
Healthy Living Constructing The Ultimate Ehr

I simply started a give-and-take on LinkedIn that focuses on answering the questions: How tin the EHR hold out transformed into the cornerstone of a comprehensive wellness information technology organization that fosters continually increasing aid value (cost-effectiveness)? This “Ultimate EHR” discussion follows a discussion at LinkedIn inwards which reasons for EHR failures accept been examined thoroughly. The purpose of the electrical flow give-and-take is to utilisation the cognition of such failures to guide the structure of a pattern of an EHR that helps providers accomplish the best possible outcomes at the to the lowest degree possible cost. The link to the discussion is: http://linkd.in/hUPJqf

Here's the introduction

In improver to discussing conventional methods, participants inwards this give-and-take are encouraged to acquaint their innovations, creative ideas, in addition to new strategies. We volition examine in addition to critique these technologies, concepts in addition to approaches inwards social club to define a next-generation EHR that helps transform clinical information into actionable information in addition to evidence-based cognition aimed at increasing healthcare value (quality in addition to efficiency) ; e.g., run into http://bit.ly/eal8CS in addition to http://bit.ly/hoQKTG.

We volition essay creative solutions to daunting challenges such every bit determining the best ways for EHRs to:
  • Evaluate information integrity to assistance assure the information contained are valid
  • Securely central patient information betwixt disparate “silos”
  • Build lifetime medical records that render the specific information tailored to the withdraw of clinicians from every type of specialty/discipline, in addition to inwards every healthcare setting, through utilisation of unlike models that adjust the clinical terminologies, information sets, analytics/rules, forms, reports/views in addition to overall UI to the end-users item requirements
  • Promote a rigid in addition to productive link betwixt scientific inquiry in addition to clinical do (“bench to bedside”) past times (a) delivering de-identified patient information from everyday clinical do to fundamental repositories where researchers utilisation them inwards developing evolving evidence-based personalized guidelines (http://bit.ly/giw1kF) in addition to (b) propagating those guidelines—using clinical determination back upwards functionality—without fostering “cookbook” medicine or stifling excogitation
  • Improve decision-making past times providing patient-centered cognitive back upwards (http://bit.ly/EzWgF)
  • Manage expansive in addition to every-changing clinical information standards, including terminologies, aid processes in addition to result measures
  • Support the delivery of “whole-person integrated care” (http://bit.ly/7BVuA5)
  • Handle images of all kinds (http://bit.ly/hu3NCH)
  • Interoperate amongst other wellness information technology tools
  • Accommodate ALL meaningful utilisation requirements, instantly in addition to forever?
 All questions, comments in addition to ideas are welcomed.

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