Yak Tenth November 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Beyond criticism?: on 'Sarkar' controversy"
- Beyond - farther away than something else
- Criticism - comments that exhibit that y'all recollect something is incorrect or bad
- Controversy - a disagreement, peculiarly near a world policy or a moral number that a lot of people receive got potent feelings about
- Uproar - a province of affairs inwards which a lot of people complain near something angrily or brand a lot of noise
- Streak - a business office of someone’s character, or a type of demeanor that is unlike from the residual of their character
- Intolerance - someone’s refusal to choose behaviour, beliefs, or opinions that are unlike from their own
- Bullying - demeanor that frightens or hurts someone smaller or weaker
- Shelving - to determine non to work something such every bit a excogitation or proffer now, although y'all may work it later
- Resort to something - to create or work something because it is the alone affair available
- Threat - a province of affairs or an activity that could drive harm or danger
- Intimidation - to deliberately brand someone experience frightened, peculiarly in addition to hence that they volition create what y'all want
- Mute - soundless or non speaking
- Ostensibly - used for proverb that although someone pretends to receive got 1 argue for something, at that topographic point is inwards fact some other reason
- Offend - to brand someone upset in addition to angry past times doing or proverb something
- Sensibility - the mightiness to experience deep emotions, peculiarly every bit a reaction to literature or art
- Rampage - to deport inwards an uncontrolled way, peculiarly when this involves damaging or destroying holding over a broad area
- In chorus - a grouping of people speaking together
- Decry - to tell publicly that y'all create non approve of someone or something
- Populist - representing the interests in addition to opinions of ordinary people
- Fishery - an expanse of the body of body of water where fish tin live caught to live sold
- Remark - a few words that give the facts or your thought near someone or something
- Demise - the expiry of a person
- Tacit - expressed or understood without existence said directly
- Endorsement - an occasion when someone gives official or world back upwardly to a item someone or thing
- Climate - the full general province of affairs or attitudes that people receive got at a item time
- Reminder - something that reminds y'all of something that happened inwards the past
- Touch the raw nervus - to upset someone past times referring to something that they are sensitive about
- Blowback - negative reactions or results that were non intended, such every bit criticism, protest, or anger
- Dispensation - official permission to create something that people are non commonly allowed to do, peculiarly from a religious authority
- Critical of - expressing an thought when y'all recollect something is incorrect or bad
- Welfare - the health in addition to happiness of people
- Renowned - famous in addition to admired for a special science or achievement
- Unfounded - non supported amongst facts or evidence
- Veiled - a veiled threat, attack, or alarm is non direct but is easily understood
- Snip - to cutting something
- Enforce - happening because of a province of affairs that y'all cannot command or prevent
- Censorship - the procedure of removing parts of books, films, letters etc that are considered unsuitable for moral, religious, or political reasons
- Wilful - done deliberately inwards monastic enjoin to drive impairment or harm
- Emphasise - to give item importance or attending to something
- Come out - to live spoken, heard, or understood inwards a item way
- Curtail - to cut or restrain something, peculiarly something good
- Protagonist - the principal grapheme inwards a play, film, book, or story
- Considerable - large inwards size, amount, or degree
- Nurturing - to assist someone or something to develop
- Ambition - something that y'all real much desire to do
- Ire - anger
- Irony - a strange, funny, or distressing province of affairs inwards which things hand inwards the contrary agency to what y'all would expect
- Arena - the people in addition to activities involved amongst a item dependent area or activity
- Nuance - a slight divergence that may live hard to unwrap but is fairly important
- Offending - causing a problem, or breaking a rule
- Orchestrate - to excogitation in addition to organize a complicated trial or course of report of action, peculiarly without existence noticed, in addition to hence that it achieves the final result y'all want
- Protest - an occasion when people exhibit that they disagree amongst something past times standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
- Ought - used for proverb what is the correct or sensible affair to do, or the correct agency to behave
- Celluloid - films or the pic house generally
- Instil - to brand someone receive got a item feeling or belief
- Stifle - to halt something from developing normally
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "In whose name?: on BJP's renaming spree"
- Spree - a brusk catamenia of doing a particular, usually enjoyable, activity much to a greater extent than than is usual
- Rechristen - give a novel cite to
- Ethos - the ready of attitudes in addition to beliefs that are typical of an scheme or a grouping of people
- Colleague - someone who plant inwards the same scheme or subdivision every bit you
- Atlas - a majority of maps
- Elsewhere - inwards or to some other house or other places
- Designated - marked, separated, or given a cite for a item purpose
- Rigour - the lineament of existence strict or severe
- Ideologue - someone who behaves real strictly according to an ideology, in addition to never doubts that it is right
- Predecessor - the someone who had a undertaking or official seat earlier someone else
- In the midst of something - patch something else is happening
- Bustle - a lot of noisy activity inwards a crowded place
- Determined - non willing to allow anything forestall y'all from doing what y'all receive got decided to do
- Henceforth - from this fourth dimension into the future
- Presumably - used for proverb that y'all recollect something is truthful based on what y'all know, although y'all are non actually certain
- Reluctant - non willing to create something
- Association - a connectedness amongst a person, group, or organization
- Deputy - someone whose undertaking is the minute most of import inwards a subdivision or organization, in addition to who takes the responsibilities of the most of import someone inwards some situations
- Jaundiced - tending to dislike or criticize things
- Disregard - the mental attitude of someone who does non abide by something or see it important
- Strip - to take something
- Evoke - to convey a item emotion, idea, or retention into your mind
- Heritage - the art, buildings, traditions, in addition to beliefs that a lodge considers of import to its history in addition to culture
- Iconography - the agency inwards which a social or religious grouping stand upwardly for their ideas inwards pictures
- Revivalism - the procedure of encouraging novel involvement inwards something such every bit an former tradition
- Prejudice - an unreasonable thought or feeling, peculiarly the feeling of non liking a item grouping of people
- Colonial - relating to a scheme or catamenia inwards which 1 Blue Planet rules another
- Grassroots - relating to or involving ordinary people, peculiarly inwards politics
- Assert - if a fact, idea, or style asserts itself, it begins to influence someone or something
- Imperial - relating to an empire (=the dominion of 1 Blue Planet over several other countries)
- Subcontinent - a large expanse of Blue Planet that forms business office of a continent, peculiarly the business office of Asia that contains the countries of India, Pakistan, in addition to Bangladesh
- Composite - made upwardly of carve upwardly parts
- Dispute - a serious disagreement, peculiarly 1 betwixt groups of people that lasts for a long time
- Qualitative - concerning the lineament of something
- Secular - non religious, or non connected amongst religion
- Resonant - making y'all recollect of a similar experience or memory
- Unabashed - non ashamed or embarrassed
- Confluence - a house where 2 rivers join
- Dispensation - official permission to create something that people are non commonly allowed to do, peculiarly from a religious authority
- Defiant - refusing to obey a someone or rule
- Up the ante - to endeavor to larn a greater wages from a province of affairs past times taking a bigger risk
- Reinforce - to brand an idea, belief, or feeling stronger
- Polarised - to shape 2 real unlike groups, opinions, or situations that are completely contrary to each other, or to drive this to happen
- Terrain - an expanse of land, usually 1 that has a item physical feature
- Frenzy - a province of uncontrolled activity or emotion
- Legacy - something such every bit a tradition or job that exists every bit a final result of something that happened inwards the past
- Assimilation - the procedure of making novel ideas or pieces of information business office of your cognition in addition to hence that y'all tin work them effectively
- Constitutional - allowed past times the constitution of a Blue Planet or organization
- Ethos - the ready of attitudes in addition to beliefs that are typical of an scheme or a grouping of people
- Assault - a vehement attack
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