
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - 11Th April 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 11th Apr 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "RK Nagar bypoll cancellation: H5N1 damning indictment"

  • Bypoll - an election held inwards a unmarried political constituency to create total a vacancy arising during a government's term of office
  • Damning - showing that something is incorrect or bad, or that someone has done something incorrect or bad
  • Indictment - something that shows how bad or incorrect something is
  • Indulging - to allow yourself to have got or create something that you lot enjoy
  • Electoral - relating to elections
  • Malpractice  careless or criminal behavior past times someone amongst a professional person or official job
  • Constituency - the voters inwards a partitioning of a Earth who elect a illustration to parliament
  • Indicting - if a law courtroom or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime
  • Exceed - to choke inwards a higher house an official limit
  • Prescribed - decided past times a law or a rule
  • Expenses - coin that you lot pass on something
  • Incurring - to lose money, owe money, or have got to pay coin every bit a outcome of doing something
  • Campaign - a serial of things that a pol or political political party does to essay to win an election
  • Violation -  an activity that is inwards opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
  • Defensive - intended to halt the other grouping from winning inwards a competition
  • Monitoring - to regularly cheque something or picket someone inwards monastic state to discovery out what is happening
  • Provision - a constituent of an understanding or law that deals amongst a particular problem
  • Disqualification - to halt someone from existence inwards a contest or doing something because they are unsuitable or they have got done something wrong
  • Postponed - to create upward one's heed that something volition non live done at the fourth dimension when it was planned for, but at a later on time
  • Citing - to holler something every bit a reason
  • Anguish - a feeling of non bad physical or emotional pain
  • Sordid - immoral, dishonest, or unpleasant
  • Bypass - to ignore a dominion or official authority
  • Heavy mitt - using likewise much force, or non considering people’s feelings plenty when dealing amongst a situation
  • Tenor - what you lot say
  • Tone - how you lot say
  • Reveal - to allow something larn known
  • Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation
  • High-stakes - a high-stakes activity or province of affairs involves a lot of run a peril or serious consequences
  • Desperate -  rattling worried too angry because you lot create non know how to bargain amongst an unpleasant situation
  • Legitimacy - allowed past times law
  • Systematically - done according to a careful excogitation too inwards a thorough way
  • Functionary - an official who plant for a regime or a political party, peculiarly i amongst unimportant or wearisome constituent duties
  • Unprecedented - never having happened or existed inwards the past
  • Flying team - a grouping of people, peculiarly law officers, who tin choke speedily to a house to bargain amongst a problem
  • Surveillance - the procedure of carefully watching a mortal or house that may live involved inwards a criminal activity
  • Deterrence -  the thought that people volition create upward one's heed non to create something if they believe that something unpleasant could hap to them every bit a result
  • Innovative - new, original, too advanced
  • Inducement - something that persuades someone to create something
  • Subscription - an understanding to pay an amount of coin then that you lot volition have something such every bit a periodical or a service
  • No-frills - a no-frills production or a service is basic too has no extra or unnecessary details
  • Despite - used for maxim that something happens fifty-fifty though something else mightiness have got prevented it
  • Allurement - something that tempt a mortal to create something wrong
  • Seizure - the activity of taking something or taking command of something, peculiarly using ability or force
  • Vitiate - to brand something less effective or legally acceptable
  • Irredeemably - impossible to alter or brand better
  • Democratic - based on the regulation that all people are equal too should live able to portion inwards making decisions
  • Ensure - to brand for sure that something happens or is done
  • Debar - to officially preclude someone from doing something
  • Swiftly - speedily or immediately

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : " Sheikh Hasina Republic of Republic of India visit: Transformative visit"

  • Transformative - causing non bad too positive alter inwards someone or something
  • Assure - to tell someone that something volition definitely hap or is definitely true, peculiarly inwards monastic state to take dubiety almost it
  • Dispute - a serious disagreement, peculiarly i betwixt groups of people that lasts for a long time
  • Firmly - strongly
  • The elephant inwards the room - a serious work that everyone is aware of but no i wants to speak about
  • To the fore - into a seat of importance
  • Conclude - to end, peculiarly past times someone maxim or doing something
  • Framework - a scheme of rules, laws, agreements etc that institute the agency that something operates inwards business, politics, or society
  • Resolution -  a formal proposal that is considered past times an organisation too is normally voted on at a meeting
  • Forge - to prepare a successful relationship, peculiarly inwards work organisation or politics, amongst some other country, organization, or person
  • Enclave - an surface area of a Earth or urban heart too soul where a particular grouping of people live
  • Territory - an surface area of Earth controlled past times a particular country, leader, or army
  • Bipartisanship - the fact of 2 political parties that normally oppose each other agreeing or working together
  • Prevail - to larn command or influence
  • Expend - to purpose or pass time, effort, or money
  • Significant - of import or noticeable
  • Nevertheless - despite what has simply been said or referred to
  • Credit - praise, approval, or honour
  • Essential - necessary or needed
  • Formalise - to brand something official or create upward one's heed to adapt it according to a fixed structure
  • Endorse - to brand a populace disceptation of your blessing or back upward for something or someone
  • Line of credit - an amount of coin a Earth is allowed to borrow during a particular current of fourth dimension from some other country
  • Context - the province of affairs inside which something exists or happens, too that tin aid explicate it
  • Revive - to come upward or convey something dorsum to life, health, existence, or use
  • Inland - inwards the oculus of a country, away from the sea
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