
Yak Electrical Current Affairs 2017 : Scientific Discipline & Technology

Science & Technology Current Affairs 2107

  • The Union Minister for Science & Technology in addition to public Sciences Harsh Vardhan has launched a novel spider web portal called 'nakshe' to celebrate Survey of India's 250 Anniversary inwards New Delhi. The portal volition offering Topographic maps for gratis download inwards a pdf format through 'Aaadhar' enabled user authentication process. The primary map-ping agency of the province The Survey of India' is celebrating its 250th anniversary this year. 
  • Mongolia has launched its start satellite Mongol Sat-I purpose of its efforts to brand utilisation of novel engineering to diversify its resource-dependent economy. It is 1227 Megahertz satellite. The satellite was launched inwards partnership alongside Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS). The Satellite helps alongside infinite research, map making in addition to preparing for natural disaster.
  • Indian Navy has successfully tested the dry reason assault version of supersonic cruise missile Brahmos' from Indian Navy's send Teg on a target on land. BrahMos Missile has been jointly developed past times Bharat in addition to Russian Federation in addition to its anti-ship variant has already been inducted into the Nan. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 bulk of the frontline ships of Indian Navy (the Kolkata, Ranvir in addition to Teg classes of ships) are capable of firing this missile. Land Attack variant of BrahMos Missile provides Indian Naval Ships the capability to exactly neutralize selected targets deep inland, far away from coast, from stand-off ranges at sea. 
  • The National Aeronautics in addition to Space Administration (NASA) has successfully launched a stadium-sized, heavy-lift Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) from Wanala a scenic topographic point on New Zealand's South Island. The balloon volition float for to a greater extent than than 100 days at 110000 feet across the globe inwards the Southern Hemisphere's mid-latitude band. The Super Pressure Balloon volition uncovering ultra-high liberate energy cosmic particles from beyond the galaxy equally they penetrate the earth's atmosphere. 
  • India successfully carried out a fresh user trial of 3,000 kilometer make Agni III ballistic missile from Abdul Kalam Island off Odisha coast. The exam was aimed at re-establishing the operational effectiveness of the weapon system. The Agni-ll I, capable of carrying both conventional in addition to nuclear warheads weighing upwards to 1.5 tons. Agni-III ballistic missile is 17 meters tall alongside a two-metre diameter in addition to weighs almost 48 tons. 
    • Agni-Ill is a track mobile organization capable missile in addition to tin privy live launched from any-where giving the province intermediate make ballistic missile firepower in addition to greatly extending its might projection inwards the region. 
  • As per the written report published inwards the mag PLoS ONE, the squad of scientists documented frequent occurrence of aflatoxin a toxin produced past times Aspergillus moulds that :loopy normally infect corn, peanuts, pistachios in addition to almonds inwards sunflower seeds in addition to their products. Researchers convey shown that sunflower seeds are often contaminated alongside a toxin which has the potential to travail liver cancer.
  • The High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) inwards Nihon is getting create to launch the Belle-II experiment, a massive collaborator of 700 scientists from across the globe. At Belle-II, highly intense electron-positron beams volition live made to collide in addition to a huge issue of B-mesons (a boson containing the B, or beauty, quark) volition live produced. 
    • Building a detector to respect the resultant decay products is a challenging trouble in addition to that is i expanse where Indians convey contributed significantly. 
  • According to NASA, Cassini% first-ever dive through the narrow gap betwixt the planet Saturn in addition to equally rings on Apr 26, 2017 was successful in addition to the spacecraft is at nowadays inwards the procedure of beaming dorsum scientific discipline in addition to engineering information collected during its passage. 
  • SpaceX successfully launched in addition to and then retrieved its start recycled rocket on 30th March, 2017, a historic feat in addition to the biggest trammel however inwards its bid to drive downwards costs in addition to speed upwards flights. This especial start phase landed on an body of body of water platform almost exactly a twelvemonth agone later on a infinite station launch for NASA.
Inventions/ Discoveries
  • As per the latest written report it was found that particles blasting out from the Sun stripped away what was i time a thick, Earth-like atmosphere on Mars, leaving behind a dry out in addition to mutual frigidity public inhospitable to life. 
    • About four billion years agone when life was starting on Earth, Man also had a dense atmosphere, which kept the planet warm in addition to wet. The measurements demonstrate that Mars has lost 66 % of its argon since the planet formed some 4.6 billion years ago. 
  • Researchers from University of Texas convey identified to a greater extent than than 100 genes that tin privy assist them empathize correlations betwixt these genes in addition to human encephalon activity during retentiveness processing. 
    • The findings volition assist researchers written report the correlations betwixt these genes in addition to brain's activity during retentiveness processing. 
  • Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (DSc) Bengaluru convey developed 2 new, strong molecules that tin privy severely touching the survival of mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB. Unlike most antibiotics that target the bacterial metabolism past times aiming at the cellular components, the novel molecules inhibit the stress reply pathway of mycobacteria. The stress reply pathway is crucial for bacteria to last during hostile conditions such equally lack of nutrients in addition to the presence of antibiotics, to rear a few. So whatever inhibition of this pathway volition Pb to its death. 
  • A so-called "Super-Earth" that could incorporate liquid water, a province of affairs that would brand it a really proficient candidate for harbouring life has been discovered past times scientists inwards April, 2017. Super-Earth is a rocky, temperate planet orbiting a ruddy dwarf star. The distant planet, dubbed 'LHS 1140b' is orbiting an M storey ruddy dwarf star a niggling smaller in addition to dimmer than the Sunday but the most mutual type of star inwards our galaxy. 
  • Scientists convey developed the start global Internet Atlas, including a detailed map of the Internet's physical construction inwards India, an advance that could assist guard the infrastructure from terrorism or extreme atmospheric condition events. The Internet Alas has been developed past times researchers from University of Wisconsin - Madison inwards the the US in addition to their collaborators. 
  • Contrary to the full general notion that premonsoon aerosol loading results inwards decrease inwards seasonal rainfall, a long-term (2002-2013) satellite observational written report in addition to model-based analysis past times researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has found that higher aerosol loading results inwards delayed but to a greater extent than rainfall over Central in addition to Northern India. Higher aerosol loading changes cloud properties inwards damage of size (both acme in addition to width) in addition to microphysics, which results inwards to a greater extent than rainfall.
Firms inwards intelligence
  • Apple Inc, the maker of the IPhone, announced the opening of its App Accelerator inwards Bengaluru. The accelerator would supply specialized back upwards for deveopers making apps on its mobile operating organization iOS, which is the foundation for its products similar iPhone, iPad in addition to iPod touch. 
    • It would also supply tools in addition to best practices to assist them hone their skills in addition to transform the design, lineament in addition to performance of their apps on LOS.
  • MTN, a Malaysian fellowship has agreed to assist prepare a engineering common which volition encompass 250 acres in addition to focus on novel technologies inwards Andhra Pradesh. 
    • The Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board in addition to MIGHT (Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology) Technology Nurturing Sdn. Bhd (MTN) convey signed a memorandum of agreement inwards New Delhi inwards the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in addition to Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Rezak. 
  • Ola, cab aggregator has integrated alongside United Payment Interface (UPI) to simplify digital payment options for its customers. 
    • This integration volition allow Ola customers to utilisation their unique UPI Ds to pay for all their rides on the Ola platform. While making payments for the Ga rides, a client volition at nowadays convey an pick called 'Pay past times UPI' along alongside cash, debitkredit bill of fare in addition to Ga Money wallet option. 
  • Amazon Bharat has launched an inaugural a virtual grooming programme "Amazon Classroom" to assist learn them the nuances of online selling. The programme focuses on areas such equally lodge processing, adding products in addition to managing returns that are required to piece of job a successful online business. 
    • New sellers tin privy at nowadays perform demos of their seller describe of piece of job organization human relationship dashboard through interactive courses at their ain pace.
  • Russian theatre which is based inwards Moscow in addition to also a subsidiary of ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, ASE grouping of Companies handed over the operations of start unit of measurement of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant to Nuclear Power Corporation of Bharat (NPCIL). The warranty menstruum in addition to commercial performance of the might flora had started inwards Dec 2014. 
    • Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is located inwards Tamil Nadu. Unit I in addition to II of the might flora convey a capacity of chiliad MW each patch unit of measurement III in addition to IV are nether construction.
  • The Rushikulya rookery coast inwards Ganjam district of Odisha is a major bulk nesting site for Olive ridley turtles inwards India. This year, over 3,85,000 woman parent turtles reached the coast to lay eggs. Each nest contains to a greater extent than or less 100 eggs. This agency over 3 crore hatchlings are expected to come upwards out of the nests. On an average, lxxx hatchlings come upwards out of each nest.
  • In April, 2017 a Japanese whaling fleet patch returning to port later on an annual Antarctic hunt killed to a greater extent than than 300 of the mammals leading to global criticism. 
  • The All-India Synchronised Asian Elephant Population Estimation held from May xvi to 19, 2017, in addition to volition live conducted simultaneously In Karnataka in addition to other southern States. The information volition live used to travel into at a reliable gauge of the actual population make of the elephants inwards the wild. 
    • The protocols for population estimations convey been designed in addition to approved past times the Project Elephant Directorate, Ministry of Environment in addition to Forests, Government of India. It volition also assist assess the population construction that includes historic menstruum in addition to gender activity ratio based on at nowadays sightings. 
  • The regime has decided to geotag all assets similar farm ponds, soil testing labs in addition to seed godowns created nether the Rashtdya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) for their amend utilisation. In this regard, a memorandum of agreement (MoU) was signed betwixt the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), a fly of Indian Space Research Organisation, in addition to RKVV partitioning of the Agriculture Ministry 
  • In a query carried out past times the University of Queensland, a tiny fanged called fish blennies causes morphine lawsuit past times injecting other fish alongside opioid peptides that human activeness similar heroin or morphine, inhibiting hurting rather than causing it. 
    • The fish is found inwards the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean in addition to the findings bolster the postulate to protect the Great Barrier Reef in addition to other delicate ecosystems.
Shared past times Shravan Varma Gadhiraju

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