
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - 26Th May 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 26th May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Bail or jail: on bail constabulary reforms"

  • Reform - brand changes inward something inward club to better it
  • Deserves - if a affair deserves something such every bit your fourth dimension or attention, you lot should give fourth dimension or attending to doing it
  • Norm - an accepted measure or a means of behaving or doing things that most people grip with
  • Exception - someone or something that is non included inward a rule, group, or listing or that does non send inward the expected way
  • Affluent - rich plenty to purchase things for pleasure
  • Influential - able to influence the means other people mean value or behave
  • With ease -  the mightiness to create something easily
  • Languish -  to rest inward a hard or unpleasant province of affairs for a long time
  • Trial - the procedure of examining a instance inward a courtroom of constabulary together with deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
  • Grimly - inward a real serious or depressing manner
  • Inadequate - non skillful plenty or likewise depression inward quality
  • Inefficient - non organized, skilled, or able to move inward a satisfactory way
  • Accomplish - to succeed inward doing something
  • Administer - to endure responsible for making certainly that something is done according to the rules
  • Evidence - facts or physical signs that aid to show something
  • Custody - a province of affairs inward which someone is kept inward prison theatre until they conk to courtroom for trial
  • Detriment - damage caused to something every bit a resultant of something else
  • Accuse - to state that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
  • Offence - a criminal offence or illegal activity for which at that spot is a punishment
  • Ethnicity - a large grouping of people who direct maintain the same national, racial, or cultural origins, or the province of belonging to such a group
  • Undertrial - a someone who is appearing inward a constabulary courtroom because they direct maintain been defendant of committing a crime
  • Inconsistency - something that does non stand upward for something else
  • Onerous - hard to create or needing a lot of effort
  • Avail - to utilization / teach something
  • Bemoan - to complain or state that you lot are disappointed nearly something
  • Poverty - a province of affairs inward which someone does non direct maintain plenty coin to pay for their basic needs
  • Incarceration - imprisonment
  • Significant - real important
  • Provision - a role of an understanding or constabulary that deals with a item problem
  • Languishing - to rest inward a hard or unpleasant province of affairs for a long time
  • Decongest - to brand something un blocked or less crowded
  • Overcrowded - containing likewise many people or things
  • Stipulate - to state what is allowed or what is necessary
  • Undergone - to experience something, particularly something that is unpleasant but necessary
  • Remission -  the reduction of a prison theatre judgement because the prisoner has behaved well
  • Cautions - warns
  • Magistrate - a approximate inward a courtroom for tiddler crimes
  • In lieu of - instead of
  • Surety - someone who agrees to pay coin if you lot create non conk to courtroom when you lot should, or if you lot create non pay coin that you lot owe
  • Advocate - to publicly back upward a item policy or means of doing things
  • Panacea - something that people mean value volition solve all their problems
  • Unjust - an unjust decision, judgment, or activeness is non fair or reasonable, or is non done according to accepted legal or moral standards
  • Incarceration - imprisonment
  • Expedite - to brand something hand off apace or easily
  • Injustice - failure to process someone fairly together with to abide by their rights

Hindu Editorial Topic ii : "Maduro’s excesses"

  • Relatively - inward comparing with someone or something similar
  • Volatile - a volatile province of affairs tin give the sack all of a abrupt modify or conk to a greater extent than dangerous
  • Brutally - inward extremely tearing way
  • Authoritarian - controlling everything together with forcing people to obey strict rules together with laws
  • Plunge - to autumn apace from a high position
  • Prosperous - rich together with successful
  • Paralysis - the province of existence completely unable to operate unremarkably or effectively
  • Mend your ways - to better your behavior subsequently you lot direct maintain been behaving badly for a long time
  • Controversial - a controversial subject, opinion, or conclusion is 1 that people disagree nearly or create non approve of
  • Nullify - to brand something lose its legal effect
  • Rebuke - to tell someone that they direct maintain behaved badly.
  • Allies - supporters
  • Abort - to halt something earlier it is finished
  • Dissolution - the procedure of officially ending the existence of a grouping or organization
  • Rethink - to regard something such every bit an idea, plan, or scheme in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than inward club to modify it
  • Coldly - inward an unfriendly means together with without emotion
  • Disqualify - to halt someone from existence inward a contest or doing something because they are unsuitable or they direct maintain done something wrong
  • Contender - someone who competes with other people to assay to win something
  • Reminiscent - similar to something else
  • Regime - asa item regime or a scheme or method of government
  • Unfazed - non surprised or worried
  • Groundswell - a growth of rigid feeling with a large grouping of people
  • Resistance - the deed of fighting against something that is attacking you, or refusing to direct maintain something
  • Dictatorial - telling people what to create together with refusing to psyche to their opinions
  • Persist - to assay to create or proceed doing something inward a determined but oftentimes unreasonable way
  • Unleash - to all of a abrupt unloosen a tearing forcefulness that cannot endure controlled
  • Terrorise - to brand someone experience real frightened past times threatening to kill or wound them
  • Protester - someone who shows that they disagree with something past times standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Abduction - the activeness of forcibly taking someone away against their will
  • Activist - a someone who believes strongly inward political or social modify together with takes role inward activities such every bit populace protests to assay to brand this happen
  • Instance - a item situation, event, or fact, particularly an instance of something that happens generally
  • Legion - real large inward number
  • Contempt - a rigid feeling of disliking together with having no abide by for someone or something
  • Emergency - an unexpected province of affairs involving danger inward which immediate activeness is necessary
  • Ruthless - non thinking or worrying nearly whatsoever hurting caused to others; cruel
  • Clampdown - a abrupt activeness taken past times a regime or people inward potency to halt or restrain a item activity
  • Constitutionally - according to the rules inward a constitution
  • Enshrine - to officially tape something such every bit an thought or regulation inward a document together with then that it cannot endure ignored
  • Loyalist - a someone or grouping that strongly supports the regime or ruler inward power
  • Culminating inward something - if an lawsuit or serial of events culminates inward something, it ends with it, having developed until it reaches this point
  • Unsavoury - unpleasant, or morally offensive
  • Inflation - a general, continuous growth inward prices
  • Chronic - (especially of a affliction or something bad) continuing for a long time
  • Spotlight - if something spotlights a item situation, it directs populace attending to it
  • Ruinous - causing bully damage together with destruction
  • Counteract - to trim down or withdraw the consequence of something unwanted past times producing an contrary effect
  • Collapse - to trim down suddenly
  • Overdue - non done or happening when expected or when needed; late
  • Ironical - happening the contrary of what you lot actually think
  • Unrest - disagreements or fighting betwixt dissimilar groups of people
  • Essential commodities - necessary or needed products for dailyi life
  • Turmoil - a province of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder
  • Determined - wanting to create something real much together with non allowing anyone or whatsoever difficulties to halt you
  • Brazen something out - to deed confidently together with non acknowledge that a work exists
  • Intransigence - an unreasonable refusal to modify your ideas or behaviour
  • Caracas - the upper-case missive of the alphabet together with largest metropolis of Venezuela
  • Unequivocal - total, or expressed inward a clear together with certainly way
  • Criticism - the deed of proverb that something or someone is bad
  • Autocratic - ruling with consummate power
  • Defiance - refusal to obey a someone or rule
  • Isolation -  a province of affairs inward which a province or grouping is lone together with without back upward because other countries or groups halt dealing with it
  • Chaos - a province of affairs inward which everything is confused together with inward a mess
  • Semblance - a province of affairs or status that is similar to what is wanted or expected, but is non precisely every bit hoped for
  • Normality - a province of affairs inward which everything is normal

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