
A Healthcare Transformation Strategy Supported Past Times A New Spreadsheet

Whole Person Integrated Care (WPIC) IEEE Presentation

H5N1 Healthcare Transformation Strategy Supported yesteryear a Novel Spreadsheet-Based Software Framework

I volition hold upwards presenting at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) inward San Jose on Oct. 20, 2017. GHTC focuses on bringing together people to address critical issues for the practise goodness of the people some the the world through the deployment in addition to application of humanitarian technologies.

The presentation volition depict a healthcare transformation strategy called Whole Person Integrated Care (WPIC). I volition hash out how WPIC couples a new Spreadsheet-based Software Framework (SSF) in addition to a tending delivery model that focus on increasing efficiency in addition to effectiveness through evidence-based cognition in addition to action.

This strategy: 1) integrates “sick care” (treatment of wellness problems) amongst “well care” (prevention in addition to self-management) in addition to 2) addresses both physical in addition to psychological problems affecting a patient’s health. The SSF currently utilizes Microsoft Excel to practise simple, low-cost, in addition to flexible software solutions that capture, import, export, transform, integrate, organize, store, analyze, render, in addition to telephone substitution information in addition to information. Using a node-to-node (point-to-point) network architecture, clinicians, researchers, patients, in addition to others tin sack connect securely in addition to resiliently, anywhere in addition to anytime, across national in addition to organizational boundaries. This allows collaborators to build, share, evaluate, in addition to evolve evidence-based cognition in addition to analytic models. The shared cognition in addition to models are used to brand projections, let out existing problems, put risks, in addition to offering solutions that back upwards decisions for clinical in addition to describe of piece of occupation concern procedure improvement. 

Included volition hold upwards a alive demonstration of an SSF application lately piloted inward a Federal wellness information technology program, a review of existing SSF tools, in addition to a proposal for an opened upwards rootage community to enable the SSF to prepare apps that function on all platforms in addition to devices.

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