
Healthy Living A New Mode To Part Personal Wellness Information

Patient wellness information are stored inwards disparate silos—separate islands of information residing inwards oftentimes incompatible EMR/EHR in addition to PHR databases controlled yesteryear dissimilar hospitals, clinics in addition to world wellness agencies, too dissimilar grouping in addition to solo practices. The inquiry is: What is the best manner for this personal wellness information to live on shared securely betwixt the people who postulate it to furnish character attention to private patients, protect populations, in addition to perform enquiry leading to valid evidence-based guidelines?

There's genuinely a simple, cheap in addition to secure manner to commutation information betwixt whatsoever PHRs, EHRs, EMRs in addition to world health/research/biosurveillance databases. As I've discussed inwards previous posts, it requires a image shift from...
  • Monolithic, centralized, pull, synchronous systems—an architecture that's skillful behind an organization's firewall
  • Distributed federation of asynchronous pub/sub nodes that force information from publishing to subscribing nodes—an architecture that's skillful for the form of loosely coupled P2P networks crossing organizational boundaries that comprise the NHIN (National Health Information Network).
The latter architecture uses a node-to-node carry method, which is like to the manner the telephone scheme works. It enables everyone everywhere to commutation information alongside piddling toll in addition to complexity, fifty-fifty when bandwidth is depression in addition to Internet access is intermittent. It enables massive interoperability. With it, scalability is a non-issue. It provides composite reports containing information from many disparate sources. And it allows information views to live on changed instantaneously (even when offline), which increases agreement by, for example:
  • Data slicing, dicing in addition to drilling downwardly (i.e., breaking a trunk of information downwardly into smaller parts, examining it from dissimilar viewpoints in addition to dividing an information expanse upward into finer in addition to finer layers)
  • Switching from lists in addition to tables to graphs
  • Answering advertizing hoc "what if" questions
  • etc.
In lodge to implement the inwards a higher identify solution, you lot would connect pub/sub node software to every application inwards a mesh node network. And you lot would enable each node to create whatever information translations in addition to transformations are needed to assure the correct information gets to the correct identify inwards the correct format. Then transmit the information to subscribing nodes inwards PKI encrypted delimited text files (such equally CSV) via FTP, email attachments, MMS, or whatever protocol desired. Upon receipt, the subscribing nodes tin privy import the information into their local databases and/or homecoming the information locally using customized templates that tin privy operate interactively offline.

I verbalise over this solution inwards special at this at my company's LinkedIn grouping at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2697006&trk=anet_ug_hm&goback=%2Eanh_2697006. You're welcomed to join.

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