
Healthy Living Healthcare Reform Value Advertisement & Vantage Strategy

I've been writing nigh the ask for high value healthcare for over 4 years. In the yesteryear twelvemonth or so, to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than people get got begun discussing the notion of value amongst regards to healthcare reform.

I've of late participated inwards ane such give-and-take at KevinMD in a shipping about the tension betwixt physicians in addition to wellness policy experts (at this link) and some other nigh how MD consolidation places wellness reformers inwards an ironic dilemma (at this link).

My comments focused on making the representative that success healthcare reform models must last built on strategies focusing on (a) delivering high value tending to every patient (client/consumer) yesteryear (b) enabling in addition to rewarding the efficient delivery of high lineament (safe & effective) “sick-care” (treating affliction in addition to dysfunction) in addition to “well-care” (prevention in addition to self-maintenance) inside (c) a trust-worthy learning environs that promotes continuous, demonstrable improvement inwards tending value.

Such strategies stair out value every bit lineament divided yesteryear cost, which is a stair out of cost-effectiveness.
Key tactics of this value advertisement & vantage strategy are:
  • “Value-pricing,” which agency paying to a greater extent than for healthcare services in addition to products proven to last to a greater extent than cost-effective (and vice versa)
  • Patient-centered cognitive support, which consists of advanced wellness information technology systems that assistance practitioners/clinicians/providers avoid data overload every bit they: (a) gain deep cognition patients’ problems in addition to risks, along amongst abrupt awareness of the most cost-effective diagnostic, handling in addition to prevention options in addition to (b) occupation that cognition in addition to awareness to brand valid decisions, accept competent actions in addition to make goodness outcomes 
  • Shared decision-making, during which wellness practitioners develop patients nigh their handling options inwards understandable linguistic communication that takes into occupation organization human relationship patients’ individualized needs, circumstances in addition to preferences
  • Practice-research collaboration (knowledge networks) that generate in addition to disseminate ever-evolving evidence-based preferred exercise guidelines in addition to self-help recommendations
  • Healthcare delivery models assuring access in addition to availability of high-value tending to everyone.
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