
Yak Latest Electrical Flow Affairs Highlights For Depository Fiscal Establishment Too Insurance Exams 2017

  • The Indian Navy has successfully conducted the maiden trial firing of a newly installed surface-to-air Barak missile scheme from its air-craft carrier INS Vikramaditya. The firing was conducted every bit component subdivision of the 'Operational Readiness Inspection' from 21 to 23 March. 
    • Note : The missile marks a pregnant milestone inward providing air interception as well as defense strength capabilities as well as enhanced operational capabilities of the Navy's aircraft carrier as well as the flee. 
  • The Mental Healthcare Bill, which decriminalizes suicide as well as guarantees the correct to bet-ter healthcare for people with mental illness, was unanimously passed inward the Lok Sabha on 27th March, 2017. It mandates that a per-son attempting suicide shall hold out presumed to hold out suffering from 'severe stress' as well as there-fore, shall non hold out tried or punished past times law. 
    • Note : The Bill mandates that persons with suicidal tendencies hold out provided aid as well as rehabilitated. 
  • The Union Govt. has sanctioned 101 novel integrated mutual depression temperature chain projects that volition lever-age a total investment of Rs. 3,100 crore for creation of modern infrastructure for the nutrient processing sector. Note: Republic of Republic of India is i of the largest nutrient producers inward the footing as well as the instant largest producer of fruits as well as vegetables yet entirely 2.2% of our fruits as well as vegetables are processed. Existing mutual depression temperature storages are concentrated inward a few US as well as roughly 80% to 90% are used for potatoes. 0 The Supreme Court on 29th March banned the sale as well as registration of Bharat Stage (111S)-111 emission norm-compliant vehicles from Apr 1, 2017 proverb the health of mil-lions was to a greater extent than of import than commerdal interests. 
    • Note : The biggest divergence betwixt the 2 is the emission of carbon particulate matter, a major air pollutant. While BS-III vehicles emit 2.30gm of carbon monoxide per kg of fuel, the emission drops to 1gm per kg inward BS-IV vehicles. 
  • In a historic pace towards Implementing a new, consolidated Indirect revenue enhancement regime from the proposed engagement of July 1, 2017 the Lok Sabha on 29th March, 2017 passed 4 Bills, relating to the implementation of the Goods as well as Services Tax (GST).
  • The number of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) personnel who chose the voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) has jumped to over 400% inward 2016-17. The Gov( information shows that 2016-17 saw the maximum of 9,065 personnel going for VRS inward the terminal 3 years from forces similar the CRPF as well as the BSF. 
  • The regime has notified that Animal Welfare Board of Republic of Republic of India (AWBI), a statutory advisory trunk nether the Ministry of Environment, Forests as well as Climate Change (MoEF) volition immediately hold out permanently chaired past times a senior MoEF official.
    • Note : This pace came into termination due to the late held Jallikattu Protest inward Tamil Nadu. Central Government applies its preference immediately inward the management of the organization past times making a novel Board of xviii members, chaired past times Sharad Singh Negi, Special Secretary as well as Director-General (Forests). MoEF came into termination for 3 years term. 
  • India as well as Nepal create got renewed the provide understanding betwixt Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) as well as Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) for to a greater extent than or less other 5 years. Supplies to Nepal from Republic of Republic of India create got been coming together the crude production requirements since 1974. 
    • Note : The renewed understanding is an umbrella document betwixt the 2 parties which apart from detailing the provide of petroleum, oil as well as lubricant products as well as every bit good puts inward house an institutional machinery for cooperation inward the areas of additional services as well as technical assistance betwixt the two. 
  • The Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) has introduced a mobile application 'Exam Locator' to aid students appearing for cast tenth as well as twelfth examinations locate their exam centres. The user tin as well as then access infommtion past times selecting the selection cast X or XII as well as entering the curlicue number.
  • The Supreme Court upheld the Tripura High Court social club terminafing the jobs of 10,323 teachers for faulty recruitment procedure. 
    • Note : The High Court had cancelled the recruitment of college teachers made from March 2010 inward several categories.  
  • The regime is all laid to come upwards up with the country's first-of-its-kind lexicon that aims to convey together diverse sign languages used past times people with spoken language as well as hearing impairments. The Indian Sign Language (151) dictionary, which is beingness developed past times the Indian Sign Language Research as well as Training Centre (ISLRTC), has thence far compiled 6,032 Hindi as well as English linguistic communication words as well as corresponding graphic representations of signs. 
    • Note : It volition comprise graphic representations of pop signs used past times the hearing impaired as well as volition every bit good include regional variations. Apart from that, it volition create got legal, technical as well as medical terms. The lexicon is beingness developed inward both impress as well as video formats. Note: The interceptor is a 7.5-metre unmarried phase enterprise rocket propelled guided missile equipped with a navigation system, a high-tech estimator as well as an electromechanical activator. 
  • Vice president of Republic of Republic of India Mohammad Hamid Ansari attended the Summit of the 21-nation Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) inward Jakarta, Indonesia. 
    • Note : This is the starting fourth dimension Summit degree conference hosted past times Jakarta. Open maritime merchandise as well as rights of navigation discussed during his visit. Four documents - IORA Concord, IORA Action Plan, IORA Declaration on Preventing as well as Countering Terrorism as well as Violent Extremism.
  • The State Governments of Punjab as well as Jammu & Kashmir create got signed an understanding to fast-track the completion of 206 MW 2,285-crore rupees Shahpur Kandi dam projection on the Ravi river inward Chandigarh. 
    • Note : Shapur Kandi project' was declared a national projection inward Feb 2008 past times the Centre. 
  • The spousal human relationship government minister of province for Development of North Eastern Region Jitendra Singh has inaugurated the three-day long 'Destination North East' 2017 inward Chandigarh. 
    • Note : The lawsuit showcased North East every bit a Potential finish for investment as well as organized past times the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region as well as an manufacture trunk PHD Chamber of Commerce as well as Industry.  
  • Under the recommendations of the bill, Bill-2016, working women inward all establishments volition hold out entitled to 26 weeks of paid motherhood leave. If a adult woman adopts a kid below 3 months of age, she volition hold out entitled to 12 weeks move out from the engagement the kid is hand-ed over to her 
    • Note : This entitlement volition hold out applicable for the starting fourth dimension 2 children. For the tertiary child, whatsoever women volition hold out granted 12 weeks of motherhood leave. 
  • The Union Ministry of Agriculture as well as Farmer's Welfare has launched Mission Fingerling to accomplish the Blue Revolution past times enabling holistic evolution as well as management of fisheries. The programme volition elevate the fisheries production from 10.79 mmt (2014-15)10 fifteen mint past times 2020-21. 
    • Note : Fish Fingerling production is the unmarried most of import critical input visualized to accomplish fish production targets nether the Blue Revolution. 
  • Lok Sabha passed the Enemy Property (Amendment as well as Validation) Bill, 2006 later incorporating the changes made past times Rajya Sabha. The human activity provides for the prevention of claims to whatsoever properties inward Republic of Republic of India past times the successors of people who migrated to Islamic Republic of Pakistan as well as Red People's Republic of China during partition. 
  • The Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has inaugurated high-speed rail wire Wi-Fi facility at National Rail museum inward New Delhi. The costless Wi-Fi service built over the fiber network of Rail Tel is designed to offering High- Speed Broadband similar sense to users. Mr. Prabhu every bit good launched a mass "Indian Railways- The Weaving of a National Tapestry". 
  • The Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as well as Mode of Operation (MOO) to flora Border haats on the Republic of Republic of India People's Republic of Bangladesh Border was approved past times the Cabinet, chaired past times PM Narendra Modi. The motility aims to promote the wellbeing of the people habitation inward remote areas across the borders of 2 countries, past times promoting traditional scheme of marketing the local gain through local markets. 
  • The commission was constituted to strength. en edge protection as well as address vulnerabilities inward fencing along the Indo-Pakistan bor-der. The commission submitted its recommendations broadly on the issues of Threats as well as Border Protection, assessment of strength level, deployment on the border, infrastructure as well as applied scientific discipline issues for protection of edge as well as administrative issues. The corn-mittee was appointed on fifth Apr 2016
  • The Water Resources Minister Urns Bhart has inaugurated the day-long national con. ference on 'Jai Kranti Abhiyan' inward New Delhi. The objectives of the Abhiyan were strengthening grass source involvement of al stakeholders including panchayati raj institutions as well as local bodies for participatory irrigation management. 
    • Note : There are 4 of import components of Jal Kranti Abhiyan viz. Jal Gram Yojana, Development of Model Command Area, Pollution Abatement as well as Mass Awareness Programme.
  • The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has unveiled novel exam format for Class VI to IX. The board has replaced Continuous as well as Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) which was inward house since 2009 with a uniform scheme of assessment as well as exam to hold out followed past times its affiliated schools. According to the novel guidelines, at that spot volition however hold out 2 terms, the written bear witness weightage volition hold out 90% as well as 10 marks of the xx marks laid aside for periodic assessment inward each term. 
  • Indian Railways volition ready Wi-Fi hotspot kiosks at most 500 stations to aid people access an array of online services, including diverse regime schemes. The WI-Fi kiosks volition component subdivision similar a PCO for Digital Republic of Republic of India as well as enable people to usage services similar commerce, online banking, offering them access to opened upwards school/university as well as insurance schemes, e-ticketing for prepare as well as motorbus services alongside others. 
  • The Union Minister of Communications Manoj Sinha has released a Postage Stamp on Cub Scouts to commemorate the Centenary twelvemonth of Cub Scouts inward Republic of Republic of India as well as abroad. Cub Scouting is meant for children of historic catamenia grouping betwixt 8 to xi years as well as Cubbing involves games, stories, play acting, handicrafts as well as every bit good run through the Star tests as well as Badges. 
  • The spousal human relationship Information & Broadcasting Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu' has launched the online cinema certification system, 'e-CinePramaan' with an aim to the elimination of middlemen as well as promote build clean cinema. The novel scheme of Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) volition brand the entire physical care for of certification transparent as well as efficient. This volition brand the physical care for for films to obtain a certificate fully digital as well as volition include OR Codes to banking concern check fraudulent certificates.
Shared past times Shravan Varma Gadhiraju
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