
Healthy Living Empathy, Taxes, Personal Responsibility, Together With Healthcare Reform – A Timely Ground (Part 2)

In a prior post, I examined the how empathy (i.e., the mightiness to set oneself inward the shoes of another), which is oft lacking from the healthcare reform debate, ought to locomote an essential cistron inward the decisions our province makes. My give-and-take close the involve for greater empathy triggered a contentious scrap betwixt a human working inward the insurance manufacture together with myself. The offset run of this hot scrap is at this link. Following is the minute part. Please experience gratis to bring together in.

He wrote:

I ain iii TPAs…Both sides of my concern entail helping employers offering insurance to a greater extent than efficiently. This is commonly at the expense of insurance companies. We assault the fat. We accept also been carving out a lot of drug plans because employers tin self fund the opportunity cheaper thus paying premium to a carrier.

And, inward answer to a give-and-take we've been having close Wendell Potter— insurance exec turned whistleblower, who spoke out against the underhanded tactics of the wellness insurance industry—he continued to discredit Mr. Potter yesteryear saying:

I exercise know the left is quick to indicate out he was an ex "insurance industry" executive but fails to cite he is right away on the payroll of a pro-reform, anti insurance companionship advocacy group. On THCB [The Health Care Blog] previously I posted a real long together with detailed explanation of what price he doesn't look to empathize together with where he was lying. When fourth dimension permits I'll elbow grease to discover it. I recollect at that topographic point are all sorts of abuses that could plough someone off of insurance companies together with fifty-fifty Pb someone to crusade against them…Mr. Potter is yesteryear no way a whistle blower, he hasn't disclosed whatever abuse or actions that are non mutual knowledge. He's a paid shill at best.

I responded:

I would similar to run across your post. And I'm glad you lot are non defending the abuses of insurance companies, fifty-fifty though the ones Mr. Potter pointed may locomote mutual cognition to for certain people. What would locomote bully is if you lot would part your cognition of all the abuses together with underhanded actions you've observed.

In answer to my question—"Are you lot are insinuating that the correct form of capitalism is the pathologically mutated cast of gratis marketplace position capitalism we've been living amongst for many years, amongst its weak gov regulations" – He responded:

You don't know what the term gratis marketplace position means. Nothing close our electrical flow organization is gratis marketplace position or weakly regulated.

To which I replied:

As I empathize it, many legislators accept a gratis marketplace position ideology that focuses on weakening or eliminating for certain governmental regulations that were originally created to protect the public. For example, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke said nosotros involve to strengthen rule of fiscal markets to stalk excessive opportunity taking (see this link). Anyway, telephone band our electrical flow organization whatever you lot want. The indicate is that those amongst gratis marketplace position cravings accept been conspiring to kill regulations that were preventing our fiscal meltdown and, no doubt, of import regulations inward other areas accept been on the chopping block.

In answer to my statement—These sub-systems part diverse concern models, operational processes, together with metrics." – He replied:

I wouldn't telephone band Medicare together with private employer plans sub systems they are to distinct. And this whole indicate matters because the failures of Medicare together with Medicaid are a terrible argue to destroy our successful private insurance system. None of the reform existence discussed volition meliorate the private systems, it volition reallocate resources to the failed populace plans thus they tin final a few years longer. Far from existence semantics it is the underlying argue why all authorities reform fails to deliver what they hope the populace it will.

To which I replied:

Still semantics. Sure, sub-systems tin locomote distinct. For example, similar the healthcare system, Nature is a complex organization composed of interconnected parts (sub-systems) that equally a whole demo i or to a greater extent than properties non obvious from the properties of the private parts; that is, it is a organization of distinct interacting sub-systems. Same goes for the human body; the digestive together with respiratory systems are distinct interacting sub-system of the human biological system.

As far equally Medicare together with Medicaid existence failed systems together with private insurance existence successful system, I justice nosotros accept to define what is meant yesteryear "success." There are those who tell these programs are successful because, amongst Medicare for example:

  • Its universal coverage nature creates the mightiness to redistribute benefits to those who are neediest.
  • It pools opportunity inward gild to part the burdens of wellness tending amidst the salubrious together with the sick.
  • Through Medicare, the authorities protects the rights of all beneficiaries to essential wellness tending (Reference)

And inward an interesting interview, John Stewart summed upwards his conversation close healthcare reform amongst conservative pundit Bill Kristol (editor of Weekly Standard): "So what you lot are suggesting is that the authorities could run the best wellness tending organization for Americans, but it's a lilliputian also costly, thus nosotros should accept the shitty insurance companionship wellness care" (at this link.

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