
Yak 15Th October 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial subdivision of The Hindu News Paper dated 15th Oct 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on 14th Oct 2018 (Sunday)

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 :  "Untenable: on M.J. Akbar"
  • Untenable - impossible to travel on because of serious problems, opposition, or criticism
  • Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation
  • Resign - to province formally that y'all are leaving a labor permanently
  • Significant - rattling large or noticeable
  • Legacy - something that someone has achieved that continues to be afterwards they halt working or die
  • Defend - to protect someone or something from attack
  • Overseas - happening or existing inwards a dry reason across the bounding main from your country
  • Offensive - used for attacking
  • Dismissing - to decline to receive got that something mightiness endure truthful or important
  • Sexual harassment - the offensive or threatening behaviour of a individual who regularly makes sexual comments or touches someone inwards a sexual way
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Colleague - someone who plant inwards the same organization or subdivision equally you
  • A tissue of lies - a storey that is but a serial of lies
  • Unconvincing - if an explanation or storey is unconvincing, it does non audio or appear truthful or real
  • Conspiracy - a surreptitious conception yesteryear a grouping of people to exercise something bad or illegal, peculiarly inwards politics
  • Spate of - a large number of things of the same type, ordinarily bad things, that all of a precipitous come about inwards a rattling curt current of time
  • Disclosure - the procedure of giving information to people, peculiarly information that was secret
  • Round the corner - coming rattling soon
  • Motivated - caused yesteryear a particular belief or emotion
  • Gravamen - the essence or most serious business office of a electrical charge or accusation
  • Vague - non clearly or fully explained
  • Unsubstantiated - an unsubstantiated argument, claim etc is ane for which y'all receive got no evidence
  • Assault - to assault someone violently
  • Innuendo - the occupation of statements alongside a minute possible meaning, ordinarily referring to sexual practice too intended equally a joke, or ane of these statements
  • Outright - without hiding your feelings
  • Molestation - the deed of molesting someone (= touching or attacking them inwards a sexual way)
  • Loom - if something unpleasant or hard looms, it seems probable to come about soon
  • Heft - ability or strength
  • Tarnish - if something tarnishes your reputation or image, it makes people receive got a worse thought of y'all than they did before
  • Misdemeanour - an activity that is bad or wrong, but non inwards a serious way
  • Perceive - to empathize or scream back virtually something inwards a particular way
Hindu Editorial Topic ii :  "Resisting resistance: on antibiotic misuse"
  • Resist - to oppose or create out against someone or something
  • Antibiotic - a drug that cures illnesses too infections caused yesteryear bacteria
  • Efficacy - effectiveness inwards producing the outcome that y'all intended
  • Infectious illness - an infectious illness is ane that tin dismiss spread from ane individual to another
  • Apocalypse - a province of affairs inwards which many people cash inwards one's chips too many things are destroyed
  • Investigation - the procedure of trying to notice out all the details or facts virtually something inwards gild to uncovering who or what caused it or how it happened
  • Veterinary - relating to the attention of animals that are sick or injured
  • Poultry - birds such equally chickens that are used for meat or eggs
  • Regulate - to command an activity, process, or manufacture officially yesteryear using rules
  • Comply - to obey a dominion or law, or to exercise what someone asks y'all to do
  • Self-defeating - causing the same problems that y'all were intending to solve
  • Crude - non exact or accurate, but oft skillful plenty for a particular purpose
  • Mortality - the number of deaths inside a particular area, grouping etc
  • Regime - a scheme of rules that command something
  • Veterinary - relating to the attention of animals that are sick or injured
  • Contamination - the procedure of making something dirty, polluted, or poisonous yesteryear adding a chemical, waste, or infection
  • Pharmaceutical - relating to the production or sale of medicines too drugs used for treating medical conditions
  • Cosmetics - substances that y'all occupation on your peel to brand yourself expect to a greater extent than attractive
  • Prescription - a slice of newspaper that a MD gives y'all that says what type of medicine y'all need
  • Pharmacy - a store where medicines are prepared too sold
  • Enforce - to brand certain that a constabulary or dominion is obeyed yesteryear people
  • Antimicrobial - a drug that is used to fight microorganisms such equally bacteria or fungi
  • Last-resort - used for maxim that y'all volition exercise something alone afterwards trying everything else to solve a problem
  • For event - for example
  • Massive - rattling large inwards sum or degree
  • Sewer - an tube pipage or passage that carries sewage
  • Explosion - a rattling large growth inwards the size, amount, or importance of something over a rattling curt current of time
  • Waterbody - a trunk of H2O forming a physiographical feature, for instance a bounding main or a reservoir
  • Sewage - waste matter substances, peculiarly waste matter from people’s bodies, removed from houses too other buildings yesteryear a scheme of large tube pipes
  • Monitor - to regularly banking enterprise lucifer something or sentinel someone inwards gild to notice out what is happening
  • Formulate - to prepare a plan, system, or proposal carefully, thinking virtually all of its details
  • Antibiotic - a drug that cures illnesses too infections caused yesteryear bacteria
  • Alarming - frightening or worrying
  • Estimate - a approximate of what the size, value, amount, cost, etc. of something mightiness be

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