
Yak The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Twelfth February 2018

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial subdivision of The Hindu News Paper dated twelfth Feb 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inward THE HINDU on 11th Feb 2018 (Sunday)

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "health/article22724049.ece" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">States of health: On NITI Aayog’s commencement Health Index"
  • Trigger - to drive something to start
  • Debate- a serious tidings of a dependent area inward which many people convey part
  • Unsurprisingly - inward a agency that you lot expected
  • Investment - the procedure of spending coin inward fellowship to ameliorate something or arrive to a greater extent than successful
  • Nutrition - nutrient considered equally something that keeps you lot healthy
  • Bring upward the parent - to locomote the finally inward a business or group
  • Sustainable development - the evolution of a Earth or portion that does non utilisation to a greater extent than natural resources than tin locomote replaced in addition to and then does non impairment the environment
  • Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal in addition to accepted or used yesteryear most people
  • Hardly - used for maxim that something is close non truthful or close does non come about at all
  • Uneven - non of the same lineament inward all its parts
  • Potentially - peradventure truthful inward the future, but non truthful now
  • For trial - for example
  • Neonatal - relating to the commencement weeks of a baby’s life
  • Mortality - the number of deaths inside a item area, grouping etc
  • Remedial - intended to ameliorate or right something
  • Notch upward - to win something, or to attain something
  • Intra-State - existing or happening inside ane state
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain alongside a affair or problem
  • Tuberculosis - a serious infectious affliction affecting your lungs
  • Immunisation - to forestall someone from getting a item illness yesteryear putting a inwardness into their body, peculiarly using a needle
  • Out-of-pocket - to cause got lost coin equally the upshot of something
  • Expenditure - coin spent yesteryear a government, organization, or person
  • Imperative - something that is real of import in addition to urgent
  • Rigorous - careful to aspect at or see every business office of something to brand for sure it is right or safe
  • Assessment - the procedure of making a judgment or forming an opinion, afterward considering something or someone carefully
  • Non-communicable - affliction that tin non locomote passed from ane someone or animate existence to another
  • Integrity - the lineament of behaving according to the rules in addition to standards of your labor or profession
  • Composite - made upward of split parts
  • Scale upward - to brand something larger inward size, total etc than it used to be
  • Ambitious - determined to locomote successful, rich, famous etc
  • Intervention - a province of affairs inward which someone becomes involved inward a item issue, employment etc inward fellowship to influence what happens
  • Reliance - the province of depending on a item someone or thing
  • Taxation - the scheme that a authorities uses for collecting coin from people inward the shape of taxes
  • Bedrock - the ideas in addition to principles on which a belief or scheme is based
  • Mainstreaming - the procedure of becoming accepted equally normal yesteryear most people
  • Outcome - the terminal upshot of a process, meeting, activity etc
  • Turf state of war - arguments betwixt people or groups who each desire to command a item area
  • Bourses - stock markets
  • Overseas - happening or existing inward a Earth across the bounding main from your country
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain alongside a affair or problem
  • Offshore - away from or at a distance from the coast
  • Peer - someone who belongs to the same social or professional person grouping equally or in addition to then other person
  • Derivative - something that has developed or been obtained from something else
  • Indices - a plural of index
  • Migration - displace from ane portion to or in addition to then other
  • Liquidity - a province of affairs inward which a concern has coin or holding that it tin sell inward fellowship to pay coin that it owes
  • Counterpart - someone or something that has the same labor or operate equally or in addition to then other someone or thing, but inward a dissimilar country, time, situation, or organization
  • Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or endeavour is hard in addition to volition demand a lot of elbow grease to succeed
  • Endeavour - an elbow grease to exercise something, peculiarly something novel or difficult
  • Patronage - assist or coin that is given to a someone or organization
  • Crackdown - rigid activity that someone inward ascendence takes to halt a item activity
  • Unlikely - non probable to come about / non probable to locomote true
  • Vast - extremely large
  • Investor - a someone who puts coin into something inward fellowship to brand a net income or larn an advantage
  • Jurisdiction - a Earth or surface area inward which a item legal scheme operates
  • In contrast - used when you lot are comparison 2 things or people in addition to maxim that the instant ane is real dissimilar from the first
  • Incidentally - used for adding related but less of import information to what has simply been said, or for all of a abrupt introducing a novel subject
  • Spur - to drive something to happen
  • Catering to - to satisfy a demand or to render what is wanted or needed yesteryear a item someone or group
  • Unmet - used for maxim that what is needed or wanted has non been done or provided
  • Policymaker - a fellow member of a authorities department, legislature, or other scheme who is responsible for making novel rules, laws, etc
  • Knee-jerk - a knee-jerk reaction is immediate in addition to non carefully considered

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