
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 1St May 2017

Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English linguistic communication Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu dated 1st May 2017. You tin dismiss click on the Titles to read the Editorials. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on 30th Apr 2017 (Sunday)

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Building holistic India-Sri Lanka ties"

  • Holistic - dealing amongst or treating the whole of something or someone in addition to non but a part
  • Engage - to attract in addition to maintain someone’s involvement or attention
  • Transactional - relating to buying in addition to selling
  • Regime - a authorities that controls a country
  • Flagging off - to inaugurate / induct something
  • A host of - a large number of something
  • Memorandum of Understanding - a document that records the details of an understanding betwixt 2 companies or organizations, which has non silent been legally approved
  • Set the phase for something - to do the weather inwards which something is likely to happen
  • Collaboration - the procedure of working amongst someone to make something
  • Sphere - a particular expanse of interest, activity, travel etc
  • Infrastructure - the ready of systems inside a house or organisation that impact how good it operates, for example the telephone in addition to carry systems inwards a country
  • Strongman - a political leader who uses forcefulness or threats to maintain power
  • Concern - a feeling of worry most something, particularly i that a lot of people have got most an of import issue
  • Prominent - of import in addition to good known
  • Bilateral - a bilateral understanding or activity is i that involves 2 groups or countries
  • Negotiation - the procedure of discussing something amongst someone inwards guild to hit an understanding amongst them
  • Preoccupied - thinking most something in addition to hence much or spending in addition to hence much fourth dimension doing something that you lot do non divulge other things or cannot holler back most other things
  • Channelling -  to work your energy, ability, feelings, or ideas for a particular purpose
  • Countering - to bring activeness inwards guild to oppose or halt something or bring down its negative effects
  • Revive -  to become, or to brand something become, active, successful, or pop again
  • Era - a catamenia of fourth dimension that has a particular lineament or character
  • Strategically - inwards a agency that relates to the achievement of long-term or overall aims in addition to interests
  • Enhanced - improved
  • Crucial - something that is crucial is extremely of import because it has a major upshot on the final result of something
  • Neighbouring - nigh each other
  • Bypass - to ignore a dominion or official authority
  • Robust - theatre in addition to determined
  • Civil state of war - a state of war fought betwixt dissimilar groups of people inside the same country
  • Protesting - to disagree strongly amongst something, oftentimes past times making a formal disceptation or taking activeness inwards public
  • Voicing - to limited your opinions or feelings most something, particularly negative feelings
  • Rival - a person, team, or draw of piece of work organisation that competes amongst another
  • Inching ahead - to movement really piece of cake or inwards a lot of brusk stages
  • Devolving - to bring mightiness or responsibleness from a key ascendency or authorities in addition to give it to smaller in addition to to a greater extent than local regions
  • Negotiator - vsomeone who tries to assist 2 groups who disagree to hit an understanding amongst each other
  • Holistic - thinking most the whole of something, in addition to non but dealing amongst particular aspects
  • Transcend - to croak further, rising above, or last to a greater extent than of import or ameliorate than something, particularly a limit
  • Livelihood - something such equally your travel that provides the coin that you lot ask to live
  • Battered - damaged
  • Fishery -  an expanse of the body of body of water where fish tin dismiss last caught to last sold
  • Crisis -  an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Long-standing - having existed for a long time
  • Conflict - angry disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Incursion - a province of affairs inwards which someone or something enters an expanse where they do non belong
  • Defunct - non existing or working whatever more
  • Autonomy -  the mightiness to brand your ain decisions
  • Likely - if something is likely, it volition belike travel on or is expected

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Mr. Trump’s taxation cut"

  • Boost -  to assist something to increase, improve, or croak to a greater extent than successful
  • Brief - using entirely a few words
  • Reform - a alter that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a scheme travel to a greater extent than effectively
  • Rejuvenate -  to brand something such equally an organization, system, or house practiced or effective again
  • Sluggish - non performing or reacting likewise equally usual
  • Dub - to give someone or something a particular mention or description, oftentimes a humorous one
  • Couple something amongst something - to catch i affair along amongst or inwards improver to something else
  • Slump -  to last all of a precipitous reduced to a much lower level
  • Productivity - the charge per unit of measurement at which goods are produced, particularly inwards relation to the time, money, in addition to workers needed to make them
  • Held dorsum - to halt something from progressing or developing equally it should
  • Eventual - happening or existing at the halt of a procedure or catamenia of time
  • Extent - the size in addition to importance of a job or situation
  • Trickle downwards - to have got an upshot gradually or after a long time
  • Steep - precipitous in addition to really big
  • Significant - really large or noticeable
  • Scrapping - to determine non to croak along amongst something such equally a conception or an event
  • Notably - especially: used for introducing a practiced example of something
  • Impose - to innovate something such equally a novel constabulary or novel system, in addition to forcefulness people to have got it
  • Protectionist - relating to a scheme inwards which a province helps its ain industries past times putting taxes on unusual goods
  • Shelved - to non bring activeness on something until a afterwards time
  • Tariffs - a taxation that a authorities charges on goods that come inwards or travel out their country
  • Pile - a large amount of something
  • Repatriate - to mail coin that you lot earn inwards a unusual province dorsum to your ain country
  • Inflow - an amount of something such equally coin or goods that comes into a place
  • Incentivise - to give someone a argue for wanting to travel hard
  • Shareholder - someone who owns shares inwards a company
  • Buyback - an scheme inwards which someone agrees to purchase dorsum shares or goods that they previously sold to someone
  • Walk dorsum - to bring dorsum a comment or opposite a decision
  • Adopt - to determine to outset using a particular idea, plan, or method
  • Deficit - the deviation betwixt the amount of coin or goods that a province or draw of piece of work organisation has in addition to the amount that it has spent or that it owes
  • Neutral - a province of no activity or development
  • Compensate - to alter or take away the bad final result of something
  • On the cards - really likely to happen
  • Bullish - expecting a successful future
  • Stance - a agency of thinking most something, particularly expressed inwards a publicly stated opinion
  • Unlikely - non likely or likely to happen
  • Significant - of import or noticeable
  • Deficit - the full amount past times which coin spent is to a greater extent than than coin received
  • Hawk - to sell goods informally inwards world places
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