
Healthy Living Wellness: A Proposed Definition

There has been much written nearly the importance of promoting "wellness" inward value-based care. Yet in that place is no definitive Definition of the concept. In this shipping I offering a conceptual framework for give-and-take inward which I elbow grease to delineate many of the substitution factors discussed inward the literature, along amongst my observations every bit a clinical psychologist. 

Proposed definition: Wellness is a stair out of a person’s overall nation of health, which is greatest when a somebody has in addition to uses a gear upwards of abilities, desires, behaviors, in addition to resources to avoid, manage, in addition to grapple amongst physiological, psychological (mental in addition to emotional), in addition to mind-body wellness problems to the extent possible.

The Following delineates simply about of the concepts inward this proposed wellness definition.

1.      Health problems include (but non express to):

1.1.   At-risk, acute, subacute, chronic, catastrophic, in addition to end-of-life conditions.

1.2.   Illness, injury, dysfunction, disability, disfigurement, in addition to debilitating distress amongst associated causes (e.g., contagion, trauma, genetics, etc.) in addition to signs in addition to symptoms (physical, emotional, behavioral, in addition to cognitive).

1.3.   Mind-body (biopsychosocial) wellness problems inward which psychological distress adversely affects a person’s physical wellness in addition to vice versa.

2.      Requisite abilities, resources, in addition to desires include:

2.1.   Abilities:

2.1.1.      Psychological capabilities that enable people to grapple effectively amongst their wellness problems inward a agency that reduces the likelihood of denial, ignorance, self-deception, debilitating depression, irrational despair/discouragement in addition to fear, hostility, blame, shame, in addition to self-destructive behavior. These capabilities include focused awareness, rational in addition to adaptive beliefs/thoughts/cognitions, open-mindedness, adequate drive/motivation/will in addition to impulse control, self-determination, reasonable self-confidence, self-understanding, self-acceptance, sound/logical reasoning, reliable knowledge, in addition to intelligence.

2.1.2.      Behavioral capabilities characterized past times proactive, competent, in addition to responsible actions that include adherence to evidence-based assist plans/guidelines in addition to making recommended lifestyle changes.

2.2.    Social, economic, in addition to environmental resources (e.g., having access to character healthcare, practiced wellness literacy, money, time, a healthy/safe living environment, social/family support, instruction in addition to access to useful information, access to foods that back upwards salubrious eating patterns.

2.3.    Desire to alive in addition to prepare one’s potential for a fulfilling life characterized love, learning, accomplishment, in addition to other positive activities, experiences, in addition to feelings.

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