
Healthy Living Empathy, Taxes, Personal Responsibility, As Well As Healthcare Reform – A Timely Fighting (Part 1)

My previous post examined the how empathy (i.e., the powerfulness to pose oneself inwards the shoes of another), which is frequently lacking from the healthcare reform debate, ought to live on an essential ingredient inwards the decisions our province makes. My give-and-take virtually the demand for greater empathy triggered a contentious debate on some other blog. Following is the debate. This is really timely discussion, so delight experience gratis to bring together in!

One soul asked me: "Can you lot delight seat for me a province that is long on 'empathy?'" together with I replied:

All nations having publicly-funded wellness aid alongside universal coverage every bit the destination present to a greater extent than empathy than ours since the U.S. is the solely wealthy, industrialized land that does non supply universal wellness aid (at this link.

He wrote: "Health aid is non a right!" to which I replied:

So, what makes YOU deserve it!

He wrote: "...if you lot are a MD, together with so you lot would non live on supporting the Abomanation beingness devised inwards D.C." together with I replied:

In March '08, to a greater extent than than one-half of U.S. doctors forthwith favor switching to a national wellness aid programme together with fewer than a 3rd oppose the thought U.S. doctors back upwards universal wellness aid according to a Reuters survey at this link. Also see the Physicians for a National Health Program spider web site George Lakoff: Empathy, Sotomayor, together with Democracy: The Conservative Stealth Strategy

[Another soul together with so joined the debate.]

He wrote:

Steve you lot got to live on joking.

All nations having publicly-funded wellness aid alongside universal coverage every bit the destination present to a greater extent than empathy than ours since the U.S. is the solely wealthy, industrialized land that does non supply universal wellness care

So the 22 twelvemonth quondam that died inwards England because they refused him a transplant was shown empathy? The ICU infant brought downward from Canada was shown empathy? 80% of Americans receive got the best healthcare inwards the world. Those enrolled inwards our empathetic populace plans similar Medicaid are those suffering. You desire to cut back the character of aid together with drastically increase the cost for 80% of Americans so our Medicaid population tin acquire a slight increase inwards quality, together with you lot telephone telephone that empathy. You tin hold your empathy we'll all live on much improve off without it.

In response to my statement—"Read Maggie Mahar's postal service on THCB a few years dorsum titled 'Why Medicare is More Efficient Than Private Insurers' at"—he wrote:

Quoting a far left factually challenged propagandist proves what? Maggie has no background inwards healthcare together with really petty agreement of it. Her see on the efficiency of populace plans carries virtually every bit much weight every bit good yours. Examples of her deep agreement of the facts;

In response to my statement—"In contrast to individual insurers Medicare doesn't receive got to pass millions on marketing, advertising, together with Washington lobbyists." —he wrote:

Actually it does pass hundreds of millions, where exercise you lot recall the Medicare commercials come upwards from. The annual CMS cloth on how to enroll inwards Medicare together with options available doesn't impress itself. Search for Medicare blimp advertising, constituent of a thirteen 1 1000 one thousand create Bush admin was attacked for.

In response to my statement—"But if you lot facial expression at cases where healthcare providers similar National Medical Enterprises cheat insurers, you'll uncovering that they are only every bit probable to bilk individual insurers." —he wrote:

No 1 questions Medicare has a fraud charge per unit of measurement five times that of individual insurance. The GAO, CMS, together with everyone every twelvemonth break reports virtually how many billions Medicare loses to fraud. Medicare loses to a greater extent than to fraud together with so individual insurance companies brand inwards net yet is a fraction of their size.

Maggie's entire postal service is lies together with BS easily refuted past times twenty seconds on whatever search engine. To quote it is a joke.

In response to my statement—"In March '08, to a greater extent than than one-half of U.S. doctors forthwith favor switching to a national wellness aid programme together with fewer than a 3rd oppose the thought U.S. doctors back upwards universal wellness aid according to a Reuters survey" —he wrote:

When asked a generic enquiry similar would you lot similar things to live on improve most doctors said yes, WOW what cutting border research. When given whatever facts virtually the proposed changes beingness discussed the back upwards drops off almost completely. Please Dr., if you lot genuinely are one, tell me why a generic survey void of whatever facts or controls should live on given whatever thought? Ask doctors if they desire to live on reimbursed Medicaid together with Medicare rates inwards a universal scheme together with what happens to support? Exactly.

My replies follow:

I want I was joking.

In response to his statement—"80% of Americans receive got the best healthcare inwards the world" —I wrote:

Not according to the reports I've read, e.g., at this link, nosotros should live on focusing on radical changes that dramatically increase aid value to the consumer to overcome the "pathologically mutated" cast of capitalism" that has broken our healthcare scheme together with has pressured doctors into delivering to a greater extent than aid rather than losing coin past times rendering aid cost-effectively.

There are genuinely 2 areas inwards which nosotros agree: (1) I dubiety that much empathy went into setting Medicaid reimbursement rates together with (2) Much to a greater extent than should live on done to command Medicare (and Medicaid) fraud.

In response to his statement—"Please Dr., if you lot genuinely are 1 …"—I wrote:

I've twice been questioned virtually my credentials. I'm a licensed clinical psychologist specializing inwards treatment, research, together with wellness IT. I'd venture a guess that you lot are a wellness insurance lobbyist!

I inquire again: If access to proficient healthcare is NOT a right (which I assume you lot contend), together with so what makes YOU to a greater extent than deserving than millions of others!

Anyway, my master copy holler for is this: If our civilisation (and others) were to a greater extent than focused on promoting greater empathy (and compassion), we'd receive got a much improve world. The healthcare work is a reflection of an economical civilisation that has "lost its way" through excessive/imbalanced focus on "What's inwards it for me?" together with "How tin I receive got to a greater extent than past times manipulating together with taking payoff of others." This is the rootage create of our electrical current economical together with healthcare crises. I believe President Obama recognizes this fact together with sincerely wants to modify things; I applaud together with back upwards his courage together with efforts!

He likewise wrote:

Your study is off from the start together with is built on the same faulty rationale every bit most liberal attacks on our healthcare systems. Notice the south on the terminate of system, nosotros don't receive got 1 homogenous system. We receive got 50 state, couplet federal together with thousands of employer systems. The vast bulk of those systems are improve together with so anything else inwards the world. That is the work alongside studies, they are done past times academics who don't receive got whatever functional agreement of our healthcare system. Any study that lumps all U.S. systems into 1 is worthless. Why would you lot fleck a highly efficient large grouping self funded programme because Medicaid sucks? Then farther why would you lot suggest replacing that in 1 lawsuit efficient together with best scheme inwards the the world alongside something that to a greater extent than resembles the failed Medicaid plan?

I never said healthcare professionals aid solely virtually money, never implied anything roughly that. Our systems are suffering together with are inwards their electrical current unsustainable seat because of inadequate reimbursement cast Medicare together with Medicaid. My Implication is providers demand to live on paid considerably to a greater extent than cast these plans. Please debate what I say non the talking points you lot want I had that you lot receive got answers for.

Wendell Potter was non an insurance executive, he was a PR hack who volition say what e'er he is paid to save. I receive got previously destroyed whatever creditability he had, facial expression upwards whatever fourth dimension I receive got commented on him on this weblog to see how clueless he is. All those years every bit an "insurance executive" together with he doesn't fifty-fifty grasp basic manufacture terminology. If someone would pay him to sing the praise on insurance companies tomorrow he would modify his melody again.

If you lot recall nosotros receive got a capitalist healthcare scheme you lot demand to locomote dorsum to foursquare 1 together with start HS all over. Capitalist systems don't receive got 50% of expenditures coming from regime nor operate nether the yoke of regulation our systems do. Our insurance systems receive got non been capitalist since Medicare passed 40+ years ago.

Not a lobbyist only a pocket-size work organisation possessor who helps employers offering affordable insurance past times reducing what they pay to evil insurance companies. My living is made pissing off the large carriers.

I would facial expression someone who has a PhD together with specializes inwards inquiry to know how to exercise basic research. Everything you lot receive got referenced so far makes you lot seem to a greater extent than similar a vacuum of propaganda. You cite poorly designed studies alongside flawed premises together with create opinions on the shrilling of political operatives. I haven't seen you lot in 1 lawsuit reference whatever solid facts or data.

In response to my statement—"If access to proficient healthcare is NOT a right (which I assume you lot contend), together with so what makes YOU to a greater extent than deserving than millions of others!"—he wrote:

Who said I deserved anything? I don't recall I am entitled to whatever access. I exercise believe I am entitled to the fruits of my task though. If I want to central that task for access or healthcare services that is my right. That is why I receive got an number alongside politicians telling me I must kickoff piece of work 2-3 months a twelvemonth so those that pick out non to piece of work tin receive got access together with aid together with and so they farther dictate to me I must purchase their inefficient version of care. They receive got null constitutional right to forcefulness me to participate inwards a wellness insurance central or to pay for others so they can.

Question to you, why are 12 1 1000 one thousand non U.S. citizens allowed to confiscate my task to pay for their care?

In response to my statement—"If our civilisation (and others) were to a greater extent than focused on promoting greater empathy (and compassion), we'd receive got a much improve world."—he wrote:

If you lot ignore reality together with pretend at that topographic point are no unintended consequences. Your empathy together with gentler the world declaration is the same 1 Liberals gave when forcing blacks into populace housing. Now that they receive got destroyed 4+ generations of African Americans exercise you lot even so consider those actions empathetic? By feeding the starving inwards Africa you lot are genuinely dooming millions to a greater extent than together with generations to starvation. As long every bit people that receive got no agency to feed themselves locomote along having babies they can't feed they volition starve. So piece you lot mightiness experience proficient virtually yourself together with recall your empathetic your genuinely monsters enabling the suffering of millions to a greater extent than for your ain selfish reasons. Sometimes it is improve to allow 1 soul cash inwards one's chips so 10 to a greater extent than don't receive got to. If you lot can't properly feed them all forever together with so one-half donkey efforts are solely helping you.

I replied:

Hmmm…Sounds similar you're downplaying empathy because at that topographic point may live on unintended consequences. It's similar saying, Why pose yourself inwards someone else's shoes together with essay to sympathise things from their holler for of see since at that topographic point receive got been times when half-assed attempts to assist those inwards demand receive got backfired? I would conduct a completely dissimilar approach past times asking: How tin nosotros utilization the agreement empathy brings to exercise things that are effective inwards helping those inwards demand to assist themselves inwards a sustainable way?

Let me add together that empathy toward healthcare providers is likewise important. Put yourself inwards the shoes of a physician who strives to deliver cost-effective aid when our crazy insurance scheme genuinely punishes him financially for doing so! That's why I disagree alongside your blanket declaration that all Medicare together with Medicaid providers ought to live on paid more. Instead, I combat that providers who deliver HIGH VALUE aid should live on paid considerably to a greater extent than than those who don't, live on it from Medicare, Medicaid, together with individual insurance companies. I would likewise combat that that the disparity betwixt primary aid together with sure as shooting specialists is lop-sided together with ought to live on corrected.

Please back upwards your claim that the vast bulk of state, federal, together with employer systems are improve than anything else inwards the world.

I cannot comment on your critique of Wendell Potter since, beingness an insurance guy, you lot receive got a vested involvement inwards disparaging him. Nevertheless, his interview was powerful together with convincing. He seems to live on a soul who allow empathy "get inwards the way" of doing his chore every bit an insurance fellowship spokesman.

I don't sympathise the rationale of your declaration that our insurance systems receive got non been capitalist since Medicare passed 40+ years ago.

I've cited studies from reputable people together with organizations; together with at that topographic point are many more. You've criticized them all, but receive got non presented whatever of your ain validated research.

I don't sympathise your declaration "That is why I receive got an number alongside politicians telling me I must kickoff piece of work 2-3 months a twelvemonth so those that pick out non to piece of work tin receive got access together with aid together with and so they farther dictate to me I must purchase their inefficient version of care. They receive got null constitutional right to forcefulness me to participate inwards a wellness insurance central or to pay for others so they can." What "inefficient version of care" are you lot forced to purchase? Where's the evidence that it must live on inefficient? Why is it that solely virtually giving people who "choose non to work" access to care? What virtually the working poor, etc.?

"Question to you, why are 12 1 1000 one thousand non U.S. citizens allowed to confiscate my task to pay for their care?"

If our country's priorities were different, if our broken healthcare scheme was fixed, if nosotros knew how to together with were rewarded for delivering high value care, them I believe we'd receive got the coin to give them proficient aid without jeopardizing the aid to American citizens. That would receive got assist improve the picture of America inwards the eyes of the repose of the the world past times demonstrating empathy. But because the overall healthcare is so screwed up, nosotros can't fifty-fifty conduct aid of our ain citizens. So, our options are to say the hell alongside them, or to cure American healthcare inwards a way that enables us to exercise to a greater extent than to improve the wellness together with wellbeing of other people's.

In response to my statement—"Nevertheless, his interview was powerful together with convincing."—he wrote:

Because he said what you lot wanted to hear together with reinforced what you lot thought. It does non bother you lot that factually he was totally off base of operations together with fifty-fifty though he was supposedly an insurance executive he misused basic manufacture jargon? What your admitting is you lot don't aid rather the facts are accurate every bit long every bit you lot handgrip alongside the point, non really scientific. Being paid past times a left leaning pro reform organisation agency you lot should likewise non comment on Mr. Potter. I acquire paid to conduct coin away from insurance companies so you lot can't trust what I say proficient virtually them, Mr. Potter gets paid to critique insurance companies so you lot tin believe what he says? I don't follow the logic on that.

In response to my statement— "I don't sympathise the rationale of your declaration that our insurance systems receive got non been capitalist since Medicare passed 40+ years ago."—he wrote:

Capitalism is an economical together with social scheme inwards which trade, manufacture together with the agency of production (also known every bit capital) are privately controlled (either singly or jointly) together with operated for a profit

When the regime owns 50% of the marketplace together with controls through regulation the balance it does non come across the pregnant of capitalism. I don't sympathise the rational for thinking for 1 2d our electrical current systems are capitalist, past times what possible measure?

In response to my statement— "I've cited studies from reputable people together with organizations;" —he wrote:

Reputable inwards the eyes of those who back upwards them together with portion mutual goals. I didn't uncovering anything reputable inwards whatever of the studies you lot referenced. In regards to validated inquiry the bulk of my opinions together with statements reference my personal knowledge. When you lot piece of work daily inwards the plain beingness discussed you lot don't demand to reference the piece of work of others that piece of work inwards the field. This is the fallacy of studies, they are to far removed from those genuinely doing the piece of work together with receive got the knowledge. The people you lot cite are studying what I do, I don't demand a study to cite myself.

Some points, similar the fact nosotros don't receive got Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 system, nosotros receive got thousands, exercise you lot genuinely demand me to holler the 1000s of systems to examine to you lot nosotros don't receive got only one?

In response to my statement— "What "inefficient version of care" are you lot forced to purchase?" —he wrote:

House nib 3400 or what e'er was passed sets upwards an insurance central together with over times outlaws whatever insurance beingness sold exterior of said exchange. Any ERISA plans would demand to come across approving exterior the exchange. What would live on required is non addressed of course.

Currently I am forced to pay for, together with and so potent armed into using Medicare. Medicare beingness 1 of it non the most inefficient systems inwards the world. This is evidenced past times the fact it loses 10 cents on every dollar.

In response to my statement— "I believe we'd receive got the coin to give them proficient aid without jeopardizing the aid to American citizens." —he wrote:

Why am I forced to give them whatever care? Why don't they start collecting empathy from their ain people together with regime instead of breaking into the U.S. together with stealing it?

Empathy solely works inwards the naïve the world where people abide by it. What you lot are failing to acknowledge is American could present all the empathy inwards the intelligence together with the the world would suck us dead. The billions congress rushed through for Katrina was total of empathy, together with billions where stolen. You can't present opened upwards ended empathy without protection together with you lot receive got proposed null protection.

Your initial metaphor is wrong, putting yourself inwards someone else's shoes to see their holler for of see is non the same every bit offering to purchase anyone that wants it gratis insurance. I sympathise people's difficulties together with struggles that doesn't hateful I demand to opened upwards my wallet together with give them all my money.

If you lot genuinely wanted to assist those inwards demand you lot would halt alongside the handouts together with instead give them opportunity. The quondam pedagogy someone to fish versus giving them a fish. Tax credits, welfare checks together with nutrient stamps create subject voting blocks. Guaranteed jobs sorting trash or acting every bit crossing guards helps people. This is why liberalism is BS together with doesn't work, you lot pretend it's empathy for others that you lot offering welfare programs fifty-fifty though they hardly e'er work. In fact you lot are creating slaves forced to vote for you. If you lot genuinely cared virtually these people you lot would give them jobs non handouts.

In response to my statement— "your blanket declaration that all Medicare together with Medicaid providers ought to live on paid more." —he wrote:

Again non at all what I said.

"My Implication is providers demand to live on paid considerably to a greater extent than cast these plans."

I don't see the intelligence all anywhere.

Who exercise you lot facial expression to mensurate HIGH VALUE, the same people that recall me receive got 1 scheme instead of 1000s? The regime is created together with run the most inefficient healthcare systems inwards the world? I recall High Value is best gauged past times the consumer together with should live on rewarded alongside the consumers money.

In response to my statement—"I would likewise combat that that the disparity betwixt primary aid together with sure as shooting specialists is lop-sided together with ought to live on corrected." —he wrote:

Know the best way inwards the the world to achieve this, allow the physician justify his fee to the patient. That is why cosmetic together with elective procedures decline inwards toll piece all other healthcare inscreases.

In response to my statement—"Please back upwards your claim that the vast bulk of state, federal, together with employer systems are improve than anything else inwards the world." —he wrote:

Again non what I said, federal together with province Medicaid are the worst. Employer plans are the most efficient together with deliver the highest character care.

I replied:

In response to my observation that Mr. Potter's interview was powerful together with convincing, you lot said my perception is such because "… he said what you lot wanted to hear together with reinforced what you lot thought."

It's truthful that Mr. Potter's scathing critique is aligned alongside many other things I've learned virtually the wellness insurance manufacture together with that his comments reinforced those perceptions. Nevertheless, I receive got an opened upwards hear together with am definitely interested inwards debate.

In response to his statement—"It does non bother you lot that factually he was totally off base of operations together with fifty-fifty though he was supposedly an insurance executive he misused basic manufacture jargon?" —I replied:

What manufacture jargon did he misuse together with how does that examine he lied to Congress together with forthwith lies to the public? In search for truth, delight quote all statements he made inwards the interview (and elsewhere of which you lot are aware) that are false, together with explicate how they are invalid.

In response to his statement— "I acquire paid to conduct coin away from insurance companies so you lot can't trust what I say proficient virtually them, Mr. Potter gets paid to critique insurance companies so you lot tin believe what he says? I don't follow the logic on that." —I replied:

First of all, I don't know precisely what you lot do, but it sounds similar you lot piece of work for smaller insurance companies (as a broker?) together with acquire paid when an employer switches to 1 of your clients. For transparency sake, my personal information is freely available on my weblog together with wiki for populace review. Where tin I/we uncovering out to a greater extent than virtually you? Anyway, are you lot implying that Mr. Potter became a whistle blower IN ORDER to locomote a paid critic, rather than his claim that his motivation was influenced past times insurance fellowship abuses for which he could no longer inwards proficient witting ignore or accept? Did some liberal leftist organisation alongside deep pockets convince him to start lying against the wellness insurance manufacture so he could earn fifty-fifty to a greater extent than coin every bit a whistl-blower? I tin solely assume why you lot reject the notion that an insurance fellowship PR soul such every bit Mr. Potter tin locomote empathetic together with seek to conduct the "high road," but I would similar hear you lot explanation.

In response to his statement— "When the regime owns 50% of the marketplace together with controls through regulation the balance it does non come across the pregnant of capitalism. I don't sympathise the rational for thinking for 1 2d our electrical current systems are capitalist, past times what possible measure?" —I replied:

I tin sympathise how a unmarried payer scheme would non live on capitalistic, but why exercise you lot say that potent gov regulation is a element inwards killing capitalism? Are you lot are insinuating that the right sort of capitalism is the pathologically mutated cast of gratis marketplace capitalism we've been living alongside for many years, alongside its weak gov regulations, which has been destroying our province piece making a few people really wealthy?

In response to his statement— " I didn't uncovering anything reputable inwards whatever of the studies you lot referenced. In regards to validated inquiry the bulk of my opinions together with statements reference my personal knowledge. When you lot piece of work daily inwards the plain beingness discussed you lot don't demand to reference the piece of work of others that piece of work inwards the field. This is the fallacy of studies, they are to far removed from those genuinely doing the piece of work together with receive got the knowledge. The people you lot cite are studying what I do, I don't demand a study to cite myself."—I replied:

Sounds similar you're insinuating: Don't bother alongside academic research, only conduct the intelligence of non-empathic people inwards the manufacture who receive got a vested fiscal involvement inwards the status quo together with avoiding harsh criticism. Not a convincing argument, imo!

In response to his statement— "Some points, similar the fact nosotros don't receive got Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 system, nosotros receive got thousands, exercise you lot genuinely demand me to holler the 1000s of systems to examine to you lot nosotros don't receive got only one?"—I replied:

Semantics. We receive got ONE healthcare scheme comprised of many sub-systems. These sub-systems portion diverse work organisation models, operational processes, together with metrics. So … What's your point?

In response to his statement— "Medicare beingness 1 of it non the most inefficient systems inwards the world. This is evidenced past times the fact it loses 10 cents on every dollar."—I replied:

Are you lot implying that nosotros should eliminate Medicare because it has inefficiencies, or are you lot proverb nosotros should piece of work to locomote inwards to a greater extent than efficient? Personally, I recall ALL of regime should live on made much to a greater extent than efficient, every bit good every bit making our entire healthcare scheme (including all sub-systems) much to a greater extent than efficient past times cutting out waste, fraud, abuse, together with inefficient operational processes. This requires a RADICAL OVERHAUL of our entire healthcare scheme (with all its sub-systems). Do you lot desire individual insurance to locomote to a greater extent than efficient together with affordable every bit well?

In response to my belief that past times fixing our healthcare scheme (with all its sub-systems) we'd receive got the coin to give the 12 1 1000 one thousand non U.S. citizens proficient aid without jeopardizing the aid to American citizens, he replied, "Why am I forced to give them whatever care? Why don't they start collecting empathy from their ain people together with regime instead of breaking into the U.S. together with stealing it? Empathy solely works inwards the naïve the world where people abide by it. What you lot are failing to acknowledge is American could present all the empathy inwards the intelligence together with the the world would suck us dead. The billions congress rushed through for Katrina was total of empathy, together with billions where stolen. You can't present opened upwards ended empathy without protection together with you lot receive got proposed null protection."—I responded with:

It sounds you're proverb that agreement what it's similar to live on inwards someone else's shoes tin a bad affair because (a) it isn't our responsibleness to conduct aid of other peoples, (b) people can't live on trusted, together with (c) people for whom nosotros receive got empathy volition conduct from us without end; therefore, nosotros demand to live on protected. Well, empathy DOESN'T hateful you lot HAVE TO exercise anything only because you lot agreement other people's woes together with points of see (which is something to which you lot agree). But if you lot desire to human activeness on your empathy to assist others—which I combat nosotros should for many reasons, fifty-fifty though nosotros are non obliged to—then I handgrip that it should live on done wisely, including safeguards (rules, regulations, together with oversight). The same tin live on said for empathy toward the bailed out fiscal institutions together with auto manufacturers, every bit good every bit toward wellness insurance companies, the elderly, poor, together with disabled, together with fifty-fifty unusual governments.

In response to his statement— "If you lot genuinely wanted to assist those inwards demand you lot would halt alongside the handouts together with instead give them opportunity…Guaranteed jobs sorting trash or acting every bit crossing guards helps people…If you lot genuinely cared virtually these people you lot would give them jobs non handouts."—I replied:

If the jobs included access to fantabulous healthcare together with a improve character of life, together with so I handgrip alongside you!

In response to his statement— "Who exercise you lot facial expression to mensurate HIGH VALUE, the same people that recall me receive got 1 scheme instead of 1000s? The regime is created together with run the most inefficient healthcare systems inwards the world? I recall High Value is best gauged past times the consumer together with should live on rewarded alongside the consumers money."—I replied:

One affair I your declaration appears to confirm is that your 1 vs. 1000 systems comment is a clever semantic ploy meant to discredit me past times insinuating I didn't know the difference. Nevertheless, you lot exercise convey upwards a valid enquiry concerning who should mensurate the value of care. I combat that 1 appropriate metric of value would live on clinical outcomes (e.g., changes inwards signs, symptoms, together with character of life; readmission rates; together with safety) divided past times cost (of meds, procedures, infirmary charges, etc.) alongside due consideration of the severity together with complexity of each patient's condition. In other words, value is a mensurate of cost-effectiveness. This is non an tardily affair to exercise together with at that topographic point are many daunting challenges. To recall that a consumer tin justice aid value validly together with reliably is really naïve to say the to the lowest degree (see this link).

In response to my declaration that I would likewise combat that that the disparity betwixt primary aid together with sure as shooting specialists is lop-sided together with ought to live on corrected, he wrote "Know the best way inwards the the world to achieve this, allow the physician justify his fee to the patient."—I responded with:

If you lot hateful that nosotros should receive got pricing together with performance transparency, together with so I agree, although doing it right is a existent challenge (see see A Path to Profound Healthcare Transformation). But, similar to what I said above, expecting patients to effectively evaluate the relative validity of justifications past times dissimilar doctors is naïve. In a four-part postal service I wrote virtually the dilemma modern consumers human face upwards inwards this era of "personal responsibility," I presented stories from a consumers holler for of see inwards which a soul (1) has to brand hard handling decisions when at that topographic point are no clear-cut answers together with (2) create upwards one's hear on a wellness insurance policy from amidst dozens of confusing alternatives. This serial of posts begins at this link.

In response to my statement— "Employer plans are the most efficient together with deliver the highest character care."—I wrote:

Please validate this declaration together with explicate what you lot hateful past times most efficient together with highest quality. Also, hash out if this high efficiency together with character interpret into high value to the consumer.

The debate continues at this link.

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