
Healthy Living Is The Biopsychosocial Approach A Scientific Model?

The biopsychosocial (BPS) model integrates a sum hit of biological, psychological, in addition to sociocultural perspectives. A Critical Review of the Biopsychosocial Model states that BPS “provides a pattern for research, a framework for teaching, in addition to a designing for activity inwards the existent the world of wellness care…[However, science] operates inside a organization that asserts in that place is nada inwards the universe beyond affair in addition to unloosen energy interacting inwards a time/space matrix...[and] nosotros don't direct keep a rational, empirical agency of investigating non-observables...this restrictive persuasion excludes from scientific consideration a corking bargain of what nosotros regard every bit quintessentially human.”

Furthermore, scientific models must direct keep “true predictive value…[e.g., predicting] a man's psychological solid soil from his biological information or vice versa [and it must unite ] the disparate elements of human life inwards such a agency every bit to legitimize a holistic approach [in which] materialism involves to a greater extent than than simply affair in addition to energy. Today, nosotros direct keep that information, its transfer in addition to manipulation…is a fabric matter…[so] manipulation of brain-based information…is a materialist theory of mind.”

As such, BPS tin survive considered a scientific model. I ground it too has predictive ability, e.g.:

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