
Healthy Living Should Personal Wellness Data Reside Inward Silos-Continued?

There accept been several replies to my previous postal service almost information silos.

They questioned my Definition of "silo" equally a "repository" together with made the betoken that the existence of silos are non alone caused to technological issues, but too to constraints involving:
  • Legal factors, such HIPPA, Earth regulations, contractual agreements  
  • Human factors, which are things that acquit on the input together with output of the data, such equally command issues, distrust, tradition, if it ain't broke don't laid it mentality, etc. 
I responded yesteryear maxim that, to me, “repository” precisely agency “storehouse” (a house where information are stored). When a repository has constraints that forestall the information it contains from existence shared alongside other repositories, hence each of those repositories is a silo alongside honour to the other repositories. At the same time, however, whatever of those repositories that create part information are non respective silos. That is, a repository may endure a silo alongside reckon to i respository, but non another.

In whatever case, my previous postal service focuses primarily on the technological constraints of silo’ing alongside reckon to incompatible software, databases, etc.

That agency that a repository may endure silo’ed from other repositories for:

Technical reasons, such equally lack of software/database interoperability; this is a vendor/developer-related issue. However, if information are exchanged betwixt repositories using paper, fax, voice, or other non-software/database methods—then the repositories would NOT endure silos, imo, since information are existence exchanged.

Nontechnical reasons, which include legal together with human factors. In this case, fifty-fifty if the software/databases are able to telephone commutation information betwixt repositories, the repositories would non create so, which agency that they continue to be silo’ed from each other.

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