
Yak January 2018 Electrical Flow Affairs Quiz - Fix 9

Nepal has started accessing meshing from which province ? [This projection at ane time ends Nepal’s sole dependence on Republic of Republic of India for meshing bandwidth].

The fourth ASEAN-INDIA Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture too Forestry was of late held at which Indian urban meat ?

The Election Commission (EC) has constituted xiv fellow member commission to advise changes to Section 126 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RP Act) inwards sentiment of social media expansion. Who is the caput of this commission ?

PRC of late launched 2 satellites to render navigation too positioning services to countries along Belt too Road first (BRI) yesteryear the cease of 2018. Name them ?

Who has been of late appointed every bit the novel Chief Financial Officer (CFO) ?

According to a of late released written report of the National Family Health Survey, ___________ is the richest province of India.

According to the higher upwards survey, _________ is India's poorest state.

Haryana has recorded its Highest Sex Ratio at nascency amongst _________ girls per 1,000 boys inwards 2017.

The Prime Minister of State of Israel was on a vi Day view to India. Name him ?

Name the get-go e'er woman somebody lawyer to last straight recommended for the seat of a Supreme Court guess yesteryear the Collegium ?

After serving the Navy for thirty too 28 years respectively, Indian Navy has of late decommissioned 2 warships belonging to the Killer squadron. Name them ?

Which province regime has of late launched a Water ATM projection to render bacteria-free drinking H2O inwards schools ?

fourth International Dharma-Dhamma Conference on “State too Social Order inwards Dharma-Dhamma Traditions” was of late held at ?

To attention invention traffic flows too optimize freight operations, the Union Ministry of Railways has launched an application titled SFOORTI. Expand it ?

Who was of late named Chairman of the Finance Commission of the Indian Olympic Association ?

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