
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 24Th May 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 24th May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Continental ties - India's outreach to Africa"

  • Continental - relating to or belonging to whatever of the Earth’s continents
  • Outreach - the practise of providing assist together with advice to people inward a community earlier they bring to enquire for it
  • Heavy-lifting - hard operate that needs a lot of effort
  • Transform - to brand someone or something completely different
  • Strategic - carefully planned inward society to attain a particular goal
  • Forum - an organized lawsuit or coming together at which people hash out something
  • Minimal - extremely pocket-sized inward sum or degree
  • Token - token actions are done to present that yous are doing something, fifty-fifty if the results are express inward their effect
  • Foothold - a seat from which yous tin flaming better your condition or instruct to a greater extent than successful
  • Generic - a generic drug or other production does non bring a trademark together with is sold without a company’s shout on it
  • Dependable - if someone or something is dependable, yous tin flaming bring confidence inward him, her, or it
  • Donor - someone who gives things such every bit coin or goods to an organization, peculiarly i that helps people
  • Aid - money, food, or other assist that an organisation or authorities gives to a province or surface area where people require it, for lawsuit because of a state of war or flood
  • Strings attached - if something such every bit an understanding has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits
  • Summit - a coming together or serial of meetings betwixt leaders of 2 or to a greater extent than countries
  • Significant - really large or noticeable
  • Credentials - personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that brand someone suitable for something
  • To laid about amongst -  used for introducing the outset thing inward a listing of things yous are going to say
  • Maritime - involving ships or the delineate of piece of job organisation of moving people together with goods inward ships
  • Alliance -  an organisation betwixt 2 or to a greater extent than people, groups, or countries yesteryear which they concur to operate together to attain something
  • On the sidelines of something - non actively involved inward something
  • Delegation -  a grouping of people who correspond a country, government, or organization
  • Peacekeeping - armed forces efforts to foreclose war, peculiarly betwixt groups who bring been fighting
  • Consultation - give-and-take betwixt people or groups earlier they brand a decision
  • Colonial - relating to a scheme or menses inward which i province rules another
  • Initiative - an of import activity that is intended to solve a problem
  • Bolstering - to brand something stronger or to a greater extent than effective
  • Coalition - a temporary spousal human relationship of dissimilar groups who concur to operate together to attain a shared aim
  • Like-minded - like-minded people, groups etc bring similar tastes, interests, together with opinions
  • Equitable - fair together with reasonable because everyone is treated inward the same way
  • Transparent - opened upward together with honest, without secrets

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Maharajah of debt: On Air India’s revival"

  • Revival - the procedure of becoming active, successful, or pop again
  • Reputation - the sentiment that people bring nearly how skillful or how bad someone or something is
  • Consecutive - next i afterwards roughly other inward society together with amongst zilch else inward between
  • Aviation - connected amongst making or flight planes
  • Carrier - a vehicle or send used for moving goods or people
  • The likes of - a person, thing, or grouping similar inward grapheme or lineament to the i mentioned
  • Corporate - relating to large companies
  • Beset - to crusade someone difficulty or danger over a menses of time
  • Bear fruit - to bring a successful result
  • Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long fourth dimension at the same level
  • Owing to - because of something
  • A slew of something - a large publish of things
  • Bloated - non effective because it is likewise large or has likewise many workers
  • Workforce - the total publish of people who operate inward a particular company, industry, or area
  • Adequately - plenty or satisfactory for a particular purpose
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain amongst a thing or problem
  • Subservient - considered less of import than something else
  • Holding the brusque cease of the stick - to endure the bad effects of a situation
  • Consortium - a grouping of companies or people amongst similar interests or aims who bring agreed to operate together
  • Bailout - coin that someone gives or lends to a somebody or organisation amongst fiscal problems
  • Bureaucratic - involving a lot of complicated rules, details, together with processes
  • Mismanagement - the procedure of managing something badly
  • Sinful - morally incorrect or bad
  • Fill vacuum - supersede something
  • Come forrad - to offering help
  • Either agency - used for maxim that it does non thing which of 2 things happens or is true, because the final result volition hold out the same
  • Incur -  to lose money, owe money, or bring to pay coin every bit a final result of doing something

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