
Yak The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Twelfth April 2018

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated twelfth Apr 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
  • Ill-conceived - an ill-conceived thought or invention is non sensible
  • Livestock - animals such equally cows, sheep, in addition to pigs that are kept on farms
  • Prevail - to endure the strongest influence or chemical cistron inwards a situation
  • Concern -  something that yous retrieve is important
  • Regulate - to command something, specially past times making it go inwards a item way
  • Surreptitiously - inwards a cloak-and-dagger way, in addition to then that others volition non notice
  • Agenda - all the things that demand to endure done or that demand to endure thought nearly or solved
  • Legitimate - fair in addition to reasonable
  • Dietary - related to the foods that someone eats
  • Departure - something novel in addition to different
  • Cumbersome - non simple, fast, or effective plenty in addition to hard or annoying to use
  • Paperwork - the documents that yous demand for a item activity or occasio
  • Procedural - relating to a procedure, specially a legal one
  • Cross-border - going across a edge betwixt 2 countries
  • Adjoining - adjacent to in addition to connected to about other building, room, expanse etc
  • Slaughter-house - a edifice where animals are killed for their meat
  • Curb - to command or boundary something
  • Vicinity - the expanse instantly surrounding something
  • Stridently - expressed inwards forceful linguistic communication that does non endeavor to avoid upsetting other people
  • Jurisdiction - the correct or ability to brand legal decisions
  • Obvious - clear to almost anyone
  • Enforce - to brand certain that a police clit or dominion is obeyed past times people
  • Non-starter - a individual or an thought that has no hazard of succeeding
  • Adversely - inwards a negative, unpleasant, or harmful way
  • Impact - a powerful consequence that something
  • Predominantly - mainly, or mostly
  • Countryside - the expanse exterior towns in addition to cities, amongst farms, fields, in addition to trees
  • Regulation - an official dominion that controls the agency that things are done
  • Slaughter - the killing of animals, ordinarily for their meat
  • Despite - used for proverb that something happens fifty-fifty though something else powerfulness convey prevented it
  • Setback - a employment that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Tendency - a potent hazard that something volition come about inwards a item way
  • Perception - a item agency of agreement or thinking nearly something
  • Sectarianism - excessive attachment to a item sect or party, specially inwards religion
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Tightening grip: On hungry PM's relection"
  • Implication - a possible consequence or result
  • Ally - someone who is gear upward to aid you, specially against someone else who is causing problems for you
  • Revel inwards - to bask something really much
  • Strongman - a political leader who uses strength or threats to proceed power
  • Turnout - the release of voters inwards an election
  • Questionable - peradventure non true, accurate, or complete
  • Transparent - opened upward in addition to honest, without secrets
  • Critic - someone who does non similar something in addition to states their persuasion nearly it
  • Bias - an mental attitude that yous convey that makes yous process someone inwards a agency that is unfair or dissimilar from the agency yous process other people
  • Intimidating - making yous experience nervous, frightened, or less confident
  • Xenophobic - having or showing a dislike against people from other countries
  • Anoint - to create upward one's heed that someone should endure given a item of import job
  • Spokesperson - someone whose chore is to officially stand upward for an organization
  • Campaign - a serial of actions intended to create political or social change
  • Superimpose - to set i icon on overstep of about other in addition to then that both tin endure seen
  • Migrant - someone who travels to about other house or province inwards guild to abide by work
  • Rhetoric - a mode of speaking or writing that is intended to influence people
  • Portray - to demonstrate or depict someone or something inwards a item way
  • Accuse - to say that someone has done something incorrect or committed a crime
  • Impact - an effect
  • Tamper amongst - to impairment or spoil something
  • Polarise - to shape 2 really dissimilar groups, opinions, or situations that are completely reverse to each other, or to crusade this to happen
  • Dynamics - the laid of forces that be inwards a situation
  • Caution - careful thought in addition to lack of hurry inwards guild to endeavor to avoid risks or danger
  • Shot inwards the arm - something that chop-chop makes a bad province of affairs much better

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