
Healthy Living Increasing Global Empathy Past Times Agreement The Heart Together With Someone Of Humanity

For the yesteryear 3 decades, I've been envisioning ways to foster the realization of positive human potential together with wellbeing. Toward that end, I've long imagined a footing where people from all nations, societies, ethnicities together with faiths produce got a deep comprehension of the thoughts together with feelings mutual throughout all humankind (i.e., the "essence of humanity").

This cognition would break how much alike nosotros all are yesteryear showing how nosotros part many similar pith beliefs, perceptions, desires together with emotions. It would besides clarify the ways inward which psychosocial (including economic, political, cultural together with religious) together with natural environments influences together with differentiate people's mental states. And it could atomic number 82 to a profound agreement of it agency to live on human, every bit good every bit dramatically growth the empathy nosotros produce got toward each other yesteryear enabling each of us to "put ourselves inward others' shoes." And empathy tin breed compassion, which together are essential ingredients for the wellbeing communities.

Collecting data nearly people's pith thoughts together with feelings, together with the influences of their psychosocial together with natural environments, tin live on done through utilization of anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaires would produce got to produce got adequate details, live on written inward many dissimilar languages, together with accept into concern human relationship the customs of dissimilar cultures. Developing the questionnaires would live on an international collaborative projection that could real good promote wellbeing with the participants every bit they focus on mutual understanding. For people with computers together with Internet access, the data tin live on input into spider web forms or ship via e-mail. For others, champaign workers would live on used (similar to the census).

Analysis of the resulting data would live on break mutual human thoughts together with feelings nearly oneself, family, community together with obligation to others; nearly people's perceptions of the past, acquaint together with future; nearly our wishes, virtues (what's good/right) together with values (what's important), degrees of optimism together with pessimism, sense of empowerment together with helplessness & hopelessness; nearly our physical together with emotional health, our pains together with pleasures, our hopes together with fears, our angers together with frustrations, together with feelings of shame, guilt, jealousy together with envy; nearly our beliefs concerning life important together with purpose; etc. The analysis would besides delineate differences inward our thoughts together with feelings based on our demographics together with the psychosocial together with natural environments inward which nosotros were raised together with straight off live.

By disseminating the results throughout the world, yesteryear agreement how much alike all humans are inward their pith ways of thinking together with feeling, together with yesteryear encouraging ongoing global give-and-take nearly them, I debate that empathy volition growth throughout the footing every bit ethno-cultural barriers are breached to give rising to a greater sense of oneness/unity. This would foster greater wellbeing the worldwide community!

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