
Yak The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 29Th March 2018

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 29th March 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Curbing the khaps"
  • Curb - to command or confine something that is harmful
  • Defending - to protect someone or something from attack
  • Honour - the honour that people direct keep for someone / something
  • Clan - a large grouping of families that are related to each other
  • Abominable - extremely bad, offensive, or unpleasant
  • Entrenched - entrenched attitudes or feelings direct keep existed for a long fourth dimension together with are hard to change
  • Prejudice - an unreasonable thought or feeling, peculiarly the feeling of non liking a item grouping of people
  • Feudal - related to the social scheme inward which patch belonged to powerful lords together with the people they allowed to alive on the patch had to operate together with create produce for them
  • Patriarchal - a patriarchal society, system, arrangement etc is i inward which men direct keep all or most of the ability together with influence
  • Honour killing - the murder of a adult woman past times a manful mortal relative because he believes that she has damaged the family’s image
  • Eradicate - to instruct rid of something completely, peculiarly something bad
  • Overnight - inward a really brusque time
  • Diktat - an official dominion that people are forced to obey
  • Inevitable - impossible to avoid or prevent
  • Stern - together with then rigid that yous cannot oppose it
  • Enforce - to brand certain that something happens or is done
  • Medieval - old-fashioned
  • Notion - an thought or belief, peculiarly i that is incorrect or silly
  • Ostracisation - to avoid someone intentionally, or to forestall someone from taking business office inward the activities of a group
  • Strident - expressing or expressed inward forceful linguistic communication that does non sweat to avoid upsetting other people:
  • Observation - a written or spoken comment close something
  • Significance - the importance that something has because it affects other things
  • Apex -  the top or highest
  • Brook - to non allow or pick out something
  • Violate - to produce something that is inward opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
  • Preventive - done together with then that something does non move worse or plow into a problem
  • Remedial - done together with then that something does non move worse or plow into a problem
  • Punitive - relating to or causing penalty or groovy difficulty
  • Persuade -  to brand someone concur to produce something past times giving them reasons why they should
  • Desist - to halt doing something
  • In the same breath - used for maxim that someone has said ii things that cannot both hold out true
  • Feasible - possible or probable to succeed
  • Proceedings - the actions taken, commonly inward court, to settle a legal matter
  • Brazen - behaving inward a agency that is non moral or socially acceptable, together with non caring if other people are shocked or offended
  • Flout - to deliberately turn down to obey a dominion or custom
  • Verdict - an official judgment made inward a court
  • Outright - used for emphasizing that something happens or is done completely at i fourth dimension or inward a unmarried process
  • Permissible - allowed to hold out done past times a constabulary or rule
  • Lay downwards - to officially found a rule, or to officially nation how something should hold out done
  • Adhered to - to back upwards or believe inward an idea, plan, thought etc
  • Salutary - a salutary experience or alarm is i that has a skilful number although it is unpleasant
  • Content amongst - to produce something or direct keep something although it is non just what yous want
  • Expedite - to brand something come about speedily or easily
  • Comprehensive - consummate together with easily achieved
  • Matrimonial - relating to marriage
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Out of favour: the dear for Indian bonds"
  • Out of favour - no longer liked, popular, or fashionable
  • Ramping upwards - a large increment inward activity or inward the grade of something
  • Investor - a mortal who puts money into something inward monastic enjoin to brand a lucre or instruct an advantage
  • Spook - to of a abrupt experience frightened or nervous
  • Fiscal deficit - a financial deficit occurs when a government's total expenditures overstep the revenue that it generates, excluding money from borrowings
  • Deserting - to move out someone without assist or inward a hard situation
  • Aggressively - determined together with ambitious (used close plans or methods that are designed to produce everything possible to succeed)
  • Yield - to brand a profit
  • Benchmark - an amount, level, touchstone etc that yous tin arrive at notice purpose for judging how skilful or bad other things are
  • Amid - inward the nub of or surrounded by
  • Lacklustre - non lively, exciting, or impressive
  • Sovereign - an one-time unit of measurement of money inward the cast of a golden money
  • Fuel - to brand something increment or move worse, peculiarly something unpleasant
  • Inflation - economical procedure inward which prices increment together with then that money becomes less valuable
  • Portfolios - all the investments that a mortal or society has made
  • Mount - to gradually increase, rise, or instruct bigger
  • Tailwind - a current of air that blows inward the same administration inward which a vehicle is moving
  • Prospect - the possibility that something volition happen
  • Lucrative - bringing a lot of money
  • In the eyes of - according to
  • Outflow - a movement of large amounts of money or large numbers of people from i house to another
  • Pressing - really of import together with urgent
  • Concern - a feeling of worry close something, peculiarly i that a lot of people direct keep close an of import issue
  • In contrast - used when yous are comparison ii things or people together with maxim that the minute i is really dissimilar from the first
  • Cutting downwards on - to trim down an amount of something
  • Profligacy - wasting money or other things
  • Re-examine - to await at or squall upwards close something carefully again
  • Bond marketplace seat - a financial marketplace seat inward which the participants are provided amongst the issuance together with trading of debt securities

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