
Yak 11Th October 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 11th Oct 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

  • Draconian - extremely strict in addition to severe
  • Misuse - the job of something inwards the incorrect means or for the incorrect purpose
  • Haul upwardly - to brand someone instruct to a individual inwards potency to answer questions virtually something they receive got done
  • Allegedly - if someone allegedly does something, some other individual says that they receive got done it, fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Objectionable - unpleasant in addition to offensive
  • Trumped-up - deliberately made upwardly inwards gild to connect someone amongst a crime
  • Extraordinary - rattling unusual in addition to surprising
  • Instance - an representative of something happening
  • Abuse - the job of something inwards a bad, dishonest, or harmful way
  • Citing - to yell something every bit an example, explanation, or proof of something else
  • Seldom - non often
  • Colonial - relating to a organisation or menstruum inwards which 1 province rules another
  • Assault - to ready on someone violently
  • Functionary - an official who industrial plant for a authorities or a political party, peculiarly 1 amongst unimportant or tedious component division duties
  • Intent - the intention to practice something
  • Compel - to forcefulness someone to practice something, or to instruct something from someone using force
  • Restrain - to foreclose someone from doing something
  • Plain every bit hateful solar daytime - rattling tardily to understand, see, or hear
  • Exercise - to job your powerfulness or rights
  • Overawe - feeling slightly afraid of something that is extremely impressive or powerful
  • Restraint - the boundary or command of the appear of potent emotion or opinion
  • In interrogation - the person, thing, fourth dimension etc inwards interrogation is the 1 that you lot are talking virtually at the introduce time
  • Offensive - unpleasant or insulting, in addition to in all probability to brand people upset or embarrassed
  • Derogatory - showing that you lot receive got a bad thought of something or someone, commonly inwards an insulting way
  • Reflexively - inwards a means that is caused past times an uncontrolled physical reaction
  • Commend - to praise someone or something formally or publicly
  • Absurd - completely stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to believe
  • Decline - to state politely that you lot volition non bring something or practice something
  • No stranger to something - to receive got no/a lot of experience of something
  • Threaten - to tell someone that you lot mightiness or you lot volition crusade them harm, peculiarly inwards gild to brand them practice something
  • Overawe - feeling slightly afraid of something that is extremely impressive or powerful
  • Ridiculous - featherbrained or unreasonable in addition to deserving to go laughed at
  • Claim - to state that something is true, fifty-fifty though at that spot is no definite proof
  • Intention - a excogitation inwards your hear to practice something
  • Induce - to crusade something, peculiarly a mental or physical change
  • Compelling - able to persuade someone to practice something or persuade them that something is true
  • Refrain from - to halt yourself from doing something. This give-and-take is oftentimes used inwards official announcements or signs
  • Controversy - a disagreement, peculiarly virtually a world policy or a moral number that a lot of people receive got potent feelings about
  • Lure - to persuade someone to practice something past times making it appear rattling attractive
  • Unfounded - non supported amongst facts or evidence
  • Reputation - the thought that people receive got virtually how skilful or how bad someone or something is
  • Redress - to right a wrong
  • Spotlight - a province of affairs inwards which you lot instruct a lot of world attention
  • Unlikely - non in all probability or in all probability to happen
Hindu Editorial Topic ii :  "Deadly roads inwards India"
  • Fatality - a leave of absence caused past times an accident, war, violence, or disease
  • Injury - physical harm done to a individual or a component division of their body
  • Reiterate - to repeat something inwards gild to emphasize it or instruct inwards rattling clear to people
  • Concern - a feeling of worry virtually something, peculiarly 1 that a lot of people receive got virtually an of import issue
  • Cripple - to harm something severely, or to foreclose it from working properly
  • Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
  • Incremental - increasing gradually
  • Transformation - a modify into someone or something completely different, or the procedure past times which this happens
  • Glaring - used to state that something bad is rattling obvious
  • Public involvement - the fact that earth has a right to know virtually something because it affects them
  • Petition - a document signed past times many people that asks someone inwards potency to practice something
  • Constitute - if several people or things constitute something, they combine to shape it
  • Fulfil - to practice a particular job, or to receive got a particular purpose
  • Enforcement - the procedure of making certain that something happens, peculiarly that people obey a police line or rule
  • Statistically - related to the collection of numerical facts or measurements, every bit virtually people, concern conditions, or weather
  • Insignificant - non large or of import plenty to go worth considering
  • Commuter - someone who travels regularly to in addition to from work
  • Pedestrian - someone who is walking, peculiarly inwards a town or city, instead of driving or riding
  • Respectively - used for maxim that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned inwards the gild inwards which they were mentioned
  • Scholar - a individual amongst groovy knowledge, commonly of a particular subject
  • Transportation - the activity of moving people or things from 1 house to another, or the organisation used for doing this
  • For trial - for example
  • Cumulatively - developing or increasing gradually every bit a effect of to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than additions
  • Hospitalisation - the deed of taking someone to infirmary in addition to keeping them at that spot for treatment
  • Professionalism - the qualities in addition to skills that someone amongst a professional person chore is expected to have
  • Water downward - to brand something such every bit a tilt or paper article less offensive, powerful, or detailed
  • In spite of something - used for referring to a fact that makes something else surprising
  • Endanger - to lay someone or something into a province of affairs where they mightiness go harmed or damaged
  • Tenure - the menstruum of fourth dimension during which someone has an of import chore or is an elected official
  • Paradigm shift - a basic modify inwards ideas or methods
  • Dismal - rattling bad
  • Accountability - a province of affairs inwards which people know who is responsible for something in addition to tin inquire them to explicate its province or quality

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