
Yak Latest Electrical Flow Affairs Mcqs For Competitive Exams 2017

Latest Current Affairs MCQs 2017

  1. Recently the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee set the foundation rock of doc B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics inwards :
    1. Bengaluru
    2. Mysuru
    3. Nagpur
    4. Mumbai
  2. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi ded-icated to the acre the 3,300 MW Koradi Thermal Power Plant inwards :
    1. Maharashtra
    2. Gujarat
    3. Rajasthan
    4. Haryana
  3. Who amid the next won the Asian billiards title, his 6th Asian billiards championship inwards total?
    1. Ashok Shandilya
    2. Pankaj Advani
    3. Gael Sethi
    4. Wilson Jones
  4. Recently who amid the next was declared the winner of the Srinagar Lok Sabha yesteryear election ?
    1. Ghulam Nabi And
    2. Farooq Abdullah
    3. Umar Abdullah
    4. Ghulam Muhammad Daar
  5. Recently the consequence of sharing of H2O of River Mahanadi was inwards focus betwixt which of the 2 next states ?
    1. Odisha & West Bengal
    2. Odisha & Jharkhand
    3. Odisha & Chhattisgarh
    4. Chattisgarh & West Bengal
  6. How much coin was initiated to encourage to a greater extent than girls as well as women to demand keep upwardly careers inwards the domain of scientific discipline as well as technology scientific discipline yesteryear the Department of Science as well as Technology ?
    1. Rs.500 Crore
    2. Rs.1,000 Crore
    3. Rs.2,000 Crore
    4. Rs.4,000 Crore
  7. Which province announced plans to do all-Muslim fighting units, amongst quotas from the Catholic country's largest religious minority ?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Malaysia
    3. Philippines
    4. Pakistan
  8. Recently scientists at which of the next institutes demand keep developed 2 new, strong molecules that tin severely touching the survival of mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB ?
    1. IIT, Kharagpur
    2. IlSc, Bengaluru
    3. BITS, Pilani
    4. IIT, Delhi
  9. Recently which province has ready an skillful grouping to assess the quantum of agricultural debt, as well as suggests ways as well as agency for its waiver ?
    1. Punjab
    2. Goa
    3. Manipur
    4. Mizoram
  10. Recently a armed forces drill ''Sagarrnatha Friendship 2017" is beingness organised betwixt which of the next 2 countries ?
    1. India as well as Nepal
    2. Nepal as well as PRC
    3. China as well as Kingdom of Bhutan
    4. India as well as Bhutan
  11. Prime Minister Narendra Modi honoured the descendants of xviii families associated amongst what is known every bit the 'Paika rebellion of 1817'. This Paika rebellion took house inwards which of the next introduce twenty-four hr catamenia province of India?
    1. Punjab
    2. Madhya Pradesh
    3. Odisha
    4. Rajasthan
  12. Turkey plebiscite has been inwards the news, who is the electrical current President of Turkey ?
    1. Abdullah Gul
    2. Recap Tayyip Erdogan
    3. Binali Tildirim
    4. Ahmet Davutoglu
  13. The worldb minute largest economic scheme is ____________
    1. India
    2. USA
    3. Russia
    4. China
  14. Who amid the next is/are 'Forbes' listing of super achievers from Asia nether the historic catamenia of 30?
    1. Dipa Karmakar
    2. Sakshi Malik
    3. Alia Shaft
    4. All of the above
  15. Snapdeal's CEO as well as 2 others demand keep been summoned yesteryear a Delhi courtroom on a criminal electrical load of an entrepreneur who alleged that his stance of connecting sellers as well as buyers through an e-platform was unauthorized usurped yesteryear the theatre as well as its officials. Who is the electrical current CEO of Snapdeal ?
    1. Kunal Bahl
    2. Rajeev Suri
    3. Dinesh Paliwal
    4. Vijay Shekhar Sharma 
  16. Who amid the next players was the winner of Singapore opened upwardly super serial inwards Apr 2017 ?
    1. K. Srikanth
    2. Vishnu Vinod
    3. Sai Krishna Reddy
    4. Sai Praneeth Bhamidipati
  17. Who has won Time magazine's readers' poll of the 100 most influential people inwards the the world ?
    1. Donald Trump
    2. Rodrigo Duterte
    3. Narendra Modi
    4. Warren Buffet
  18. Which province launched its start cargo spacecraft inwards Apr 2017 ?
    1. India
    2. Japan
    3. South Korea  
    4. China
  19. Recently, the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicated to the nation, Phase-1 (Link 2) of the SAUNI Yojana. This Yojana is con-cerned amongst which of the next states ?
    1. Rajasthan
    2. Madhya Pradesh
    3. Gujarat
    4. Telangana
  20. Recently, a comprehensive module for capacity edifice of Elected Women Representatives (EWBs) of Panchayats as well as a preparation computer program for Trainers of women panchayat leaders across the coun-try was launched by:
    1. Ministry of Women as well as Child Development inwards collaboration amongst the Ministry of Panchayati Raj
    2. Ministry of Women as well as Child Development inwards collaboration amongst the Ministry of Home Affairs
    3. Ministry of Women as well as Child Development inwards collaboration amongst the Ministry of Social Justice as well as Empowerment
    4. Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Home Affairs as well as Finance Ministry
  21. Recently Prakash Javadekar launches Portal as well as Mobile App of RUSA. The total split of RUSA is :
    1. Rashtriya Uccha Saksharla Abhiyan
    2. Rashtriya Upargami Seva Abhiyan
    3. RasMriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
    4. Rashtriya Uchha Shiksha Abhiyan
  22. Which province is to live on the host of an agriculture demonstration view that is to live on opened inwards collaboration amongst PRC ?
    1. Haryana
    2. West Bengal
    3. Odisha
    4. Sikkim
  23. Recently which 2 Indian states demand keep decided that they volition run for usual pro-motion of tourism as well as civilization inwards job amongst 'Ek Bharat- Shresht Bharat' concept of unity inwards variety ?
    1. Punjab & Uttar Pradesh
    2. Sikkim & Mizoram
    3. Haryana & Telangana
    4. Kerala & Andhra Pradesh
  24. Which of the leading Indian Institute is to innovate Vastu Shastra to start as well as second-year undergraduate architecture students this August ?
    1. IIT, Delhi
    2. IIT, Kharagpur
    3. IR, Bombay
    4. DSc, Bengaluru

Answers And Explanations

  1. 1; The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee set the foundation rock of Bengaluru doc B.R.Ambedkar School of Economics
  2. 1; Koradi Thermal Power Station (KTPS) is located at Koradi close Nagpur, Maharashtra. The ability flora is 1 of the 4 major ability plants inwards Vidarbha - a ability surplus percentage of India. 
  3. 2; Sixteen-time World Champion Pankaj Advani won his 6th Asian billiards title, defeating Sourav Kothari 6-3 inwards an enter-taining final. 
  4. 2; National Conference (NC) president Farooq Abdullah was declared the winner of the Srinagar Lok Sabha yesteryear election. He defeated the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) candidate Nazir Khan yesteryear 10,766 votes. 
  5. 3
  6. 3; The Department of Science as well as Technology volition live on leading a Rs. 2,000- crore maiden to encourage to a greater extent than girls as well as women to demand keep upwardly careers inwards the domain of scientific discipline as well as engineering, where they are under-represented. 
  7. 5; The Philippine armed forces announced plans to do all-Muslim fighting units, amongst quotas from the Catholic country's largest religious minority, every bit it looks to bolster efforts to tack-le Islamic insurgents. 
  8. 2; Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (118c) Bengaluru demand keep developed 2 new, strong molecules that tin severely touching the survival of mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB. 
  9. 1; The Punjab regime has ready an skillful grouping to assess the quantum of agricultural debt, as well as suggests ways as well as agency for its waiver. 
  10. 2; Nepal as well as PRC began their first-ever articulation armed forces practise amongst a especial focus on combating terror. The 10-day-long mil-itary drill "Sagarmatha Friendship 2017' that volition finally till Apr 25 is beingness organised yesteryear the 2 countries every bit purpose of their pre-paredness against terrorism that has posed every bit a serious safety threat global-ly. 
  11. 3; On Apr 16, 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi honoured inwards Bhubaneswar descendants of sixteen families associated amongst what is known every bit the Paika rebellion of 1817. Here's an explainer nearly the little-known but bloody rebellion of Odisha against British colonialism. 
  12. 2; Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as well as the country's prime number government minister demand keep declared victory inwards a plebiscite designed to paw Erdogan sweeping ' powers. 
  13. 4; China's economic scheme trounce the regime target as well as grew yesteryear 6.9 per cent inwards the start quarter this twelvemonth mainly due to a surge inwards infrastructure investment as well as exports, showing signs of a steady evolution inwards the world's minute largest economy. 
  14. 4; Over fifty Indians, including gymnast Dipa Kannakar, Olympic medallist Sakshi Malik as well as actress Alia Bhaff, are amid 'Forbes' listing of super achievers from Asia nether the historic catamenia of thirty who are "pushing boundaries of innovation". 
  15. 1; E-commerce major Snapdeal's CEO Kunal Bahl as well as 2 others demand keep been summoned yesteryear a Delhi courtroom on a criminal electrical load of an entrepreneur who alleged that his stance of connecting sellers as well as buyers through an e-plafform was unauthodsedly usurped yesteryear the theatre as well as its offi-cials. 
  16. 4; Sai Praneeth Bhamidipafi is a manful mortal Indian badminton role instrumentalist hailing from Hyderabad, Telangana. He is the winner of Singapore opened upwardly super serial inwards 2017. 
  17. 2; Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has won Time magazine's readers' poll of the 100 most influential people inwards the world, patch Prime Minister Narendra Modi did non garner whatever votes inwards the online survey. 
  18. 4; PRC launched its start cargo spacecraft inwards Apr 2017. 
  19. 3; Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the start stage of the SAUNI yojana inwards Gujarat. 
  20. 1; Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 comprehensive module for capacity edifice of Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) of Panchayats as well as a preparation progress for Trainers of women panchayat leaders across the province was launched yesteryear the Ministry of Women as well as Child Development inwards collab-oration amongst the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. 
  21. 3; Union Minister of Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar launched the unique portal as well as mobile app of Rashtdya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), a torso nether the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development hither inwards New Delhi. 
  22. 2; West Bengal volition before long live on the host of an agriculture demonstration view to live on opened inwards collaboration amongst China. The view volition showcase methods to grow organic vegetables as well as how to usage mechanism to heighten efficiency.
  23. 3; Telangana as well as Haryana volition run for usual advertisement of tourism as well as civilization inwards job amongst 'Ek Bharat- Shresht Bharat' concept of unity inwards diversity. 
  24. 2; The country's oldest as well as largest IIT volition innovate the rudiments to start as well as second-year undergraduate architecture students this August, patch those pursuing post-graduation or query scholars inwards infrastructure volition larn a detailed grounding on the subject.  
Shared yesteryear Shravan Varma Gadhiraju
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