
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - S May 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial subdivision of The Hindu News Paper dated 2d May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Lokpal as well as the law"

  • Ruling - a decision
  • Indictment - something that shows how bad or incorrect something is
  • Obvious - clear to almost anyone
  • Reluctance - unwillingness to practice something
  • Statutory - controlled yesteryear a constabulary or statute
  • Amend - to brand changes to a document, law, understanding etc, peculiarly inwards society to amend it
  • On the Blue Planet - with the full general public
  • Footing - the basic weather condition inwards which something operates or develops
  • Nominee - someone who has been officially suggested for a labor or a prize
  • Eminent - famous, respected, or important
  • Truncated - made briefer or shorter, normally yesteryear removing a part
  • Constitute - to last or last considered equally something
  • Enforcing - to brand certain that a constabulary or dominion is obeyed yesteryear people
  • Curious - someone who is curious wants to notice out well-nigh something
  • Endorse -  to limited back upward for someone or something, peculiarly inwards public
  • Inexplicable - impossible to explain
  • Impasse - a province of affairs inwards which progress is impossible, peculiarly because the people involved cannot agree
  • Chair - the mortal who is inwards accuse of a meeting, committee, or company
  • Inescapable - if a fact or a province of affairs is inescapable, it cannot last ignored or avoided
  • Inference - an catch that you lot cast well-nigh something that is based on data you lot already have
  • Ombudsman - someone whose labor is to bargain with complaints that people brand well-nigh an organisation or item type of business

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Equity inwards taxes: Rich farmers should last treated on par with other taxpayers"

  • Equity - a fair as well as reasonable way of behaving towards people, as well as then that everyone is treated inwards the same way
  • On par with - of the same character equally or at the same bird as
  • Road map - a conception or laid of instructions that makes it easier for someone to practice something
  • Threshold - a bound at which an organisation changes
  • Policymaker - a fellow member of a authorities department, legislature, or other organisation who is responsible for making novel rules, laws, etc
  • Venture - a novel draw organisation or activity
  • Sizeable - fairly large
  • Taboo - if something is taboo, people practice non practice it or speak well-nigh it because it is offensive or shocking
  • Distress - a feeling that you lot accept when you lot are really unhappy, worried, or upset
  • Marginal - really small
  • Attribute something to someone/something - to believe that something is the resultant of a item situation, event, or person’s actions
  • Justification - a argue why something is right as well as morally right
  • Embarrassingly - inwards a mode or to a bird that causes self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness
  • Distinction - a deviation betwixt 2 like things
  • Thereby - because of, or yesteryear agency of, what has simply been mentioned
  • Widespread - happening or existing inwards many places, or affecting many people
  • Apprehension - a feeling of worry or fearfulness that something bad mightiness happen
  • Minuscule - extremely pocket-size inwards size or amount
  • Overtaxed - to brand someone pay to a greater extent than taxation than is fair
  • Handicap - a disadvantage that prevents you lot from doing something well
  • Thus -  equally a resultant of the fact that you lot accept simply mentioned
  • Policymaker - a fellow member of a authorities department, legislature, or other organisation who is responsible for making novel rules, laws, etc
  • Urgency -  the demand to bargain with something quickly
  • Middlemen -  a mortal or society that buys things from producers as well as sells them to customers at a profit
  • Cartel - a grouping of people or companies who all grip to sell something at the same toll as well as then that they tin all brand profits without competing with 1 another
  • Reform - a alter that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a scheme function to a greater extent than effectively
  • Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long fourth dimension at the same level
  • Merely - just; only
  • Transition - the procedure of changing from 1 situation, form, or province to another
  • Census - an occasion on which authorities officials count the people who alive inwards a solid seat down as well as tape other data well-nigh them
  • Lucrative - bringing a lot of money
  • Ought to - accept to
  • Tread - to walk or stride on something
  • Overdue - if something is overdue, it should accept been done earlier now
  • Fiscal - relating to coin as well as fiscal matters, peculiarly taxes
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