
Yak The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Fifth February 2018

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated fifth Feb 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on fourth Feb 2018 (Sunday)

  • Succour - assistance given to someone
  • Underscore -  to emphasize something, or to demo that it is important
  • Incentive - something that encourages a individual to produce something
  • Elderly -  former people
  • Steeply - all of a abrupt or past times a large amount
  • Escalate - to increase
  • Decline - becoming less or worse
  • Five-fold - 5 times much
  • Exemption - permission to ignore something such equally a rule, obligation, or payment
  • Recurring - to hand many times or to hand again
  • Doing away alongside something - to teach rid of something
  • Reimbursement - to give someone the same sum of coin that they accept spent
  • Allied - like or related
  • Ceiling - an upper bound onslaught the publish or sum of something
  • In lieu of - instead of
  • Incur -  to lose money, owe money, or accept to pay coin equally a effect of doing something
  • Irrespective - despite a special fact, situation, or quality
  • Cap - a bound on the sum of coin that y'all tin give the axe pass or charge
  • Annuity - a fixed sum of coin that someone receives regularly each year
  • Poverty describe - the sum of coin considered necessary to alive (Someone who is below the poverty describe does non accept plenty money).
  • Contributory - partly responsible for a province of affairs or event
  • Laudable - deserving to live on praised or admired
  • Insofar equally - used for talking virtually the score to which something happens, or the province of affairs inwards which something happens
  • Chronological - arranged or described inwards the lodge inwards which events happened
  • Demographic - relating to populations
  • Cohort - a grouping of people who part a characteristic, commonly age
  • Rural - relating to the countryside, or inwards the countryside
  • Hinterland - an expanse that is a long means from a town or city
  • Initiative - an of import activeness that is intended to solve a problem
  • Incorporate - to include something equally a business office or equally a quality
  • Adequate - skillful plenty or large plenty for a special purpose
  • Outlay - the sum of coin that y'all must pass inwards lodge to purchase something or to starting fourth dimension a novel describe of piece of work organisation or project
  • Empowerment - say-so or ability given to someone to produce something
  • Voluntary - a voluntary activeness is done because y'all take away to produce it, together with non because y'all accept to
  • Starkly - clearly
  • Inadequate -  non enough, or non skillful plenty for a special purpose
  • Comprehensive - including many details or aspects of something
  • Greying - containing an increasing publish of older people
  • Demographic - relating to populations
Hindu Editorial Topic ii : "Crisis inwards Male"
  • Crisis -  an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Pit against - to brand someone compete or struggle against someone or something else
  • Judiciary - the business office of regime that consists of all the judges together with courts inwards a country
  • Bureaucracy - a complicated together with annoying scheme of rules together with processes
  • Contest -  to province formally that y'all disagree alongside something or recollect it is wrong
  • Depose - to forcefulness a political leader or a manly individual monarch or queen out of their seat of power
  • Sentence - when a guess sentences someone, they officially province what someone’s penalization volition be
  • Exile - a province of affairs inwards which y'all are forced to alive inwards a unusual province because y'all cannot alive inwards your ain country, commonly for political reasons
  • Reinstate -  to give someone their previous task or seat again
  • Disqualify - to non let someone to produce something because they accept committed an offence
  • Convene - to adapt a formal meeting, or to get together for a meeting
  • Comply - to obey a dominion or law, or to produce what someone asks y'all to do
  • Uphold - if a courtroom of constabulary upholds something such equally a claim, it says that it is correct
  • Abide past times - to follow a rule, decision, or instruction
  • Egregious - extremely bad
  • Imprisonment - the penalization of beingness set into prison
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a special task title, condition etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Opposition - the political parties inwards a province that are non business office of the government
  • Premises - the buildings together with dry ground that a describe of piece of work organisation or organisation uses
  • Parliamentarian - a fellow member of a parliament
  • Sack - to tell someone that they tin give the axe no longer operate at their job
  • Amidst - if something happens amidst special feelings or events, it happens patch people accept these feelings or patch these events are happening
  • Turmoil - a province of excitement or uncontrolled activity
  • Monitor - to regularly banking enterprise tally something or lookout adult man someone inwards lodge to notice out what is happening
  • Leverage -  ability to influence people together with teach the results y'all want
  • Commonwealth - a grouping of countries that accept the same political or economical interests
  • Concerted - involving a lot of people or organizations working together inwards a determined way
  • Persuade - to brand someone handgrip to produce something past times giving them reasons why they should
  • Steer - to influence the means that something happens or the means that people behave
  • Coercive - using forcefulness or threats to brand someone produce something
  • Means - a method for doing or achieving something

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