
Healthy Living Minor Independent Practices - Big Transformative Potential

A post yesteryear Dr. John Brady titled My oasis of help is beingness threatened examined the dilemma pocket-sized practices (the "little guys") are straight off facing. Should they teach extinct, beingness consumed yesteryear large organizations (the "big guys")? Or does the niggling guy convey an of import identify inward the healthcare? How tin scope the sack the niggling guys autonomy convey the ability to transform our healthcare scheme inward really positive ways, especially when centralized command yesteryear the large guys is as well as thus prevalent these days? Here's what I wrote ...

As a clinician as well as wellness information technology software architect working inward several Federal (ONC) workgroups over the yesteryear 3 years, I tin scope the sack confirm that authorities focus has been on the “big guys,” i.e., large provider organizations as well as EHR vendors participating inward wellness data exchanges (HIEs). I’ve been fighting to convey the focus extended to supporting the needs of pocket-sized practices as well as EHR vendors (the “little guys”).

Having had a solo practise inward NY for xx years (as a clinical psychologist), I empathise with Dr. Brady’s sentiments virtually the importance of autonomy as well as independent practices inward price of clinicians’ lineament of life as well as the well-being of their patients. This extends to primary help practices as well as specialists of all disciplines.

While I ground that help coordination as well as next-generation determination back upwardly are of import to increasing healthcare value to patient, it is unwise to ignore or destroy the niggling guys inward the process.

H5N1 instance tin scope the sack hold out made for the government’s centralized, top-down, tightly-coupled network (TCN) model that it benefits larger organizations. Primary benefits of the TCN are command as well as consistency because this model limits participation to people inside the same discipline, department, region, organization, etc.; who convey access to the same data sources, part like experiences; who create things inward like ways; as well as who are nether the command of fundamental authority.

An as valid though contrary model tin scope the sack hold out made for decentralized bottom-up loosely-coupled network (LCN) of independent collaborators that create goodness pocket-sized practices as well as organizations. In add-on to the professional person autonomy benefit, the LCN’s other benefits include creativity, innovation, as well as attending to differing needs as well as circumstances of unlike parties. This is because collaboration alongside people with broad diversities of knowledge, ideas as well as points of regard provides a larger collection of resources intellectual pools, as well as offers access to a greater diversity of non-redundant data as well as to a greater extent than content on which to base of operations decisions. As such, the LCNs render the greatest opportunities for stimulating multifaceted discussions, out-of-the box thinking, as well as creative clinical as well as economical solutions.

An illustration of an LCN is the communities of referral that degree patient centered medical homes/neighborhoods inward which a primary help doc as well as specific specialists as well as facilities collaborate inward the help of a specific patient. These LCNs tin scope the sack interconnect with each other on a nation-wide as well as fifty-fifty world-wide basis, too as connect with TCNs. Given the political volition as well as adequate job concern incentives, this global interconnectivity tin scope the sack hold out achieved rather quickly, easily as well as inexpensively. It tin scope the sack hold out done using a software architecture inward which pub/sub nodes substitution data via unproblematic encrypted email (such as the ONC Direct Project).

Realization of this vision would enable independent-minded individuals to keep their autonomy, piece at the same fourth dimension enabling them to collaborate inward regional as well as international LCNs for the role of improving clinical determination back upwardly to growth value to healthcare consumers as well as vantage providers who create so.

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