
Yak Seek : Are Scientific Inventions Making Us Happier ?

Are Scientific Inventions Making us Happier ? 

Synopsis : As Dr.M.Swaminathan, the begetter of light-green Revolution inward Republic of Republic of India lay inward his words, "Technology is neutral to people. It depends whether the applied scientific discipline is relevant': Any contribution inward this plain tin conduct maintain its ain pros together with cons depending upon the applicability of the same. There is no denying the fact that scientific innovations are inward themselves manifestations ofthe seamless evolution of humans, endure it social, economic, political or psychological. They may, prima facie seem to pave a route for progression. However, physical scientific discipline divides Blue Planet into 2 halves. One halfis that which aids the swinging motion of the delivery machinery inward their favor or the so-called "haves" piece the other halfis composed of those who resist it, the "have-nots': The higher orders ofscientific advancements inward medicine, defense, space, etc. conduct maintain an extremely depression aeroplane of immediately infiltration inside the lower echelons of society. 

Since the dawn of human civilization, human sapiens, the wisest of all apes, conduct maintain tried to exploit the resources of nature together with lay them to their ain use. There are 2 primal words which together constitute this query are — scientific discipline together with happiness. The topic concerned is ideological thus thoughts non facts would degree a amend armor against it. 

Happiness, though an abstract together with incomprehensively defined human emotion has e'er remained the finish of humanity. Happiness is sometimes achieved, sometimes earned. It is sometimes brought past times bearing hurting also. Happiness is measured together with its mensuration has no universal standards. However standards develop, every bit a component division of zeitgeist, much similar fashion, but soundless every bit fashion doesn't engulf all the spirits of the society. What is happiness is one's ain quest. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 religious individual would betoken to God every bit its alone source piece Buddhists state at that spot isn't anything similar that inward reality. What is Happiness, finds itself answered, but that reply notwithstanding is dependent plain to changes inward either infinite or fourth dimension or both.

Scientific pursuance past times adult man to empathise the universe together with an endeavour to utilize its resources inward the best possible way is to operate along its unabated survival on the human face upward of this planet. An early on adult man of Stone Age had a limited science. His alone argue to exploit his faculty of noesis was only his family's survival. Later on every bit generations passed, communities grew. This alter insisted early on humans to migrate to tough terrains together with mutual frigidity regions made them acquire wearing animate existence skins. As years passed the bicycle followed, so did the weaving, harnessing sun's liberate energy is the degree of agriculture came every bit the side past times side step. All scientific inventions till together with so had a sole aim of healthy survival. 

Scientific inventions till industrial revolution were either innovations inward traditional methods of continuing sustenance or were for fulfillment of luxurious demands of kings together with nobles. Next stair inward the timeline of human civilization was industrial revolution which started every bit a lawsuit of 2 maiden forces i of them was increasing population piece the other was wishing of attaining power. Though monarchy died, the dominion of the people came, the utilization of scientific inventions soundless was the same — survival together with that likewise a luxurious one, but every bit enlisted these 2 maiden forces, the minute i grew gradually inward dominance. The world wars were a lawsuit of both these maiden forces. One was fearfulness of non having resources together with other was ideological differences. As deeper investigations inward the reasons is made, the anarchy together with unrest which soundless prevails inward many parts of Blue Planet is basically a lawsuit of these 2 forces. 

The resources on the surface of this planet are soundless plenty for continued survival of human race, but fourth dimension soundless witnesses unrest together with state of war on resources, moral deterioration together with selfish nature is a plumbing fixtures explanation to continued acts of violence inward the post-world state of war era. Thus endangered condition of survival of mankind cannot endure attributed to scientific menace, moral crisis degree a greater component division of it. Increasing stress levels, urban lives are non creations of science, they are a production of evolving human consciousness assisted past times science. This is a full general observation that morally weak persons don't relish truthful pleasance of life together with so happiness cannot endure attained past times murder of those moral values which human institutions conduct maintain developed through these ages of evolution. 

Use of polythene bags degrade environment, but it reduces utilization of leather, cotton wool or newspaper bags. None of the latter is assumed to endure safe,  though they are harmless to environment. If whole population on world submits to these methods, deforestation volition scope a newer high, a stair likewise far. Another fact is that these are non-recyclable every bit good because they are degradable, they grow erstwhile fast, together with polybags promises us longevity. Then at that spot comes adult man together with his ignorance. Mother world is left to her ain together with nearly of such non-biodegradable products of scientific discipline are rendered without recycling. What could endure a wonder of scientific discipline emerged every bit an evil. These lines are a Hindi translation to a Sanskrit verse. It agency that the prerequisite of happiness is a healthy body, together with and so follows the wealth inward house. No doubt, medical sciences enabled humanity to fighting viruses which inward nighttime ages caused fatalities inward millions. Products of medical sciences, from magical potions of ancient world to ultra-modern MRI scan, the achievements inward this plain conduct maintain been tremendous together with inward fact gradually improving. However, developments made inward minute one-half of 20th together with 21st century is genuinely against the diseases which came every bit a lawsuit of human disturbances inward nature together with non nature's devils. 

This fact incites a really intriguing question. Are scientific inventions genuinely helping us inward our endeavor of providing a healthy survival of humankind? Science inward such a example acts every bit both, the angel together with the demon. Even if nosotros conduct maintain science's heroic utilization of savior inward degree of medicine, its practical every bit good every bit ideological contribution to happiness is soundless nether doubt. The happiness is non a component division of wealth. It comes from within. As Buddha said, it is genuinely hard to empathise what makes individuals happy. Science is a boon for prolonged survival, but its advent doesn't genuinely guarantee happiness. 

Thus scientific discipline acts every bit a tool for amend living, for happiness. But scientific inventions lonely don't brand us happy. But scientific discipline when lay to utilization inward destructive mode is rendered worthy of that seat every bit well. But soundless scientific inventions are never meant to destroy, they are aught but medium of seem inward such cases. Thus their destructive activity is a lawsuit of morally degraded human guild only. Saint Kabir, the pioneer of bhakti motion said, 'I wandered inward search of evil, but couldn't abide by it; i time I searched within, I constitute it.

shared past times Nisheeta Mirchandani
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