
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 21St September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of Today's Hindu News Paper dated 21st September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

  • Broom - a brush amongst a long handle, used for cleaning the floor
  • Crackdown - a province of affairs inward which someone starts to bargain amongst bad or illegal conduct inward a to a greater extent than severe way
  • Shell fellowship - a fellowship that is used to enshroud illegal activities
  • Duly - inward the agency that you lot await or intend is suitable
  • Name in addition to shame - to pose out embarrassing facts virtually a soul or organization, specially inward monastic tell to persuade them to alter their conduct or policies
  • So-called - used for showing that you lot intend a news used for describing someone or something is non suitable
  • Disqualify - to non allow someone to practise something because they conduct maintain committed an offence
  • Debar -  to officially preclude someone from doing something
  • Firm - a occupation organisation or company
  • Bona fide - a bona fide soul or thing is actually what they appear to live or what they claim to be
  • Virtually - used for emphasizing that a contestation is almost completely true
  • Publicise - to brand information virtually something mostly available
  • Fraught amongst - full of unpleasant things such every bit problems or dangers
  • Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the existent or basic ones, although they are non obvious or direct stated
  • Motive - the argue that you lot practise something
  • Cite - to bring upwardly something every bit an example, explanation, or proof of something else
  • Laudable - deserving to live praised or admired
  • Inadvertently - non deliberately, in addition to without realizing what you lot are doing
  • Taint - to brand someone appear less honest, morally pure etc
  • Appellate - relating to a legal appeal
  • Tribunal - a special constabulary courtroom organized to guess a detail case
  • Hastily - non good planned
  • Sheer - used for emphasizing the sum or grade of something
  • Imperative - extremely of import in addition to urgent
  • Diligence - the mental attitude or conduct of someone who plant real hard in addition to real carefully
  • Mala fide - illegal or dishonest
  • Comply amongst - to obey a dominion or law, or to practise what someone asks you lot to do
  • Onus - the responsibleness or duty to practise something
  • Subvert - to prepare on or impairment a authorities or established scheme of law, politics etc
  • Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the existent or basic ones, although they are non obvious or direct stated
  • Shortcoming - a mistake or employment that makes someone or something less effective
  • Malfeasance - illegal actions
  • Entrepreneur - someone who uses coin to starting fourth dimension businesses in addition to brand occupation organisation deals
  • Chagrin - a feeling of beingness real annoyed, disappointed, or embarrassed
  • Dissolve - if a grouping or scheme dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing
  • Wind upwardly - to terminate something
  • Rigging - the human activity of organizing something inward a dishonest agency inward monastic tell to hit a detail result
  • Insider trading - the criminal offense of buying or selling shares inward a fellowship using information that is available solely to people working inside that company
  • Questionable - non adept or honest
  • Acute - real serious or severe
  • Illiquidity - used to depict an property that is non tardily to sell in addition to telephone substitution for cash
  • Oversight - something that you lot practise non discovery or intend of that causes problems later
  • Fraudster - someone who commits the criminal offense of fraud
  • Money launderer - someone who transforms the profits of criminal offense in addition to corruption into "legal" assets
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain amongst a thing or problem
  • Deep-rooted  a deep-rooted feeling, belief, thought etc is potent in addition to you lot conduct maintain had it for then long that it is hard to change
  • Malady - a serious employment inside a social club or organization
  • Symptom - a sign of a larger problem
  • Insolvency - the province of non having plenty coin to pay debts, purchase goods, etc
  • Bankruptcy - a province of affairs inward which a occupation organisation or a soul unable to pay what they owe
  • Dissolve - if a grouping or scheme dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing
  • Delist - to halt a company's shares beingness traded on the stock market
  • Usher inward - to brand an activity or procedure begin
  • Significant - real large or noticeable
  • Compliant - used to depict something that obeys a detail dominion or law
  • Stringent - strict
  • Penal - relating to the penalty of criminals
  • Tirade - a long angry spoken communication criticizing someone or something
  • Non-proliferation - a policy of preventing whatsoever growth inward the issue of chemic weapons that countries have
  • Regime - a scheme of rules that command something
  • Slam - to criticize someone or something severely
  • Accord - a formal understanding betwixt countries or groups
  • Put to residue - to travel present that something is non true
  • Embarrassment - a feeling of beingness nervous or ashamed because of what people know or intend virtually you
  • Unsurprisingly - inward a agency that you lot expected
  • Trigger - to drive someone to conduct maintain a detail feeling
  • Ignorant - non knowing something that you lot should know or demand to know
  • Medieval - real old-fashioned
  • Consistent - non changing inward behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
  • Pragmatism - a practical agency of thinking or dealing amongst problems that emphasizes results in addition to solutions to a greater extent than than theories
  • Aberration - something that is non normal or non what you lot would ordinarily expect
  • Hostility - opposition to something
  • Theocratic - relating to or denoting a scheme of authorities inward which priests dominion inward the cry of God or a god
  • Regime - a scheme or cast of government
  • Unravel - if a procedure or projection unravels, it begins to fail
  • Forge - to prepare a successful relationship, specially inward occupation organisation or politics, amongst about other country, organization, or person
  • Intense - real dandy or extreme
  • Negotiation - formal discussions inward which people or groups travail to reach an agreement, specially inward a occupation organisation or political situation
  • Signatory - a soul or scheme that has signed an official agreement
  • Shortcoming - a mistake or employment that makes someone or something less effective
  • Multilateral - involving iii or to a greater extent than groups, specially the governments of iii or to a greater extent than countries
  • Irresolvable - (of a employment or dilemma) impossible to solve or settle
  • Compliant - likewise willing to practise what other people desire or likewise willing to bring their opinions
  • Pursuing - to travail to accomplish something
  • Conflict - angry disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Contrary - completely unlike or opposed to something else
  • Substantial - large inward sum or degree
  • Diplomacy - the mightiness to bargain amongst people inward a sensitive agency that does non upset or appall them
  • Hard-line - extreme in addition to severe in addition to non probable to change
  • Ally - a province that makes an understanding amongst about other province that they volition function together to assistance each other
  • Undermine - to brand something or someone travel gradually less effective, confident, or successful
  • Non-proliferation - the prevention of an growth or spread of something, specially the issue of countries possessing nuclear weapons
  • Setback - a employment that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse

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