
Healthy Living Criteria For A Sustainable Wellness System

On his blog, Vijay Goel, M.D. posted v criteria for a sustainable wellness system. He wrote:

Sustainable wellness reform requires a venture foundation…unfortunately the proposals we're seeing out of Washington do a to a greater extent than elaborate menage of cards, every bit nosotros maintain to do an elaborate wellness assist ponzi scheme. The House that built Medicare has already saddled our province amongst Trillions inward unfunded liabilities. The proposals nosotros run into await to maintain to wages a medical-industrial complex that creates as well as manages diseases rather than focusing on optimizing the wellness of people.

His criteria are:

  1. Individuals have fair value for premiums
  2. Health Insurance is actual insurance (i.e. doesn't insure pre-existing conditions)
  3. Comprehensive services be to Actively Manage Chronic Conditions: Chronic weather condition (pre-existing) postulate active management
  4. Subsidies locomote on Transparently
  5. Retail Competition based on Differentiation.

These are all practiced tactics!

From a broader perspective, we've identified at to the lowest degree iv goals that whatever authorities proposals ought to focus on achieving; as well as the proposals tin last judged based on marker to which they address these iv goals. That is, nosotros ought to last assessing how much do the proposals focus on promoting greater:

  1. Self-Discipline?
  2. Personal Responsibility?
  3. Empathy as well as Compassion for the to the lowest degree advantaged (Social Responsibility)?
  4. Public Accountability (Transparency)?

In addition, in that place are at to the lowest degree eight objectives that relate to those achieving those goals; as well as a proposal tin last judged yesteryear how probable they are to accomplish these objectives:

  1. Balance Investment & Spending
  2. Balance Savings & Borrowing
  3. Balance Conservation & Consumption
  4. Balance Endowments & Entitlements
  5. Connect Ends & Means (Resource Availability)
  6. Connect Should/Must Dos & Can Dos (Priorities)
  7. Preserve Security/Protection
  8. Preserve Rights/Freedoms (Opportunity & Liberty).

I propose that the well-nigh sustainable proposals are those that focus on achieving those goals as well as objectives yesteryear fostering ever-increasing value to the patient/consumer through the cost-effective prevention, (self-) management, as well as handling of wellness problems.

Continued at On his blog, Vijay Goel, M.D. posted v criteria for a sustainable wellness system. He wrote:

Sustainable wellness reform requires a venture foundation…unfortunately the proposals we're seeing out of Washington do a to a greater extent than elaborate menage of cards, every bit nosotros maintain to do an elaborate wellness assist ponzi scheme. The House that built Medicare has already saddled our province amongst Trillions inward unfunded liabilities. The proposals nosotros run into await to maintain to wages a medical-industrial complex that creates as well as manages diseases rather than focusing on optimizing the wellness of people.

His criteria are:

  1. Individuals have fair value for premiums
  2. Health Insurance is actual insurance (i.e. doesn't insure pre-existing conditions)
  3. Comprehensive services be to Actively Manage Chronic Conditions: Chronic weather condition (pre-existing) postulate active management
  4. Subsidies locomote on Transparently
  5. Retail Competition based on Differentiation.

These are all practiced tactics!

From a broader perspective, we've identified at to the lowest degree iv goals that whatever authorities proposals ought to focus on achieving; as well as the proposals tin last judged based on marker to which they address these iv goals. That is, nosotros ought to last assessing how much do the proposals focus on promoting greater:

  1. Self-Discipline?
  2. Personal Responsibility?
  3. Empathy as well as Compassion for the to the lowest degree advantaged (Social Responsibility)?
  4. Public Accountability (Transparency)?

In addition, in that place are at to the lowest degree eight objectives that relate to those achieving those goals; as well as a proposal tin last judged yesteryear how probable they are to accomplish these objectives:

  1. Balance Investment & Spending
  2. Balance Savings & Borrowing
  3. Balance Conservation & Consumption
  4. Balance Endowments & Entitlements
  5. Connect Ends & Means (Resource Availability)
  6. Connect Should/Must Dos & Can Dos (Priorities)
  7. Preserve Security/Protection
  8. Preserve Rights/Freedoms (Opportunity & Liberty).

I propose that the well-nigh sustainable proposals are those that focus on achieving those goals as well as objectives yesteryear this link.

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