
Healthy Living Wellness It: Comparison Cloud Computing In Addition To Desktop Applications (Part I Of 3)

I simply responded to a comment posted to Linked-In at this link. The comment began:
Health attention information technology is moving from desktop application to complex multi-faceted Enterprise systems. The OS, wireless devices, in addition to databases are much to a greater extent than sophisticated than fifty-fifty a few years ago. Enterprise safety takes a science ready that is non readily available inwards much of the wellness attention industry. Staff HIT most probable volition non receive got the expertise to harden these systems. The needed skills real amongst system(s) in addition to network. As the HIE rolls out, safety volition instruct to a greater extent than complex. But inwards proverb that, many non technical requirement tin endure covered today amongst written policies in addition to enforcement.
I replied:
Better yet ... Stick amongst desktop applications that commutation patient information via secure electronic mail using innovative decentralized peer-to-peer cyberarchitectures. See, for example, /search?q=novel-way-to-exchange-patient-health
To which the commenter responded:
Stephen, Interesting but I run across desktop apps such every bit Microsoft Excel are giving means to Cloud computing. Desktops app no longer brand fiscal feel from a maintenance standpoint.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 federated organization is a non bad means to commutation information but nosotros volition receive got to run across what HITSP, (for one) comes upwards with.
I therefore replied amongst the following:
While desktop apps are becoming Cloud enabled (which tin endure a goodness affair inwards sure enough circumstance), I produce non run across desktop apps ever beingness replaced yesteryear the Cloud for many reasons. There are distinct pros in addition to cons of each depending on the province of affairs in addition to utilisation case. For example, accessing in addition to processing information from local storage using local calculator resources (as opposed to the cloud) has many benefits, including the following:
  • Since at that topographic point are concerns nigh the safety of information stored inwards the Internet cloud [Reference1, Reference2, Reference3], people may experience to a greater extent than secure if they receive got consummate command over their private information (such every bit personal wellness information), which is stored inwards encrypted information files inwards their ain computers in addition to other computerized devices.
  • Total toll of ownership is minimized since at that topographic point is no take away to rely on expensive fundamental servers, databases, in addition to server administrators. Also, at that topographic point are times when the cloud is to a greater extent than expensive than alternatives (techtarget.com/news/1506688/Cloud-doesnt-always-save-money-says-healthcare-CIO?track=sy1260">Reference1, Reference2, Reference3).
  • Performance is greatly increased when performing complex, intensive computations since all information processing is done chop-chop in addition to easily using local calculator resources, rather than waiting for a strained fundamental server, or paying for an expensive racks of servers. However, when massive computations from hugh centralized databases must endure done, for which a local PC is inadequate, cloud in addition to grid-cloud computing may serve an of import component division (although grid computing lone may surfice). [Reference]
  • All the information tin endure accessed anywhere/anytime, fifty-fifty if at that topographic point is no Internet or other network connections.
  • Unlike communications requiring continuous connectivity, at that topographic point is no loss of information when a network connectedness drops out (i.e., unexpected disconnection) [Reference]
  • A node-to-node network [e.g., a mesh node network] is to a greater extent than robust. In web-based networks, a fundamental server breakdown may crusade the entire network to near downwards in addition to forbid anyone from exchanging data. In the node network, however, a malfunction inwards i or fifty-fifty many private computers may receive got trivial or no final result on the network every bit a whole since performance nodes tin soundless communicate amongst each other. In other words, at that topographic point is no unmarried indicate of failure to disrupt in addition to entire network when a fundamental server develops problems.
  • Since copies of the encrypted information files tin endure stored inwards many dissimilar locations (i.e., widely distributed), information survivability is enhanced inwards the confront of terrorism in addition to natural disasters.
  • And next are key advantages in addition to disadvantages of spider web versus standalone applications:
  • Web applications are easily accessibility because they tin endure easily accessed from whatsoever calculator or location that has Internet access. With a standalone, the calculator must receive got the application installed. On the other hand, i time the standalone application is installed, it is accessible anywhere/anytime, fifty-fifty when at that topographic point is no adequate Internet connection; Web applications, however, typically rely on persistent in addition to unmanaged Internet connections, or else the information are inaccessible.
  • Maintenance in addition to forced upgrades are lower because amongst spider web applications when a society must deal hundreds or thousands of desktop computers, although this has instruct less of a occupation amongst improvement inwards automated desktop updates. On hosted systems, furthermore, users are at the mercy of the host; so, if an upgrade does non kicking the bucket well, or the private user doesn't desire or take away the novel features, the upgrade volition soundless kicking the bucket forward.
  • Over the life of the software use, spider web applications are typically significantly to a greater extent than expensive over fourth dimension because desktop applications are purchased outright in addition to at that topographic point are rarely recurring fees for the software utilisation (except for possible maintenance fees or fee based upgrades associated amongst them). Many corporate spider web applications, however, accuse users monthly service fees (i.e., "subscription fees") to operate the software. [Reference
  • Web applications relying on the Internet to transfer data, rather than a using a computer's local difficult drive, may operate slower. The speed may too vary depending on number of users accessing the application (i.e., network traffic). Standalone applications receive got no such constraints; the application volition operate every bit fast every bit the person's calculator might allows.
  • When using a spider web application that is hosted yesteryear a 3rd party, privacy policies should endure inwards house to forbid that information from beingness used yesteryear the spider web host. This is non an number amongst standalone applications.[Reference]
  • Multiple desktop applications tin endure integrate in addition to used, enabling a model's functionality to endure enhanced yesteryear other software programs. This cannot endure done securely using a web-browser.[Reference]
  • "Because all computation is done on the calculator that the application is running [offline], the amount of information transmitted over the network is reduced…In the representative of spider web based application the information is passed dorsum in addition to forth betwixt the customer in addition to the server each fourth dimension a novel calculation is to endure done. If many clients are connected to the server at the same fourth dimension this leads to allot of processing on the server in addition to the might of the clients is non used."[Reference]
  • While standalone applications may endure the platform subject (e.g., tin only operate on Windows computers), it is possible to construct platform neutral applications that avoid this constraint. 
Also see, for example: as this link.

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