
Healthy Living Federal Wellness It Strategic Innovation For 2011-2015: Comments

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is seeking world comment on the Federal wellness information technology strategic innovation for 2011-2015. On their Health information technology Buzz blog, they listed v goals that they hope volition "unlock the vast hope of electronic wellness information to improve determination making, assistance individuals ameliorate care their health, too improve the wellness system’s capacity for rapid learning. Following is a comment I posted there.

As a healthcare clinician (psychologist), researcher too wellness information technology inventor/developer who has been focused on such issues for xxx years, the ONC goals, inwards general, are acceptable to me. Assuming, however, that providing e'er to a greater extent than cost-effective (i.e., high-value) attention to the patient/consumer is—or at to the lowest degree it should be—the overarching objective of the ONC strategy, too therefore the next issues ought to hold upward clearly addressed, imo.

One number is the involve for clinicians to collaborate alongside researchers too information technology technicians via loosely coupled social networks (that cross professional, regional too organizational boundaries). The clinicians should primary attention physicians too specialists across all settings, from inwards solo practise to large hospitals too integrated attention organizations. They should deliver all types of healthcare, including conventional too CAM “sick care,” equally good equally “well care” (focused on prevention, wellness optimization too self-maintenance). These various groups of professionals would stand upward for a “whole-person integrated care” approach that addresses biomedical, psychological too mind-body (biopsychosocial) factors/problems/conditions.

The clinicians inwards these collaborative networks would create 2 of import things:

1) They would role wellness information technology tools that construct a query information warehouse alongside procedure too outcomes data, equally good equally lessons learned. This information central must hold upward done securely too protect patient privacy.

2) They would also portion too verbalize over ideas to guide the development of wellness information technology by, for example, defining:
  • Information models that describe what involve to know too how they involve the information presented;
  • Where the information comes from (e.g., input yesteryear the clinician/office staff or received lead from the patient via a PHR);
  • Ways to role the information technology tools therefore they gibe it into clinical workflows; and
  • The form of determination back upward they would desire to have (such equally “patient-centered cognitive support,” [Reference].
The researchers, inwards turn, would generate evidence-based results yesteryear performing aggregate analyses on the patient too handling information inwards the information warehouse, along alongside whatever relevant information from controlled clinical trials too lessons learned shared from everyday clinical practice.

The researchers too clinicians would too therefore collaborate to transform the results into patient-specific recommendation inwards the degree of preferred practise guidelines, protocols too clinical pathways. These recommendations ought to become beyond comparative effectiveness too focus on toll effectiveness [Reference]. This means, inwards part, changing the payment model to i that incentivizes clinicians who focus on delivering high value (cost-effective) attention to their patients yesteryear paying to a greater extent than to clinicians who convey the fourth dimension to role EHRs, CDDS, participate inwards the social networks discussed above, too focus on demonstrating continuous improvement inwards both character too efficiency.

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