices (above cost) to 1 grouping of patients inwards society to offset lower prices (below cost) to around other grouping of patients based on their insurance coverage.
  • Price discrimination — Charging unlike patients unlike prices for identical healthcare goods or services irrespective of cost.
  • Cherry-picking — Choosing to furnish insurance coverage to the immature together with healthy, together with handling to the most profitable patients, piece non providing the same grade of coverage together with assist to others.
  • Retroactive coverage cancellation — Payers cancel coverage retroactively for people who scream for expensive assist inwards society to escape its obligations to members who driblet dead seriously sick.

H5N1 to a greater extent than sane payment arrangement would encourage continuous character improvement, piece controlling costs together with insuring everyone through shared risk. It would recognize the responsibleness of all stakeholders inwards creating a sustainable healthcare arrangement that brings greater wellness to all inwards an effective together with affordable way.

Methods having been proposed include pricing transparency, informing consumers of the value of assist providers homecoming inwards terms of performance together with cost, together with pay-for-performance. There are serious issues with each of these proposals, but they may contribute to the evolution of a improve payment system. In addition, it may locomote useful to give consumers incentives for maintaining salubrious lifestyles together with complying with audio medical advice.

Anyway, I hap to handle inwards purpose with your terminal point: The only agency nosotros tin flaming solve the occupation SUCCESSFULLY is to detect a agency to forcefulness the gov’t to deed responsibly, together with within the boundary of the Constitution, yesteryear “promoting the full general welfare” non financing it. H5N1 tall society indeed.

The disagreement, or should I enjoin confusion, with that strategy is that, fifty-fifty if our gov't is forced to deed responsibly, it has to pass considerable sums to promote full general welfare through writing together with policing the implementation of radical novel policies that foster the delivery of high-value care, also every bit supplementing coverage for those who simply cannot afford it. In other words, I precisely don't know how anything tin flaming locomote accomplished without the wise expenditure of taxation monies. Do you?

He responded ...

No, nor do I await the wise expenditure of taxation revenue, it is seldom done.

H5N1 few things non adequately addressed that would require relatively footling revenue:
  • The monopoly of healthcare yesteryear the AMA through the FDA.
  • The ineptitude of the FDA. That is, the FDA should non approve option wellness assist practices non endorsed yesteryear the AMA. That which is non approved, or endorsed, volition non locomote insured, and, inwards fact, may locomote criminally prosecuted.
  • Policing/regulation of the insurance companies (corporations).
  • Policing/regulation of the provider companies (corporations).
  • Eliminate gov't sponsored research, except inwards the most dire national situation.
  • More gov't command of medical licensing. (doctors by together with large police pull themselves).
  • Criminal charges together with sentences for fraud/theft equitable to whatever other mutual robbery. The only departure betwixt “white collar” together with “blue collar” law-breaking is how it is dealt with. Theft of your life savings through fraud is precisely every bit tearing every bit a mugging.
  • Elimination of rule defining what groups are eligible to negotiate with insurance and/or assist providers. Most states currently have got strict regulation, which is land a protection of the insurance/provider companies.
  • Here is an thought that precisely popped into my head. Reduce the taxation mouth of all individuals yesteryear the amount they pass on their own, or their family’s, non-elective wellness care. I’ll have got to mean value almost that.

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